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  • Trombone – Flight of the Bumble Bee

    Posted by Jung Roe on 03/01/2021 at 04:34

    In honour of the new brass section soon to be in the MLT, I found this interesting video.  Flight of the Bumble Bee is one of the most challenging piano pieces, often played by the great virtuosos to show off their blazing keyboard theatrics.  So here is what it sounds like on the Trombone.  He makes it look so easy, perhaps some inspiration for Mona.  🙂  In high school I took band and I learned the trumpet for a year, or should I say struggled with the trumpet for a year, but was able to play along in the band by the end of the year.  My lips some how survived.  I can still feel that numb feeling in my lips after a band practice.  I have great respect for people who can master any of the brass instruments like the trumpet or trombone.  There was an old 60s movie I remember seeing about a young trumpet player that really inspired me to choose the trumpet in high school band class.  I will have to look for that one on youtube, and post its’ title if I find it.


    Jung Roe replied 3 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    03/01/2021 at 13:09

    Nice, Jung! I wonder how many years of practice went into that!

  • Jung Roe

    03/01/2021 at 21:22

    Hi Jeffery, I could imagine it must take a life time.  Apparently Urbie Green is one of the greatest all time Trombone players, at least according to a CMUSE article 12 Famous Trombone Players.

    I think I found the movie I mentioned earlier from 1950 called “Young Man with A Horn” with Kirk Douglas and Doris Day.

    From Wikipedia:

    As a young boy, after his mother dies, Rick Martin sees a trumpet in the window of a pawn shop. He works in a bowling alley to save up enough money to buy it. Rick grows up to be an outstanding musician (adult Rick played by Kirk Douglas), tutored by jazzman Art Hazzard (Juano Hernandez). He lands a job playing for the big band of Jack Chandler, getting to know the piano player Smoke Willoughby (Hoagy Carmichael) and the beautiful singer Jo Jordan (Doris Day).

    Chandler orders him to always play the music exactly as written. Rick prefers to improvise, and one night, during a break with Chandler’s band, he leads an impromptu jam session, which gets him fired…


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