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  • Fave MLT Lyrical Preferences, Why !?

    Posted by Jacki Hopper on 12/09/2020 at 16:13

    Okdokey, out of all MLT Originals, which do you consider your fave Lyrical preferences, and why  …?!… What was the captivation that drew you to the specific lyrics !?

    Jung Roe replied 3 years, 12 months ago 8 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    12/09/2020 at 22:39

    “Now you tell me there’s somebody else in your life that is close to you
    And I desperately try to find something that I could reply
    I could cry but there’s one thing I have to keep telling myself to get by
    Nothing ever lasts forever, my oh my.”

    The lyrics, melody, beautiful singing, and wonderful guitar line of Close To You always moves me deeply.  I can really feel where this song comes from.  Raises goosebumps always.  I don’t know if this is based on a real life experience, but it is a powerful song.

  • Robert Fendt

    12/09/2020 at 23:20

    Think I have to go along with Jung Roe there, close to you is a favourite original of mine and it’s the first MLT song I heard on Facebook so that makes it all the more special for me the discovery of MonaLisa Twins.

  • Joseph Manzi

    12/09/2020 at 23:41

    They are all good. But the one I like . Because it’s a fun song is I want to Kiss You.  I like that it’s really a two video song. The making of song and the finish product. I love the blue lips I thought they were cute. The Girls looked like they had fun making. And the words are catchy.

    It’s one of those songs when you hear it. It stays in your head all day.



  • Michael Thompson

    13/09/2020 at 02:23

    I have a personal lyric hall of fame, lines that really reach me. One of them is “we’re run by maniacs by maniac means” from still a friend of mine. Lovely turn of phrase.

  • David Herrick

    14/09/2020 at 07:35

    As far as just the lyrics, my favorite is It’s Alright.  I’ve always been strongly individualistic, and that song encourages you to be yourself regardless of what appearances others expect you to uphold.


  • Howard

    15/09/2020 at 23:51

    There are so many, Jacki, but I’d have to go with “Count On Me”. The special relationship that exists between father and daughter is related so poetically and sensitively. Following is a sample.

    “Sometimes I throw a stone into the darkness
    Just to see what sound it makes
    I listen closely when it hits the surface
    It says a little trust is all it takes

    Sometimes I light a candle in the darkness
    I watch the shadows dancing on the wall
    And now it’s up to my imagination
    What it is I’m making of it all

    No matter how many turns a river makes
    It will always meet the sea
    No matter how many times a promise breaks
    You can always count on me
    As time will go by you’ll see
    You can always count on me

    Sometimes I look for guidance in the darkness
    To find the hidden path that takes me home
    But by the time I’ve come around full circle
    I’m off again to make it on my own”

  • Bill Isenberg

    16/09/2020 at 00:13


    I am with you on Count on Me, such a beautiful song and one that I love very much. Also I love The Wide Wide Land and the video that goes with that song. but so many pick from ….geez very hard one to pick

  • Jung Roe

    24/09/2020 at 00:58

    June, can you tell me why
    We had to say goodbye so soon
    Would you come along
    And bring my baby home

    May you be kind to me
    Our love is meant to be
    Oh June, would you come along
    And bring my baby home

    Such beautiful longing for someone you miss.


  • Bill Isenberg

    24/09/2020 at 01:29


    One of your favorites, Sweet Lorraine. The lyrics are very well written and very good story to follow. And the Duo session of this song takes it to another level for me. And the little kiss Mona does is cool! But we all have to agree that this music that they do, is well done and done with such good hearted spirit and love there is no way you can not love this music. I said it before and I will repeat, I am so glad I found the Mona Lisa Twins and their music. My life is music and this fits right into my wheel house and makes my days so much better.

  • Bill Isenberg

    25/09/2020 at 19:52


    June was on my mind first thing today when I woke up, it has that Till There Was You feel effect to me with the rhythm and guitar strumming and picking. Love it

  • Jung Roe

    25/09/2020 at 21:14

    Hi Bill.  June is certainly a wonderful song to start off the day with.  I had a listen to both June and Til There Was You and you’re right, they share a similar feel indeed, especially the sweet guitar work.  Love those intricate guitar picking sounds in June and Til There Was You.  So masterfully done.

  • Jung Roe

    26/09/2020 at 06:47

    Although it’s a cover, it might as well be an MLT original for me as I never heard this song before and probably never would have if it weren’t for Mona and Lisa.  “Aufsteh’n” is one of my favourite songs off the 2007 Concert album.  Awesome lyrics kicking off the song.  While I don’t know all the lyrics as most of it is in German, the leading english part I think says it all.  What a great intro to the world of the MonaLisa Twins!

    Hey!  This is Mona Lisa and band, just welcome!

    Everybody wake up
    Forget your strive
    embrace life,  Yo!!!

    Come on and check this!


    I’m sad
    I want to see your funny side again make me laugh and
    take me to your heart where it all began
    make a new start
    I promise I’ll do all I can for this is the very last chance
    to let our love light shine again


    Wake up woman
    There’s something that I want you to see
    A brand new you and me
    They’re just waiting to be
    Here’s my hand
    So meet me half of the way
    Sweetheart, we’re sharing this day
    And I don’t wish to stay
    The way that I am.
    I see the circumstances are strange
    How I want you to change,
    But still stay the same.
    The less that we talk,
    The more time we try.
    And while you were sleeping,
    Time passed by.


    Everybody wake up
    Forget your strive
    embrace life,  Oh yeah!!

    check this, come on!

    Everybody stand up, yeah, yeah

    Everybody stand up, stand up yeah, yeah….

    Such a catchy and groovy song.  Transports me back to my youth!  Makes me want to “get up” and dance to life!

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