• Posted by Andrew Butt on 05/10/2020 at 15:38

    Hi Mona & Lisa, My name is Andy, and without giving away my exact age [A guy is entitled to some secrets!!] I Do…do…do…do…do Remember the Scaffold hit first time around! Think of a number between 61 & 63 and you won’t be far out. Are you going to release a Vol 2 of the MLT Club Duo Album. If so, could I suggest ‘Lola’, ‘Do you Remember’ & perhaps something like ‘Hey Jude’ go on it? Also, considering where you come from, ‘Vienna’ originally recorded by Ultravox? Are you touring next year, if so could I request that you look at the Theatre Severn here in Shrewsbury  as a venue. I would love to see your show live. I love your music; as to my favourite track, it depends what mood I’m in. If I’m feeling mellow, then it has to be the beautiful ‘Still a Friend of Mine’; If I’m feeling more upbeat, then ‘Lola’ or ‘Revolution’, or your own ‘Club 27’. I’ll let you go now, but Stay Groovy & Stay Safe. Andy


    Andrew Butt replied 3 years, 11 months ago 6 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    05/10/2020 at 17:35

    Hi Andrew/Andy, nice to meet you, Welcome to here,  I enjoyed reading your intro…. Been an MLTer myself going on 13 yrs,  You’re going to love what all goes here at the MLT Club, definitely will have you MLTBuzzLuvGroovin, looking forward to more posts from you☮

  • Jung Roe

    06/10/2020 at 00:40

    Welcome to the Club Andy, so glad you joined and said hello.  Hope you have a fine time here!

  • Howard

    06/10/2020 at 21:17

    Nice to have you on board Andrew. And a nice selection of favourites there.

  • Lynn T. Newcomb

    07/10/2020 at 21:15

    Hi Andy, my son’s second grade teacher was Mrs. Butt.  She pronounced it “boot”, so I assume you do as well.  Anyway, welcome to club.  I’m also a newcomer to the club.  My advice: learn how to use the search tool for the forums.  It has it’s limitations but overall I’ve been satisfied with it.  And don’t forget to explore the rest of the site.  The archived radio programs are particularly fun to listen to.   Have fun.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    08/10/2020 at 21:48

    Hi Andy,

    Pleasure to meet you here in the MLT Club, thanks for being a member! 🙂

    It will be time to start thinking of new songs for more Duo Sessions soon so we can start recording them for next year, and we appreciate your suggestion. We’ll probably stick to songs that we have not covered yet but god knows what we’ll try!

    With everything going on right now we doubt that a tour will be in the cards next year but we’ll have a look at the venue you suggested. We’ve never been to Shrewsbury but it’s something that has been on our list for quite awhile now, it’s such a beautiful town.

    Greetings to there and have a lovely evening!
    Mona  & Lisa

  • Andrew Butt

    11/10/2020 at 21:03

    Hi Mona, and thanks for your reply to my post. Great to hear from you. I’m looking forward to hearing Duo Vol 2 next year, but also can’t wait till this Friday when I can pre-order your new live CD. By the way, If I were you, I wouldn’t be surprised if I get a load of new fans [and MLT Club members] in the Shrewsbury area soon, as I am telling all my friends about this super cool [ and can I say, gorgeous] new band I’ve found, the Mona Lisa Twins. Yes, I’m spreading your word all round Shrewsbury. They all say they will go & check you out, so look out…..! Any way, I’ll let you go now, so look after yourself, and Lisa, and the rest of Team MLT, and Stay Safe. Bye.

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