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  • And Your Bird Can Sing?

    Posted by Graham Smyth on 23/10/2020 at 14:32

    Hello Ladies,  I just watched a vid on YouTube of Josh Turner doing a cover of “And Your Bird Can Sing” with a friend on two guitars, they do a splendid job! I’m sure that I remember Lisa mentioning maybe doing the song at some point (not sure), admittedly the lead guitar parts look difficult to me, but I can’t play anyway!  I am pretty certain that you two could more than match his version so Ladies, what are the chances?

    Joseph Manzi replied 3 years, 10 months ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    23/10/2020 at 14:32

    We saw that video! Josh did such an amazing job playing both guitar lines at the same time. It made me sweat watching him pull that off 😀 I am 99% certain that in the original recording George did an overdub in the studio. It’s one of my favourites so maybe we’ll give it a go sometime … MonaLisa Twins play Beatles & more Vol. 4 maybe? 🙂
    First it’s time to finish that original album!

  • Graham Smyth

    23/10/2020 at 17:42

    Thanks for the reply Lisa. I’d prefer to watch you two play it in a video but great either way. I can’t wait to hear your new album! Thanks for everything so far.

  • Thomas Randall

    28/10/2020 at 00:23

    That’s one of my favorite Beatles tunes, what a great riff that is! I’m sure Lisa can do it too! Would love to hear the girls cover it!

  • Howard

    28/10/2020 at 10:34

    Love the guitar riff and John’s vocals. This is also one of my favourite Beatles numbers, even though John didn’t particularly like the song himself.

    I can easily imagine the MLT doing this live in a venue like the Cavern Club, with a camera on the head of Lisa’s guitar.

  • Joseph Manzi

    28/10/2020 at 15:03

    In the Beatles session on Your Bird Can Sing.

    Actually the Beatles again a first with twin guitar harmonies. Way before the Allman Brothers.

    This was done by George and Paul.

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