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  • Tommy James and The Shondells cover suggestions

    Posted by Leif Mortensen on 25/01/2021 at 09:15

    One of the USA bands having succes in the 60ties was Tommy James and The Shondells. They excisted from 1959 – 1970 where Tommy James nearly died from drug overdose. In 1966 they got a #1 hit in USA  with HANKY PANKY.  In 1966 they got two more hits before it went downhill – a nice rocker  I THINK WE’RE ALONE now  later covered by Tiffany who got a #1 hit in 1987  and CRIMSON AND CLOVER their final #1 and copied by many but best by Joan Jett in 1982  – pretty good rocker. Hope I’ve inspired MonaLisa . Here a link to two of the tunes on You Tube

    Joan Jett:


    Leif Mortensen replied 3 years, 8 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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