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  • April Calendar photo

    Posted by Roger Penn on 27/04/2021 at 13:55

    Loving this calendar! And now that I’ve turned over to April, I can’t look at this photo of Mona without trying to get into your head an imagine what you were thinking. It looks like you just recorded something and are listening to the playback and aren’t entirely happy with it. Can you elaborate or do you prefer the shroud of mystery?

    Rudolf Wagner replied 3 years, 4 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
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  • Rudolf Wagner

    27/04/2021 at 13:56

    Hi Roger,

    That photo must have happened after the recording and filming for our “Wish You Were Here” cover:

    It’s quite the emotional song so neither of us were in an overly jolly mood during the shoot (usually there’s a lot of laughing, stupid jokes and being silly) so perhaps that got captured in that photo … or perhaps I was staring into space trying to remember the next verse which is equally possible. 🙂

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