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  • Mona is Blonde. Lisa Red.

    Posted by Eric Jones on 06/02/2021 at 03:38

    How did you guys end up with “your” colors? Mona = Blonde. Lisa = Red. Its such a part of yourselves now. Obviously you prefer the looks so you keep them of course but when did it all start?

    Bill Isenberg replied 3 years, 6 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    23/02/2021 at 18:42

    Hi Eric!

    It’s something that started all the way back in early highschool when we were allowed a dyed streak in our hair after a particularly good report card – that was all the rage back in the mid-2000’s. Lisa chose red and I chose blonde. From there on out things escalated over the years 😉

    We’ve tried all sorts of things with our hair since then but always returned to those two colours, and ever since we’ve become more “public” with our YouTube videos and so on we stuck to it for the sake of consistency. And most importantly because we like the way it looks, of course!

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    23/02/2021 at 21:33

    It goes without saying that you’re both beautiful young ladies, but it always amazes me how different you look simply because of hair color or style. The “Two of Us” vid shows this brilliantly. I can’t tell you apart until the colored streaks in your hair as you’re rolling down the hill, and then as Mona starts wearing her hair shorter. After that, it’s difficult to tell you’re even twins! ????❤️

  • Eric Jones

    27/02/2021 at 07:50

    Thanks for the reply. I thought that might be the case. Perhaps one day you’ll switch and mess with everyone. Haha

  • Bill Isenberg

    27/02/2021 at 14:35

    I feel it is a perfect choice for you both. In the early video’s with Mona with her short blond and Lisa with the long Red hair to me makes it perfect. Of course I can imagine Lisa has a bit of time to wash and dry with her hair so long.

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