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  • Imagine – What would have happened?

    Posted by Graham Smyth on 05/11/2020 at 13:46

    Hello, I was wondering the other day which musical direction The Beatles would have taken had they not split up.  Would they have created a rock opera bigger and better that Tommy? Would they have chosen a path similar to Pink Floyd with longer tracks? I can’t see them ever joining the electronic movement started by Kraftwerk, Human League etc as Paul has avoided this to date. Or would they have become a music and song writing  production team for other artists? Considering Paul’s continued touring career, I doubt this also. Perhaps a combination of the two? Obviously, their friendship would be vital to any possible future outcome so a back seat for Yoko!

    Refugio Arellano replied 3 years, 10 months ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    05/11/2020 at 16:14

    I think their trajectory through the 60s would have continued through the 70’s producing 30 more #1 hits, and creating ever more inspired albums like Sargent Peppers.  As a song writing force, Lennon/McCartney were always much greater than the sum of their individual solo parts.  Throw George in there with his ever increasing song writing brilliance, and they likely would have eclipsed their 60’s song writing accomplishments.  Into the 80’s and beyond, they probably would slowed down a bit publishing a new album maybe every few years that would rise to the stratosphere in the charts every time they did,  as well as tour every 5 years or so.

    It was clear John and Paul were best friends like brothers even before the Beatles, and so their partnership would have continued regardless of the occasional bickering which is normal in a close relationship like that.  In interviews Paul said the relationship between them were above the Beatles.   As John said, if you can’t fight with your best friend, who can you fight with.

  • Joseph Manzi

    05/11/2020 at 17:55

    Great question Graham,

    Things happen for a reason and I feel they still would have went their own ways.


    I myself feel the course of what happened. Would still happen. George was becoming a great song writer and he only got to put maybe two songs on an album. John was taking a stance on issues and writing protest songs along with George being spiritual . Paul was doing his Love Songs and Ringo was being Ringo and having fun doing what he wanted to do in the end. Playing live music with his All Star Band.

    So I still think they would have went their separate ways.

    That’s me.

  • Jacki Hopper

    06/11/2020 at 01:28

    I’m going to chime in with the census of all going their own ways, and perhaps John and Paul continuing to collaborate  now and then and we’ll never know but a possible reunion of sorts might of occured in the 80s/90s.  Hard to say, really, I think it’s fair to say, it can be open to interpretation,  and that no one’s  replies are right or wrong, but neutral…that’s  my 2 cents worth…

  • Refugio Arellano

    06/11/2020 at 04:48

    Good evening everyone, I don’t think the four of us will ever meet again. possibly they would only collaborate with each other.

    But we’ll never know that.



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