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  • Scandinavian Nisse joining the fun

    Posted by Leif Mortensen on 07/01/2021 at 10:46

    As an old (71 year) Beatles fan I was searching for new forgotten parts of Beatles material. I’ve supplied an old school mate of mine with Beatles items since our 25th school reunion in 1994 (good year for the twins too!) here around  Yule. Sources are drying and that’s when I tried to look for new Beatles covers. Not that I am over joyed by the normal covers I’ve heard – but MonaLisa surprised me. They use the same tunes with their own kick to it and they do it really well, so I was hooked and ordered some cd’s on Amazon Germany as the HARD Brexit is closing in. Then I saw The MonaLisa website and ordered most of the rest. Am I still a Beatles only fan today?  No – as a former choir singer in the 70’s, 80’s and part of the 90’s I appreciate people who can sing. Today most singers are cheating by using autotune. I like female voices singing, so I woke up one Saturday night in 2012, when I tried out the X-Factor 2011 in Britain after following a miserable  Danish season, thinking it can’t be as bad. I saw the final first and saw  an adorable female group winning the contest – and they could sing – ALL of them. I watched the whole season through that Saturday night, and I’ve been a huge fan of Little Mix ever since -that’s why I like MonaLisa music, even if I’m an old bloke. Hope you liked my story. I have a wish to the twins for future copies of Beatles music. Please make a version of the Beatles rockers  Get back and I’m down – let that be my Yule wish and I hope MonaLisa get secure through this hard epidemic and have great succes – they deserve it. I’ll follow the suns (MonaLisa).

    Kind regards

    Leif Hoergren Mortensen, Vejle, Denmark


    Rudolf Wagner replied 3 years, 7 months ago 9 Members · 19 Replies
  • 19 Replies
  • Howard

    07/01/2021 at 11:28

    Welcome to the best club on the planet Leif. I live Downunder in Brisbane, Australia. I share your feelings for Mona and Lisa. They have definitely breathed new life into so many of my old favourites, and do it in the most beautiful way, and then take it even further with their own fabulous originals.

    “Get back” and “I’m down” are excellent suggestions for MLT covers. 

  • Leif Mortensen

    07/01/2021 at 12:42

    [postquote quote=119127][/postquote]
    The Australian connection – not the first from Denmark you know 😉  I follow some Australian You Tubers and celebrities and watching Married at first sight. I have an ex-colleague who’s been living in Australia as a schoolteacher (like I am). Sixties are good times to think back for good melodic music and of course Rock’n Roll. Favorites were Beatles, Kinks and Status Quo – got most music they have produced also bootlegs. Todays artists – a few like: Little Mix, Dixie Chicks, Pistol Annies – all groups that can sing. Computer nerd – had a Scandinavian Sinclair user club from 1988 – 1995 and believe it or not having a NEW ZX Spectrum NEXT computer august 2021 – is being designed and produced in UK – yeah nostalgia at it’s best and with MonaLisa in my ears I’ll be prepared for a throwback – let the fun begin  –  again 😉

    Please bear with me for attaching a picture of the new Spectrum Next design

  • Howard

    07/01/2021 at 15:32

    As a teenager in the sixties, I grew up with the Rolling Stones, buying all their albums, although I was also heavily into the Kinks, the Who, the Animals, Manfred Mann, the Hollies, the Small Faces, Jimi Hendrix, and the Beatles of course. Later I got into Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd. My favourite Beatles song is ‘Strawberry Fields Forever’.

    The MLT have recorded audio versions of both this and ‘Penny Lane’.


  • Johnnypee Parker

    08/01/2021 at 00:30

    Welcome, Leif!

    You picked a good place to land.  The band is just fantastic and their fans are some of the classiest in the world.

    If you are a new comer, I always like to suggest the Sky Diving video.  Lisa and Mona went sky diving for their 18th birthday.  They have a video of their adventure in the Out & About section. It has a very kool soundtrack.  Put it up on a big screen with volume turned up.


