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  • Framed, autographed pictures for sale

    Posted by Kenny Daniels on 28/09/2020 at 20:46

    Hi Mona and Lisa! It was fun watching you draw a name to win a framed, signed picture of the two of you. I’m wondering if you’ve ever considered selling such things along with the CDs, clothing and other items of merchandise that you sell.  It would be very cool to able to get a framed, signed picture of you whenever we wanted.

    Darryl Boyd replied 3 years, 11 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    28/09/2020 at 20:46

    Hi Kenny,

    Thanks, we’re glad you enjoyed the Giveaway! Yes, that is actually something we will definitely consider, especially for the Club. We have offered limited edition handwritten lyrics for sale in the Club before and people seemed to really like them. We will do special edition runs like that again with photos, lyrics etc.
    Also, all Club members get the posters from our webshop signed as one of the perks of being here 🙂 We were thinking of printing new posters soon but for now you can find all available ones here:

    We’ll always keep you updated on any specials through the MLT Club Wire ♥

    Thanks for the input and have a groovy day!

  • Darryl Boyd

    28/09/2020 at 23:04

    Great idea Kenny.

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