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  • Beatles CD singles

    Posted by Jeffery Ohlwine on 23/02/2021 at 00:10

    Ummm… just a random question, but do you own the 22 cd set of Beatles singles? If you don’t, please try to forget I asked this question by June 16th. ????????‍????

    Jeffery Ohlwine replied 3 years, 6 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    23/02/2021 at 00:11

    Haha, that is a very kind and generous question ???? We don’t own that particular CD set but we have all sorts of reissues/remixes/box-sets/compilations so we most likely have all the songs from it on CD/vinyl and of course our computers already.

    So, if you were thinking of spending lots of money on this CD set, while we highly appreciate the thought, it’s not something we would really get too much use out of ♥
    But thank you so much for asking!

  • Ron Mctaggart

    24/02/2021 at 01:27

    Jeff….I don’t have it… if you want my address let me know(ha!ha!)

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    28/02/2021 at 02:59

    Sorry, Ron, but last I checked, neither you, nor anyone else other than a pair of twin sisters, has gifted sufficient joy into my sorry life to warrant such an offer. Nice try, tho! ????

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