• McCartney III

    Posted by Bill Isenberg on 30/12/2020 at 16:08

    Has anyone got the new album by Paul? I got it for Christmas and it is good! Wow just like his other 2 albums, he did everything him self, instruments, vocals, etc….and for him to do this is awesome, I am sure this is not an easy task. So if you do listen, it is a bit different and he still has it in him to rock out a bit. Just throwing that out there to you all to see how you all feel.

    Bill Isenberg replied 3 years, 10 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    30/12/2020 at 23:42

    That’s quite something that Paul did everything himself on the album, all the instruments, singing, arranging etc.  Thanks for the info Bill about the album, will check it out.  It’s quite something 60 years on, and both Paul and Ringo are so active in music still, producing their own albums etc…I just watched the movie the other day, “yesterday”, was a lot of fun.

  • Jim Yahr

    31/12/2020 at 15:25

    I picked it up the day it was released.  The first and last tracks are GREAT, but they’re pretty much the same tune.  The rest of it is kind of muddy and sounds a little like Paul was bored and just went into the studio to noodle around, then came out with an album.  There are some tracks that have a lot more potential but just didn’t get fully developed.  My other overriding impression is that, at 78 years old, Paul is losing his voice.

  • Bill Isenberg

    04/01/2021 at 23:45


    Well put my friend, thanks for your post. Yes one can say he is losing his voice, and it does happen at one point. I kind of felt this way when he did Caus and creation in the back yard 2004, but here is my thought , As you all know I am a Rolling Stones Fan, well at one time they were labeled the Worlds Greatest Rock and Roll Band, dating from 1968 to 1972, And they were ( in my book and I know that is up for talk ) and when they toured the US in 1972 promoting their album Exile On Main Street, They were on top of their game. BUT in 1973 they were tired and came out with Goats Head Soup Album and the hit was Angie…..OMG REALLY? Coming off a huge tour and this is the follow up?? Well the critics had a field day and to me? I ended up loving the album. So my point is as with Sir Paul, yes they were on top of their game, but to be still doing what they are doing at this point in time of their lives? Is awesome to me, yes not the same vocals, writing , etc….but I learned they go with the times maybe , meaning the music world , I know the Rolling Stones did a Blues Album a few years ago, is it like Exile ? Not even close but the jucies are still there for them to keep it going. Some people argue that the Stones should of stopped when they did exile becasue of the title they were given as the Worlds Greatest Rock and Roll Band, but they muddled thru and still came out with good music. And with Sir Paul? People argue he should of stopped after Wings, but he still went on with good music. So I know this is a lot of gibber but as a music lover of the Beatles and the Stones? I do enjoy what they put out. To point on more? John Lennon’s watching the wheels go round and round? Wow how cool is that song years after the Beatles? Such a genus of a song writer and perfomer.

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