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  • Upcoming trail marathon

    Posted by Jeffery Ohlwine on 27/04/2021 at 17:13

    Hey, Ladies! What is the date of your upcoming trail marathon, so I can be as accurate as possible when I ???? for your health, well-being and enjoyment of the event? Also, is it 26 miles running on trails like it sounds?

    Stephen Krogh replied 3 years, 4 months ago 5 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    27/04/2021 at 17:14

    Well! Due to Covid cancellations we had to transfer our entry to different trail marathons 3 times now, so at the moment it’s looking like we’ll be racing at the end of June. It messed up our training plan quite a bit but at least we got a bit longer to get in shape now 🙂

    We might announce the event info on short notice so people like you can virtually follow along.
    And yes, it’s going to be a “trails only” marathon through the mountains with lots and lots of elevation ????. We did the Snowdon half-marathon two years ago which was a total of 1400m ascent, so this time is going to be even tougher. And yes, we’re aware that was probably a stupid idea!

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    27/04/2021 at 19:20

    No, dear. Not stupid. Brave , adventurous, highly admirable, maybe, but not stupid. I and I’m sure many others LOVE the spirit you two show in all facets of your lives you so generously share with us!

    • Jeffery Ohlwine

      27/04/2021 at 20:41

      As a follow-up, I don’t believe any of you Wagners are capable of doing anything”stupid”, unless you do so on purpose just to see how it feels for the rest of us! I’ve never known, or even heard of, any more intelligent or well-grounded high school drop-outs ever! What probably isn’t a good idea for almost anybody was obviously the perfect life direction for you. Especially when you consider how much joy you bring to so many people thru your music, etc.

  • Will Beard

    01/05/2021 at 00:57

    In high school I ran as part of the Cross Country program, in college was was on the swim team, have always enjoyed a good run or lap swim. 8 years ago lost part of a lung to cancer so could only do 5k run/walks still swimming of course then year and a half ago was diagnosed with nerve degeneration in my legs and tend to fall. swimming is good, watetr is soft and when playing with my band I just at my keyboard. All of that is just to say how aware I am of what you do on your trail marathons and wish I could run with you – I learned in Cross Country you do better (and easier) when you have a running partner. Also it looks like the band will be back to public performances by August and you will get the video you have requested of us doing “I Don’t Know Birds That Well”. I love the idea of introducing your music to the local public

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    01/05/2021 at 03:33

    God bless you, Will! I’m sorry to hear of your physical maladies, but it’s very encouraging that you aren’t letting them get you down, and are improvising and making the best of your circumstances. Your attitude is inspiring, indeed! Keep on keepin’ on, My friend!

  • Will Beard

    01/05/2021 at 03:48

    Thank you Jeffrey for your kind thoughts and words. Being 74 years old I have learned to make adjustments, find work arounds when faced with lifes speed bumbs. I am even trying to come up with a training routine so when my high school re-institutes the annual 5k fund raiser next year I cam particpate. Also to me it is ironic you say my attitude is is inspring, I didnt take my first keyboard lesson til I was just shy of 67 and now have my own band. A friend who works in music therapy has used words similiar to yours to describe me and that fuels the dirve to keep growing. Be well, stay safe, rock on!

  • Jung Roe

    01/05/2021 at 06:45

    A marathon through the mountains with lots of elevation, wow, I’m so proud of you both! Know we will all be rooting for you in thought and spirit. It would be awesome to follow along virtually if that’s possible. Your fitness spirit always motivates me to exercise!

  • Stephen Krogh

    15/05/2021 at 19:54

    Mona and Lisa,
    The passion you bring to everything you do with your lives is such an awesome inspiration to me and all of your devoted fans. God’s speed on your marathon. I hope you will be able to feel the love and enthusiastic support of all of us while you fight to overcome the many obstacles on your way to the finish line! You are our Champions!

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