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  • Jung Roe

    15/08/2020 at 02:43

    Time has always fascinated me.  There is Einstein’s theory of general relativity that shows gravity is not a force but rather a distortion of time and space, and that gravity literally slows down time.   Time passes more quickly high up in the mountains compared to down at sea level.  Mind bending!

    During these uncertain times, this video really resonated with me about how Life is not short, we just waste a lot of time.


  • Jung Roe

    15/08/2020 at 02:46

    I got this skeletonized pocket watch when I turned 50, in a funny way perhaps to remind me I’m getting old!    Having an engineering background seeing mechanical guts of watches, pens etc fascinates me.

    Sometimes I just enjoy watching the beautiful movement of this watch with a magnifying glass for a long time, and it reminds me of the passing of time. As per the description I provided below, so much intricate activity goes on inside to keep time, the same way so much happens around us with each passing second. Looking at this watch for a minute ticking away and the balance wheel and gears moving, It all gives me an appreciation of time, how beautiful it can be, how precious it is, and how our world around us moves along every second in the same way. The beauty of a second!


    A mechanical watch movement operates at approx 21,600 beats per hour, which means it ticks about 5 to 6 times a second.  The balance wheel which is the heart of the watch movement oscillates in circular motion 5 to 6 times a second slowly releasing the energy stored in the hand wound main spring. This slow regulated release of energy is what keeps consistent accurate time. The escapement and gear train, which looks like dual hammers swinging back and forth, hitting a regulated gear, acts like a brake taking energy transmitted from the mainspring through the gear train pushing equally metered energy to the balance wheel which in turn transfers energy through the dial train to the hands of the watch.


  • Jung Roe

    15/08/2020 at 02:49

    I want share “the beauty of a second” video. Its a one minute video that captures beautiful 1 second moments captured from across the world and compiled into a video. I hope this video can illustrate how every moment, even a second can be beautiful. We should cherish every moment. After seeing this it helps me to appreciate time a little more and not to waste it. No moment is insignificant.


  • Jung Roe

    15/08/2020 at 02:50

    …every second counts


  • Jung Roe

    15/08/2020 at 02:51
  • Jung Roe

    15/08/2020 at 02:52

    The beauty of a second, where every moment counts:


  • Jung Roe

    15/08/2020 at 03:19

    Time keeps on slipping…..


  • David Herrick

    15/08/2020 at 03:24

    That one could go on the animal song thread too!

    Jung, you made me think of this Willie Nelson song.  Lots of people have recorded it, so I just picked my favorite vocalist among them:


  • Joseph Manzi

    15/08/2020 at 03:32

    Nor sure if this was other list. If so, oh well. Hopefully not.

  • Joseph Manzi

    15/08/2020 at 03:37

    I wanted this song not all the other. Time Passenger




    Also Year of the Cat for songs about animals if it has not been picked.

  • Jung Roe

    15/08/2020 at 05:09

    That Brenda Lee cover of How Time Slips Away is so smooth and easy going David, nice one!

    Fly Like an Eagle is the perfect with both time and animal references.  I never even clued into the animal reference, which was so obvious, until you mentioned it!  🙂


  • Jung Roe

    15/08/2020 at 05:19

    Time Passages, I haven’t heard that one in a long time Joe.  Great!  My brother had a lot of Al Stewart records so heard a lot of Al Stewart growing up, enjoy his easy going music.  Year of the Cat is his best I think and awesome for the animal post.

  • Jung Roe

    15/08/2020 at 08:40

    There’s time to free your mind!!!

    Rock n Roll is here to stay!!!

    Mona and Lisa carry Rock&Roll into the future!   Great song writers, singers, and musicians themselves inspired by the legends of the past, they continue the tradition of timeless great music creation.

    Once Upon A Time

    There is a time to walk ahead
    And there’s a time to stay behind
    There is a time to play along
    And there’s a time to free your mind

    When times were changing
    All across the universe
    You could hear music
    On the dark side of the moon
    It was the season of the witch
    She came around to heal the blind

    Once upon a time
    When Mars and Jupiter aligned
    They said the new age
    Of Aquarius had begun
    Love was in the air
    And there was music everywhere
    And all the people joining in
    Were having fun

    You paid your dues
    You learnt your lesson
    So you know the stage is set
    You can’t believe in what you see
    Cause what you see ain’t what you get
    Maybe we’re nothing more
    Than footprints in the sand
    And soon the flood may come
    To wash it all away
    And yet I cannot help but think
    There must be more to it than that

    Once upon a time
    When Mars and Jupiter aligned
    They said the new age
    Of Aquarius had begun
    Love was in the air
    And there was music everywhere
    And all the people joining in
    Were having fun

    For we’ve been told that young and old
    Will learn from each other
    To understand your fellow man
    To care for your brother
    For we’ve been told that young and old
    Can teach one another
    To understand your fellow man
    To care for your brother

    So when the future has no future
    And the past has passed away
    We’re left with nothing to remember
    Left with nothing but today
    When I hear people say that Rock n’ Roll is dead
    Who will be playing for the children of the King
    Then I remember the old saying
    Rock n Roll is here to stay

  • Howard

    15/08/2020 at 09:14

    That is an awesome watch Jung. Was it a birthday gift or a special present to yourself? It’s a bit difficult to judge the size from the video. Is it a practical one to wear or more for show.

    Amazing just how skilled old fashioned watchmakers were. Especially the Swiss.

  • Jung Roe

    15/08/2020 at 21:53

    Hi Howard.  Thanks, yes it was a birthday gift to myself.  It’s quite a bit bigger than any wrist watch measuring about 5 cm across.  Fascinated looking at the intricate polished and adorned movement, it’s like a world of it’s own in there each part effecting the other, like our solar system.  Wanted to get something special to mark my half century on this earth.  This one isn’t a Swiss movement, but rather a more affordable Japanese movement. The craftsmanship is top notch though, every part looks buffed and polished like a high quality movement.  The Swiss version cost is astronomical.  I would rather spend the money on a nice fountain pen!  🙂  Hope you’re doing well!


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