MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Don’t hurt my little sister

  • Don’t hurt my little sister

    Posted by Jung Roe on 18/08/2020 at 23:25

    I’ve always liked this song from the very first time I heard it, maybe because I couldn’t stand anyone hurting my little sister too.  For the longest time I was the youngest in our family of 4 siblings, getting the most attention and affection from my parents and getting away with a lot because I was the baby of the family.  Then one day, this little rug rat came along and dethroned me of that position, my little baby sister Eileen suddenly got all the attention.  But over the years this cute and often bratty little sister has been my biggest advocate, a best friend, and always has my back! ?

    Anyone know of any other little sis songs?  Or big sis songs are OK too!  Those seem hard to come by.

    Jacki Hopper replied 4 years, 1 month ago 5 Members · 26 Replies
  • 26 Replies
  • Bill Isenberg

    18/08/2020 at 23:47

    Hello Jung my friend!

    New one for me, I Will have to listen to that one, thanks for putting that out there. I know there are a ton of songs out there for this subject, but one song comes to my mind and that is If you really want to be my friend by the Stones off there It’s only rock and Roll LP 1974. But then I think Big Girls Don’t Cry, The Four Seasons 1964, I guess I Could go on and on and not 100% sure if I am adding to your question Jung but love getting on this club and hearing from you

    Take care





    • Howard

      19/08/2020 at 06:38

      Hi Bill. Your name has just inspired me to create a new Topic, which I am already working on, and it’s got nothing to do with Bill wyman!

      As for your reply, the songs “If you really want to be my friend” and “Big Girls Don’t Cry”, aren’t about little or big sisters. The Stones song though is a nice number from probably the last of their great albums, and I think the last with Mick Taylor.

      My favourite Four Seasons’ song is “Rag Doll”. Amazing harmonies and some great lyrics too.

      I hope you are doing well. I’ve been enjoying your contributions to the Club Forum.


  • Jung Roe

    19/08/2020 at 00:38

    Hey there Bill, thanks so much!  Both songs are great.  I haven’t heard that Rolling Stones song before, so thanks for that too.  Really enjoying reading all your posts at the club!  🙂

  • David Herrick

    19/08/2020 at 01:44
  • Jung Roe

    19/08/2020 at 06:06

    Nice find David!  While the lyrics is not about a sibling sister, still an interesting Elvis song I never heard before.  Elvis looks a little drunk or high or something in the video.  He’s using a nice black and white Gretsch for that rich twangy sound.

  • Howard

    19/08/2020 at 06:09

    This is my go to “Little Sister” song.

    Ry Cooder – Little Sister

  • Howard

    19/08/2020 at 06:10

    Queens of the Stone Age – “Little sister”

  • Howard

    19/08/2020 at 06:12

    And how about a “Hillbilly Deluxe” version?

  • Howard

    19/08/2020 at 06:15

    And how about “Cry Little Sister”

  • Howard

    19/08/2020 at 06:24

    But to be fair Jung, your question didn’t reference sibling little sister. It was more generic. “Anyone know of any other little sis songs?  Or big sis songs are OK too!”

    Now why did I always think you might have been spoilt. That photo you posted of the family gave that one away! I have an older sister and two older brothers and a younger sister that came along about 14 months after me, so I didn’t get much time to be spoilt. Our youngest sibling came along about five years later, and yes, he was spoilt.

    Hard to find “big sister” songs. None come to my mind, but I’ve no doubt, someone from this illustrious Club will find one.

    If not, then perhaps Mona just might have to write one. Not too late for the new originals album they’re preparing. Lisa could also respond with her own “Little Sister” original!

  • David Herrick

    19/08/2020 at 06:39

    I’ve always thought that the Beatles should have covered Elvis’ “Little Sister” in their early days.  I can readily picture John singing the vocal in a higher key and in his “Twist and Shout” voice, and George playing that descending guitar riff.


  • Jung Roe

    19/08/2020 at 06:41

    Nice videos Howard.  Dwight Yoakam and Ry Cooder versions of that song each have their own unique character.  Did a google look up of this song, though written by some one else it looks like it was a successful top 10 hit for Elvis first in 1961 and covered by others, and Ry Cooders version went right up to number 1 in New Zealand.  That other one by Queens of Stone Age sounds very different, like a different song altogether.  Like the guitar sounds in that one.

  • Jacki Hopper

    19/08/2020 at 07:20

    I did already suggest Dwight Yoakams version…perhaps I posted by mistake on one of the other song topic postings…lol…I know I did, I remembering posting, and my 5ablet decided to to do a software update around that time I posted so maybe I did post here but it never showed up due to tablet update,…Howard and I were on same Dwight Yoakam train of thought….lol….Ok 2:32 AM I need to sleep now…dumb insomnia spurts I now get since I’m over 50…lol…#WomenStuffPast50 ?

  • Jung Roe

    19/08/2020 at 07:31

    Thanks Jacki!

  • Jung Roe

    19/08/2020 at 07:36

    I’m enjoying all the song input, doesn’t have to be sibling sis.   All songs with sister is welcome.  🙂

  • Jung Roe

    19/08/2020 at 07:53

    Howard, that Marilyn Manson video is very eerie with some interesting music effects, reminds me a little of Evanescence of which I like some of their songs.

    David, I think a Beatles version of Little Sister would be very nice.  I think they could have taken that song to some creative heights.

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