• Brighten my day

    Posted by Jung Roe on 19/11/2020 at 05:56

    One of the most awesome things about being in the Canadian pacific northwest at this time of year is the great variety of interesting and exhilarating weather the brave population gets treated to:

    1. Periods of rain

    2. Showers

    3. 60% Chance of showers

    4. And just pure “Rain”

    I just wake up every morning looking forward to what the weatherman will bring today!

    Vancouver forecast

    Darryl Boyd replied 3 years, 9 months ago 9 Members · 24 Replies
  • 24 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    19/11/2020 at 06:00

    I know a joyful day awaits when Mr Postman will be delivering a very special parcel!

    In the meantime, nothing brightens my day more than the ray of beauty Mona and Lisa bring my life every day with their music and the MLT Club.

    Here Comes the Sun, never sounded better as when MLT did their Duo Session of it:


    The harmonies and guitar work that you can feel when Mona and Lisa both get into it is really special.

  • Joseph Manzi

    19/11/2020 at 16:18

    Jung, You still have not received your cd. Sorry to hear this. Maybe today.

    I’ll keep my fingers cross for you.

    Maybe play the Beatles Rain for luck



  • Jacki Hopper

    19/11/2020 at 18:18

    Like Jung, although on opposite side of Canada…. I too, am eagerly awaiting my parcel from Mr. Postman…..my guess is, once tgey arrive in Canada, must be in quarantine  for a certain period of time before relased to onwards said destinations, and I would think of it the same for USA postal  service too… Remember…All good things come to those  who wait….lol

  • Michael Rife

    19/11/2020 at 19:50

    Hi Jung;

    We lived in the Pacific NW from 2002 to 2008 (Vancouver, WA…..not BC) and I worked in Portland, OR (not a place to be right now) and it rained constantly from October to around April.  It got to the point where I just did not use an umbrella and just got wet.  Most people did that because we just got tired of lugging around umbrellas each day.  The summers were great (high temps and low humidity) and the scenery is great (Mt. Hood, Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Rainier).  We moved there from Chicago and people in Chicago told me it was not fun there because of it raining all the time.  My comeback was that at least I would not have to shovel rain.  Mike.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    20/11/2020 at 00:11

    I was surprised to get mine before you Canadian’s.  Hopefully they will be released from mail jail soon and delivered to you pronto.

    Jung I agree with you about Here Comes The Sun 

    It is awesome.  Let me go put it on right now.



  • Refugio Arellano

    20/11/2020 at 00:31

    good afternoon everyone.

    Jung, Jacki, like you, I have not received the cd’s ….. but waiting will have its reward

  • Bill Isenberg

    20/11/2020 at 00:34


    Sorry to hear this my friend, it took over 2 weeks for me to get mine. But I love the seasons in the USA myself, right now it is fall and cold mornings and fair weather days so far. Although I had the fireplace on this past Sunday. But sad part is with the virus hitting high numbers currently they are asking for Thanksgiving to be just in house living and not to have outside people come so our holiday will be small this year. But with the Mona Lisa Twins ? Jung your 100 percent on spot , they make the day go so much better.

  • Jung Roe

    21/11/2020 at 05:40

    Thanks everyone.  The wait makes it that much more sweet when the CDs arrive.  Looking forward to cracking open the CDs to play loud on the stereo.  Just love the TLC that go into everything MLT send.  So much care and pride go into everything they do, from the signed CD covers, post cards etc..  I still have the polar bear bronco Christmas card from 2018, if some of you remember that.

    Mike, I know Portland and Vancouver WA quite well.  In the 70s we had relatives living in Portland and my parents took us down there in the summers often to visit.  Later in my adulthood, use to go to Portland and then head west along the 99W to the coast, highway 1.  Lincoln City, Depoe Bay, just loved the whole Oregon coast area.  There was one place called “Surf Rider” resort right on the coast I use to stay at just north of Depoe Bay, all so  beautiful.  Could spot an occasional whale.   Cruising along the twisty coast highway in my stang just felt like a million bucks.  On my trips down to California, use to enjoy Medford and stopping in at Ashland in southern Oregon.  I remember the nice town of Ashland with the little restaurants and artists shops etc, and that special health invigorating mineral spring water fountains right in the center of town you could drink if you dared.  I saw people fill little containers of it to take home.  It tasted like warm AlkaSeltzer, but was supposed to be good for you.  Was saddened to hear of the fires that devastated the area  recently.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    22/11/2020 at 02:32

    Hey Jung, they have springs like that north of here in Saratoga Springs.  Saratoga is home to a very famous horse race track and Stewart’s Ice Cream.

    The water from the springs is very flavorful.  However, they sell Saratoga Water in beautiful blue glass bottles that has a better flavor.  It comes in sparkling form and non-sparkling.

    Back in the day, tourists would come to Saratoga Springs for the track and for the spring baths.  The spring baths were believed to be medicinal.

    Looking forward to your announcement that The Cavern has landed.


  • Jung Roe

    22/11/2020 at 04:32

    Hey JP, that Saratoga Water sounds nice, especially the sparkling one.  There is a place not too far from where I am, about an hour away called Harrison Hot Springs with natural hot springs, probably from Mount Baker which is a semi active volcano.  There is a resort there with hot spring water pumped into it’s many pools.  I went there one weekend in the winter, and it was quite nice to soak in it’s hot bath outside while it snowed.  The water is believed to be medicinal too and people go there to take advantage of the supposed health benefits.

    Will continue to keep an eye out for Mr Postman.  🙂  I am one of the few lucky Canadians still with home delivery mail service where the postman comes by every day to drop off the mail at your doorstep.  All the new subdivisions now have a communal mailbox center in the neighbourhood where people have to walk or drive to, to pick up the mail.

  • Bill Isenberg

    22/11/2020 at 17:16

    It is worth the wait Jung, Mona and Lisa are the best thing ever to me and I know I have my copy but believe me my friend it is worth the wait.

  • Lynn T. Newcomb

    24/11/2020 at 16:06

    I received my package the day “Please Mr Postman” hit 100,000 views.  I bought the new poster along with the CD, so here’s what the package looked like:MLT package

  • Bill Isenberg

    24/11/2020 at 16:27


    YEP mine looked just like that as well, ENJOY it is an awesome album and I took a picture of me and Maddie holding the poster and sent it to the email club address. I am going to try and send it to this address so you all can see.

  • Jung Roe

    29/11/2020 at 00:22

    It’s been a rough couple of weeks since my dad caught Covid.  My whole family has been on edge since we got a call from the nurse that my dad was not doing well.  This week he is improving and hopefully the worst is behind.

    The week ended on a bright note as the CD and poster arrived on Friday which cheered me up and made me smile, which I really needed.  MLT music and merch are absolutely the best!

    Kudos to my wife MJ and her photography skills for fitting everything into the frame.

    Cavern Club album photo

    p.s., the poster is awesome, if you are wondering.

  • Joseph Manzi

    29/11/2020 at 01:02


    Sorry to hear about your dad. Glad to hear he’s on the road to recover. I will keep him in my

    prayers.  You doing ok?


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