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  • hello from Pacific Northwest

    Posted by Will Beard on 03/10/2020 at 02:05

    A long time ago music wormed its way in my being, raised on Miller, Goodman, Dorsey etc, then doo wop (love harmony) showed up on the radio followed by rock and roll and blues. More recently, 2020, I discover the Twins and fell in love with how they honor the old songs while injecting new energy. I started out dancing as a young teen and while never a pro was on a dance floor as often as I could and always ALWAYS preferred dancing to live music. Because of lung issues I can no longer dance so December 2013 began teaching myself to play the organ, in 2016 I joined a veterans music group for fun then in 2018 formed a band with the idea of bringing extra instruments and playing in public venues so anyone but especially teens could walk-up and sit in. We have since become the house band (unpaid) at a local shopping mall. I have shared MLT music with band members and recently brought up learning a couple of MLT originals to play for the locals.  I am looking forward to more music from Mona and Lisa, covers (DC5, Clapton, Paul Revere & Raiders, Four Tops) and originals.

    Tom Fones replied 3 years, 11 months ago 9 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    03/10/2020 at 02:12

    Hiya Will, and Welcome, nice to meet you, wow, you play organ, love organs…. I’ve been an MLTer for going on 13 yrs now…by the way, I’m from Canada, Ottawa wise, look forward to your future postings and enjoy the MLT Club offerings☮

  • Jung Roe

    03/10/2020 at 02:38

    Hello Will, a big warm welcome to the MLT Club, and hope you have a great time here.  I’m on the Canadian side of the Pacific Northwest and know Washington and Oregon states well.  Making music in a band sounds wonderful.  That’s awesome you shared MLT music with your band and will be playing MLT music too.

  • Joseph Manzi

    03/10/2020 at 12:37

    Hi Will,

    Welcome aboard, looking forward to interacting with you.

    Have a great day


  • Howard

    03/10/2020 at 13:04

    Welcome to the Club Will. It’s awesome you have big band era music in your DNA. Fantastic also that you have the opportunity to share MLT music with people. We’ve had some twenties style music from the Twins, but I don’t think we’ve had any Dorsey, Miller and Goodman etcetera. Not really their style but I’m sure they could do justice to it if they had the time for a project like that. I can see the Wagner family playing trombones, trumpets, saxophones and clarinets etcetera. It would be a terrific show.

  • David Johnson

    03/10/2020 at 23:12

    Will, I’m sorry you’re not able to dance anymore.  I wish you all the best in your playing!  I hope you are having a lot of fun!

    David  : )

  • Lynn T. Newcomb

    07/10/2020 at 20:42

    I don’t know if there’s a quota of welcoming responses the Twins like to see before they jump in, but I thought I’d give you a welcome from another newcomer regardless.  I’m originally from California and, like Jung, I’m very familiar with Oregon and Washington.  Beautiful country.  You don’t say how old you were when you started learning to play the organ, but if was anywhere near 65 then I’m encouraged, since I trying to learn how to play the ukulele.  I’ve learned 3 cords, now I just need to practice playing them in sequence.  Anyway, welcome to the club, and let us know when we can hear one of your MLT covers.

  • Will Beard

    07/10/2020 at 21:33

    Thank you everyone for the welcoming comments. Some clarifications here –  I mentioned Glenn Miller, Benny Goodwin, Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey only as part of my musical background, my parents music, not as a request to anyone. First music I listened to that was my generation was doo wop.

    I began my keyboard lessons Christmas Day 2013 at age 66 using lessons built into a Casio keyboard that was a present from my wife. Then after joining the veterans group my playing focused on treble chords for accompaniment since there was a bass player for that part, plus playing just chords I was able to add songs to my list fairly quickly, now however I am focused on expanding my playing to include bass line and melody.

    A plug for NW bands I grew up listening and dancing to: Dave Lewis (David’d Mood pt2), The Viceroys (Grannys Pad), Paul Revere and the Raiders, The Sonics (The Witch), and old friend  Merrilee Rush (Angel Of The Morning).

  • Rudolf Wagner

    08/10/2020 at 21:53

    Hi Will!
    Thanks for saying “hi” in the forum, we hope you’ve enjoyed meeting everyone so far! 🙂

    If you end up playing any of our songs with your band at the mall, we’d love to see that if there is a way you can film it! We love seeing other people interpret our songs and we always feel very honored. Also thank you for sending us the letter with the article about the Inclusion Jam Project! We love getting snail mail ♥

    We applaud you for starting to learn the organ in 2013 – it’s never too late! There are no excuses not to go after your ambitions and have some fun with art and music. We are so glad to hear it’s bringing you joy 🙂

    Thank you for supporting our journey and for being groovy,
    Mona & Lisa

  • Tom Fones

    09/10/2020 at 04:12

    Welcome from Northern California.

    I hope you all are breathing well up there.


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