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  • John’s change

    Posted by Jeffery Ohlwine on 31/03/2021 at 00:02

    Is the amount of change John Sebastian drops on your table as he leaves the restaurant in the “Waiting for the Waiter” video symbolic of anything, or just random? Also, special kudos for incorporating the steel guitar in that one! GREAT addition to the song and vid!

    Bill Isenberg replied 3 years, 5 months ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    31/03/2021 at 00:03

    You just had us re-watch that part of the video a dozen times ???? It’s hard to make out but from what we can tell it’s 20p, 10p. 5p and two coins that are either 1p or 2p? So that’s 37p or 39p … Drat! We meant to do 33 😉

    Just kidding … We are all for adding deeper and layered meaning to songs and videos, and we have definitely done that on several occasions including “Waiting for the Waiter” but we don’t need symbolism and numerology for that. So no, there is no deeper meaning here, but we enjoyed the detective work and would love to know what you think it meant!

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    31/03/2021 at 03:37

    Well, I didn’t have any preconceived thought as to what the coins might symbolize, and honestly, they’re foreign to me…get it…foreign coins…’cuz I’m American…oh, never mind. Just checking to see if there was a hidden message , or “Easter egg” as they’re sometimes called, for us to discover. I’ll just consider it “John’s random pocket change”. Thank you so much for taking the time to investigate and answer! Virtual hugs to you all!

  • Michael Thompson

    31/03/2021 at 15:23

    The other question is did you get to keep John’s change?

  • Jung Roe

    01/04/2021 at 06:06

    That one coin spun and vibrated pretty good for a few seconds on the table top. John did a pretty good job tossing the coins.

  • Bill Isenberg

    14/04/2021 at 01:57

    To me? Seeing John Sabastian singing and playing the harp was a joy for me to watch. He is such a genius and his music is the 60’s spirit to me

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