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  • The British Reggae Invasion

    Posted by John Behle on 16/08/2020 at 09:59

    Three Little Birds by Bob Marley made me think about UB40.  Years ago I picked up a UB40 Labour of Love CD without knowing much about them except the popular song “Red Red Wine”.   I just now saw there is a Labour of Love 2 and 3.  Over 50 singles on the UK charts and 70 million records sold.  Heading to iTunes next.

    There was just graphics on the CD I had so I pictured another version of Bob Marley and the Wailers.  Quite the surprise a couple years ago to see a makeup of English, Welsh, Irish, Jamaican, Scottish and Yemeni musicians.

    I love the drum beat in many Reggae songs and the horns add to it without overwhelming everything else.  The horns bring back my love for many of Chicago’s hits.  It also reminds me of one of my favorite concerts.  It was an REO. Speedwagon concert and “Tower of Power” was the first band.  We got a very long set from them as REO Speedwagon was very late.  I think “Tower of Power” is what led me to my “Candy Dulfer” cd’s and there are some great videos of them playing with her on YouTube.

    I guess UB40 is a 70’s band – but still playing.  But there was some good music in the 70’s too.


    Jacki Hopper replied 4 years, 1 month ago 6 Members · 14 Replies
  • 14 Replies
  • Johnnypee Parker

    16/08/2020 at 11:54

    John, have you ever heard this reggae version of Sgt Pepper?

  • Joseph Manzi

    16/08/2020 at 13:31

    Very good Johnnypee,

    Never heard this one. Easy Stars is the name of the band?

    It reminds me of a cd I have of the Rock Opera of Tommy done in Bluegrass wasn’t bad.

    I hope I can get this reggae of Sgt. Pepper

  • Joseph Manzi

    16/08/2020 at 15:55

    Hey Johnnypee, I was able to purchase cd on Amazon for 11 and change.

    So I listen to snip its and like it and purchased. Thanks for showing that.

    So be good. Johnnypee Good.


  • Howard

    16/08/2020 at 16:01

    I’ve never heard this before either JP. Thanks for sharing. I’ll have to listen to it in full when I get the time. It’s a great interpretation of the first album I ever bought, in 1967, when I was only 15 years old. The same age Mona and Lisa were when they had their school exchange experience in Australia in 2009, just to put things in perspective.

    I am trying to think whether they’d actually recorded anything off this album. “She’s Leaving Home” comes to mind but not sure where it is now. Probably one of their radio shows.

  • Joseph Manzi

    16/08/2020 at 16:19

    They also do when I’m 64 too. Howard. Like that Eric Burdon River Deep Mountain High.

    I listen to the  whole  Sgt. Peppers and they a great job on this cd. Worth buying…  If you enjoy Reggae music. Defiantly would be better with some  –  I won’t say it…. You figure it out.

  • Howard

    16/08/2020 at 16:36

    Of course. How could I foget that video. That and “Maxwell’s Silver Hammer”, which was never a favourite Beatles’ number of mine, but how can you not like the MLT version, with the cameo appearance of papa Rudi as the unhinged Maxwell.

  • Joseph Manzi

    16/08/2020 at 17:13

    I like the music but not the words. Paul would write some weird stuff sometimes. Helter Skelter – Why don’t we do it in the road – You know my name look up the number. I know on the recording of Maxwell. Mal Evans used a hammer and bang a piece of steel to get the effect.

    Yea Rudy did a good Max.


  • Joseph Manzi

    16/08/2020 at 17:21

    Wasn’t it the bass player of the Animals who help discover Jimi Hendrx when he was in England before he came to back to the States.

  • Howard

    16/08/2020 at 18:14

    Yes Joe, Chas Chandler discovered Jimi in Greenwich Village, New York City after he left the Animals in 1966. He found him accomadation and recruited his band mates Noel Redding and Mitch Mitchell. He also funded his first single “Hey Joe”, as he didn’t have a recording contract. After Hendrix, Chandler managed Slade for 12 years.

  • Jacki Hopper

    16/08/2020 at 23:07

    I did enjoy UB40 in their heyday in the 80s, especially, their hit…” Red Red Wine”… also enjoy Bob Marley, especially, “Jammin”  and a few other songs I like from Bob…

    On a side note, the guitarist from my fave Canadian band Glass Tiger, did have his own band called ” Crab Bucket Orchestra, that was Reggaeish in music style as also his solo CD…

  • Jung Roe

    16/08/2020 at 23:38

    John, I remember UB 40 from the 80s on the radio all the time.  They were great.  The term British Reggae Invasion is interesting.  I guess there were a lot of British reggae groups like UB40.  Will have to check into them more.

    JP, the reggae version of Sargent Peppers is delightful, just listening to the first few tracks as I type.  Nice alternative versions.  I can’t wait to get to A Day In the Life!


  • Jung Roe

    16/08/2020 at 23:49

    Couldnt’ wait, jumped to A Day In The Life, and it’s not bad!  There is even a bit of a Bob Marlyish 3 birds ring in some guitar parts while staying true to the feel of the original. Enjoyed their version!  Even has that short reverse playing sounding vocal bit at the end of the album telling you it’s over!

  • John Behle

    18/08/2020 at 07:22

    [postquote quote=100742][/postquote]
    Thanks JohnnyP!  I liked that version of Dr. Pepper.  Listening to the whole album now.  Quite enjoyable.  Noticed another album of theirs that is “Dub Side of the Moon.”  A reggae version of Pink Floyd songs.  I like it when someone does a good adaptation of a song into another genre.   A couple that come to mind are Faith Hill’s version of “Piece of My Heart” and an “XFactor” country version of “Somebody to Love” by Rachel Potter.

  • Jacki Hopper

    18/08/2020 at 16:06

    Yes, Faith Hill did great take on the song ??

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