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  • “That’s Life” video

    Posted by Andrew Butt on 15/11/2020 at 20:16

    Hi girls, Firstly, I hope you are all keeping safe & well @ Team MLT

    My question this week is, what’s the story about the video to “That’s Life” ?

    The Black & White film running on the TV is hilarious, brilliant. When the one lad whacks his friend with the violin (?) bow, I almost felt it as well, sitting in my armchair!! Is it an old film that you have cleverly edited or was it shot especially?

    I could watch it over & over again – indeed I have!!

    All the best in these difficult times, and just remember nothing really lasts forever –  and Liverpool are back where they should be, top of the Premiership, so things are looking up already!!

    Regards, Andy



    Andrew Butt replied 3 years, 10 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    15/11/2020 at 20:16

    Thanks Andy,

    Everyone in team MLT is doing splendidly, we hope so are you 🙂

    The black & white footage we used in “That’s Life” is from an old short film called “War Babies” starring “everybody’s darling”, Shirley Temple. A satire on “real” life and “grown up” business which we thought worked well with the lyrics of the song. The absurdity of this thing called life.

    We’re glad you like the video and how we put it all together!

    Groovy greetings,

  • Refugio Arellano

    17/11/2020 at 02:31

    And what does Mona think about in the video? She is very serious.

    As well as other great mysteries in history, we may never know????


    best regards

  • Andrew Butt

    21/11/2020 at 15:48

    Hi Lisa, very sorry for not replying to you sooner – very rude of me, I hope you can forgive me! I could say, I’ve been busy at work [which is true], but that’s no excuse. But you’re right aboiut the video, life shouldn’t be taken too seriously, I think, certainly not at my age!! BTW, Mona looks as though she is carrying all the worries of the world on her pretty shoulders, whilst you look much more relaxed. Oh, and nice to see the clip of the B29 taking off, always an impressive looking aircraft, despite its unfortunate ‘Nuclear Bomb’ connection. Anyway, look after yourself and everyone at Team MLT, and bye for now. Andy.

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