• I’m Back

    Posted by Paul Steinmayer on 15/11/2020 at 02:11

    Hello Mona, Lisa, Rudy, Michaela, and all my friends here at the MLT forum.

    I’m Back!  I’ve been away from the MLT Club for long enough!

    I finally sorted some things out… and to celebrate, I purchased an entire year (so I won’t miss out on anything else for a long time).  I also went ahead and purchased The Duo Sessions and Live at the Cavern Club so I can immerse myself in some awesome MLT music.

    Bill Isenberg replied 3 years, 10 months ago 8 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    15/11/2020 at 02:16

    Welcome Back Paul… Glad you’re  once more #MLTBuzzLuvGroovin ????✌

  • Jung Roe

    15/11/2020 at 05:04

    Hi Paul, welcome back, so glad you are back!  There has been a great many awesome Duo Sessions and Live at the Cavern videos to catch up on too.   🙂

  • Refugio Arellano

    15/11/2020 at 15:46

    Hi Paúl, it’s good you’re back.

    Best regards

  • Ckay Kirby

    16/11/2020 at 18:40

    Hi all,

    A little late but never the less – now it’s “Groovy Time ” I’m back too

    I’ve been a little busy of late and not checked in very often but I now have some space and now busy catching up with the twins,

    Firstly – the vids I’ve caught up on are brilliant and true to the girls talent and ambitions, I applaud them for sticking to their principles and very pleased to see that they have no intention of changing in the near future.

    Secondly – OVER THE MOON -just received the Live package – buttons & poster and all – Love it (especially the creative packaging – 30mins of shear excitement (& frustration) but worth it – everything arrived in pristine condition and the only tears were of joy. Thank You.

    Thirdly – Record Contracts & Music Biz – Whole heartedly agree with the girls, some of you may recall my Dad had a No1 hit in Australia during the 60’s – he got well and truly stitched up – the record was at No1 for 16 weeks so the income should have been in $000000’s but because of the label management and contract he was persuaded to sign he earnt a measly $400 and was stopped from recording for the next 5 years, literally gagging his musical talent and further career progression. (everything he wrote or composed belonged to the record label for a fixed fee – thus he never provided anything else for them except instrumentals – that kept him out of the charts and limelight)

    The music business has not changed, it has always been about the money and always will, but with the current situation, internet awareness and modern technology the tools are now in the hands of the creatives and they can control their own destiny, artist like the twins will have a very healthy, happy and profitable career which will grow at the pace they set and to the limit they wish to achieve, they wont become top headlines in the media unless they decide it and that will undoubtedly save their sanity and honourability.

    I wish them all the best for the future and can only say “I’m with you for the journey” keep doing what you do.

    – ( side note ? does anyone in Canada know or remembers any film about the province Saskatchewan, the only way my dad could record was for the film industry – which he did for a Canadian produced film about the aforementioned area,  i have 1 copy of the demo in very basic format – would love to hear the finished version but can’t trace the film – any help gratefully received)


  • Jacki Hopper

    16/11/2020 at 22:45

    Hi Skip…. Try this  link at to find it:


    • Ckay Kirby

      16/11/2020 at 23:12

      Cheers Jacki

      I’ll look it up – searched most of the Canadian Arts info as i think it was only a low budget arty type film but apparently it did get an award ? but still cant find, would have come out in the late 60’s maybe early 70’s 71. 72 ?

      I’ll have a look and see what i can find, thanks

  • Dana Hart

    18/11/2020 at 05:58

    Hi Skip.

    There was a movie filmed in Delisle (small town in Sask) in 1973 called Paperback Hero.

    Actually also found it on Youtube here-  https://youtu.be/_ig2EL6WBEs

    If not this one do you know any other info about the movie?

    IMDb and Wiki have info about this film.




  • Thomas Randall

    20/11/2020 at 23:55

    Welcome back Paul! We all need to get things sorted out once in a while, Glad to see you back.


  • Bill Isenberg

    25/11/2020 at 01:22

    Welcome Back Paul, you have been missed and glad your back with us. Enjoy the albums

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