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  • Live show from a beach?

    Posted by Bill Isenberg on 29/06/2021 at 13:52

    So how about the Mona Lisa Twins do a concert from some beach? That way social distance can be practiced? To some degree and how cool would that be to go to a beach somewhere and just enjoy the beach and the sounds of the Mona Lisa Twins?

    Walter Music replied 3 years, 2 months ago 6 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • