• neighbors

    Posted by John Leonard on 02/12/2020 at 05:00

    mona & lisa

    in my teenage years i was in a very bad garage band. needless to say we were not very popular with the neighbors. not only did they have to listen to the same song over and over, they never got any better. you guys are a great live band and sound great. but how do your neighbors feel about the sound from the mlt studios.

    Jacki Hopper replied 3 years, 9 months ago 7 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    02/12/2020 at 05:03

    Hi John!

    When we first moved to the UK in the middle of the summer we had to practise in our conservatory, with the windows wide open due to the boiling heat. We had some really important shows coming up and unfortunately didn’t have the time to come up with any other plan.

    Needless to say the neighbours weren’t thrilled about it ???? At one point we had neighbors from two different households gather in front of our door to complain at the same time. But we talked to them and explained the urgency and even invited them in to have a listen, and they were really friendly and understanding afterwards 🙂

    But of course we soon tweaked the room, installed some air con so we could keep the windows shut, switched the acoustic drum kit to e-drums and were able to continue practising at a much quieter volume. Since then, no more complaints!

    Back in Austria when we were living in a “farmhouse” type village with spaced out gardens we always got a different kind of complaint … our neighbours always wanted us to keep the studio doors open so they could listen in, haha!

    Have a great day!

  • Jung Roe

    04/12/2020 at 08:42

    Hi Mona

    Love that story.  All I can say is what lucky neighbours!

    Back in high school my brother had a rock band and one evening while the parents were out, the police came because of the noise.  I just thought to my 13 year old self it was cool having the police come to our house. ????????

  • Michael Rife

    05/12/2020 at 11:21


    I have a story, too.  I was in a garage band during late 1960s/early 1970s and played drums.  I practiced drums everyday faithfully at home before band practice in a real garage of a friend….really his parents garage.  One time when I started practicing drums I went into a drum riff that was loud and all of a sudden.  Houses where I grew up were very close together and I did not know that one neighbor was up on a ladder to reach the second story of his house.  He later told me that when I started the drum riff, it startled him so much he almost fell off the ladder.  That likely would have left a mark on him.  It didn’t help matters that he was an older cousin of mine, too, because he complained to my parents also.  So, thankfully, the house I live in now is separated from the neighbors a little more so they are not frightened by the sounds coming from the house.  Mike.

  • Jacki Hopper

    05/12/2020 at 15:26

    This reminds  me of the times when my 2nd oldest brother held basement music jam sessions on wknds… , one time in particular, during the summer, I was coming home with my parents from groceries, or whatever we were doing, ( Either my oldest  brother had already moved out by then or was away on wknd ) and the jam session was that loud, basement windows , kitchen windows were open, the house was rockin and rollin….Thankfully my aunt  that was by tg0hen living in the house next door on the property there, didn’t  quite hear the full brunt of it like we had…I got used to it, didn’t  mind….  of course the ones across the road from us in the  cemeteries,  didn’t  complain … dead silence…????

    • Michael Rife

      05/12/2020 at 20:39

      Hi Jacki;

      If the ones across the road ever start to complain, it might be time to move.


    • Jacki Hopper

      07/12/2020 at 00:10

      Hi Mike, that was back when I still lived at home, we sold the house in around 2003 to a business, they wanted the property not the house, it was demolished, so if the ones across the road were complaining …I’ll never know….lol… but my parents, some relatives are peacefully guarding  and looking over the area????

  • Johnnypee Parker

    05/12/2020 at 20:29

    Dead silence. LOL

  • Thomas Randall

    06/12/2020 at 22:36

    In my garage band days I was lucky. My neighbors liked listening to me practice my drumming. When we practised at friends houses we never got bothered except for one time someone called the cops when we decided to set up outside on the back patio. Too loud I guess! That was the end of that!


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