• sing a long

    Posted by Bill Isenberg on 01/09/2020 at 00:55

    So as you all know I have been singing along with the Mona Lisa Twins or should I say….I try…LOL. So a question for you all, how many of us sing with them? And how does it make you feel? You all know my answer….young and great!!! Jung have you tried yet??? LOL…No pressure here…just fun !

    Jacki Hopper replied 4 years ago 7 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • Johnnypee Parker

    01/09/2020 at 03:33

    We can hear Jung singing all the way over here!  Singing along with MLT makes me feel like some one still cares.  I have not been able to find any new music that I really like, or that causes me to give it a second spin.  The quality of these recordings is fantastic.  Please turn up the volume.

    MLT’s original songs are just my style.  It’s so nice to have new songs that insist on being heard again, and again.  I am looking forward to their next release.

    Can I add one more question, where does this magic occurr?  My voice sounds best in the car, to an audience of one.  And do you ever try to do your best Dylan?  Sometimes the Dylan voice comes out when’re you hear his songs.  I wonder if Mona ever tried to impersonate him.   Mind you, I prefer the MLT version of this classic.

    I almost hurt myself trying to sing along with Both Sides Now.  The range on that song is in the clouds for sure.



  • Michael Thompson

    01/09/2020 at 16:08

    I love to sing but I don’t usually sing with the twins because I don’t want to ruin the song!

  • Jung Roe

    01/09/2020 at 18:48

    LOL!  Bill, JP, well I can say I sing my heart out in my head when I listen to MLT.  Just singing out loud I am afraid right now might ruin the song like Mike said.  But I think maybe the magic can start inside the car to start singing along.  Perhaps when my piano skills improve, I can learn an MLT original on the piano and sing along while I play.  🙂

  • Johnnypee Parker

    01/09/2020 at 23:04

    Honestly, I get wicked stage fright singing in front of other people, but when I am alone I sing along with almost everything.  My audience seems to like it.

    Now I can hear the thinkers,”When JP sings by himself, and there is no one their to listen, does he actually make a sound?”

    Did the Carpenter’s teach us anything?



  • Bill Isenberg

    01/09/2020 at 23:56

    Great responds everyone. I can understand not singing so it drowns out the Twins. But I feel like I am right there with them singing…LOL…but today? I had the CD When were together , the first album of originals, I just listened and enjoyed the ride home and let the Mona Lisa Twins take the days stress away.

  • Jacki Hopper

    02/09/2020 at 01:03

    MLTBuzzGroovyGuilty  of doing so… I’m constantly singing and a long time ago  I did and still have videos of me singing along outloud with MLT while their CDs are playing….I love singing,  have done some karaoke,  open mic jams , but one day, maybe with Team MLT’S  permission first, I’ll attempt to sing a song of theirs at an open mic jam,  ( whenever it will be ok to do so again or if need be during online version)??

  • David Herrick

    02/09/2020 at 01:10

    I’d include myself in the camp of those who’d rather hear Mona’s and Lisa’s vocals than my own, but would also rather hear my own vocals on MLT songs than complete silence.

    JP, my inner six-year-old is insisting I point out that that wonderful song is originally from Sesame Street, and comes in two linguistic flavors:



  • Howard

    03/09/2020 at 03:51

    Nice one guys. Now if only! If only I could sing out loud … without waking the dead! It’s nice to turn the volume up load and, with the headphones on, sing out loud, in a private soundproofed room!

    • Howard

      04/09/2020 at 14:01

      That should be “turn the volume up loud”.

  • Bill Isenberg

    04/09/2020 at 01:03

    Got to say singing helps me a lot and and it lifts my spirts after a crazy day at the job. But I do understand anyone not comfortable in public. My music director at church tells us to look above everyones head and try not to look at anyone if your not comfortable. But these ladies know how to sing and it is pretty cool to pretend to sing with them….LOL….i guess I am trying to stay Groovy!!


  • Jacki Hopper

    04/09/2020 at 17:51

    I eat, breathe, sleep singing along to radio, cds, , etc, wherever  the music thst moves and inspires me to feel good, dance, sing, you bet I’m going to enjoy, and I don’t  care how others think of me in doing so, I do it because it makes me feel good.

    I often had told my late Mom, she should of been a professional  singer, she had a lovely voice ( maybe it was a dream she did want but didn’t  know how to go about it, I’ll never know), even during her post stroke damage years remaining in life, she couldn’t sing actual words anymore but could still hum or babble on in perfect pitch/tune to a song on tv/radio/live in sunroof if a musician came to entertain the patients, or a nursing staff sang to Mom, Mom would love to try singing…. One occasion that I’m now grateful for , that I had taken a work related course through local college at the time,  and I decided to do the assignment  on my Mom, as a Stroke patient… I started singing Star Bangled Banner , as she loved the song(the Sept long wknd was always spent in Oswego NY USA at the car races with Dad and some of their friends) andcI had recorded her attempt at singing the tune , not words. I’m happy to have an audio keepsake of her singing voice, though changed from her pre stroke years where I thoroughly  enjoyed her talent around home.

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