• Posted by E. John Waldron on 03/11/2020 at 16:12

    This morning I opened my browser and typed in the URL for the Mona Lisa Twins Club, logged into my account to check the status of my pre-order of the latest (to be released album).  There is was and the status said “Processing”.  A great word “Processing” it must surely be better than “Pre-Ordered”.  It signified movement, action, or even fulfillment, the order was going through some steps necessary to prepare it for shipping.

    But then wait there was another button which promised an actual “View” of my order being “Processed’.  WOW, just think, it could be a “View” of Mona reaching for the CD and bringing it to where it was to be signed.  Or maybe it’s the “View” of Lisa adding a little personal note to my CD.  Or Could it be the “View” of Michaela closing the envelope containing my order, now ready to enter the delivery system to make it’s way across the pond?  Or it might even be a “View” of Rudolf balancing a tall stack of envelopes,  loading them into a truck containing all the orders for the new Album for all the Mona Lisa Twins fans.  My mind was now running WILD with wonderful “Views” and images.

    I moved the mouse, bringing the cursor over the “View” tag of the web page. Then I closed my eyes and pushed the mouse’s button.  With great anticipation, I opened my eye’s to my order’s “View”.  But wait, what’s this’ it’s only more WORDS.  Oh, despair!

    Please Mona or perhaps you Lisa get a camera and post here a “View” of my order’s “Processing” through progress.


    Trying to stay Grovy in the anticipated delivery,


    Lynn T. Newcomb replied 3 years, 10 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Lynn T. Newcomb

    06/11/2020 at 14:25

    Even if they just did a recording of them “processing” one order and posting that, it would be cool.


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