  • Jacki Hopper

    08/01/2021 at 00:44

    Gidday Eh from Canada way Leif, nice to meet you, and an #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified Welcome to here, you’re  certainly going to enjoy all the offerings, the #MLTGroovy Comraderie,  etc. Been a fan of theirs  myself, for going on 14 yrs now, happily stumbled  them on YouTube  while looking for a decent Mamas and Papas song covers, and hit the almighty jackpot on their version of ” California  Dreamin”, thus lifetime hooked from then onwards… Thankyou for your interesting introduction and look forward to future inputs from you ☮

  • Jung Roe

    08/01/2021 at 02:42

    Welcome to the Club Leif, so glad you joined.  Enjoyed reading what you wrote.  I agree Mona and Lisa add their own character and spirit to the Beatles covers making them worth rediscovering again while staying true to the essence of the song that made them great in the first place.

  • Leif Mortensen

    08/01/2021 at 10:46

    [postquote quote=119142][/postquote]
    Yeah nice to think back on the old times and being remembered by so lovely musicians as MonaLisa Twins. I had a lot of LPs until around 2005 where I sold most of my collection (ca. 3000). I converted most of it to MP3 but still have some rare ones. The only ones I feel a bit sorry about selling were my Beatles LPs. Well MP3 is good enough to me BUT my Beatles records I had printed myself in Xmas time 1971 where I had a job at the NMI factory in Denmark – special isn’t it. But mostly I’ve found out that the attached image – a special Danish issue of Beatles Hottest hits which is quite rare – well that’s Leif. 😉

  • Leif Mortensen

    08/01/2021 at 10:48

    [postquote quote=119182][/postquote]
    Thanks for the welcome – seems a nice place to share some memories 😉

  • Leif Mortensen

    08/01/2021 at 10:56

    [postquote quote=119183][/postquote]
    Nice to feel welcomed by you. Seems quite a lot of you have stumbled over The MonaLisa Twins – nice stumble by the way. Proves again that if you’re searching you might find something but if you’re not searching nothing happens. Second thing one has to do is to make a choice – like e.g. MonLisa when they chose the music. Each time you make a choice you learn something – and that’s not bad I think. I’m a teacher who learned a lot talking to people while being a cab driver in Copenhagen while I studied – most important to LISTEN. 😉

  • Leif Mortensen

    08/01/2021 at 11:03

    [postquote quote=119197][/postquote]
    Thank you for the welcome. You’re nailing right on the point – they put their own twist to the Beatles songs – and others of course. Specially impressed by Lola one of my favorite Kinks numbers. Actually I think they should make a lot more Kinks covers – they had meaningful texts with a twist. I’ve presented MonaLisa to some hardcore Beatles fans and they admit that they are doing well but they will never be Beatles – and I say of course not but they present their music in a modern way no other Beatles cover bands are doing – their own way. Guess that’s why we love them )

  • Tom Fones

    09/01/2021 at 05:07


    The music videos and photos of places they have been will keep you entertained for hours. 🙂

  • Refugio Arellano

    09/01/2021 at 06:22

    Welcome, Leif.


    best regards

  • Leif Mortensen

    09/01/2021 at 13:44

    [postquote quote=119252][/postquote]
    Sure can and already have. Now waiting for the last two albums to arrive in Denmark. They play some really nice versions of the old hits – so teen again – on the inside – well that is Leif

  • Leif Mortensen

    09/01/2021 at 13:46

    [postquote quote=119255][/postquote]
    Thanks -nice welcome in the MLT club

  • Lynn T. Newcomb

    12/01/2021 at 15:37

    Welcome to the club, Leif.  My own discovery of the Twins resulted from a “suggestion” from FaceBook after I displayed an interest in contemporary female singer/songwriters.  They are the first and, so far, only YouTubers I decided to support financially.  If I decide to support others it will be in large part because of how positive MLT has made this experience.

    I don’t know how common your surname is, but I have to ask,  are you related in any way to Viggo?

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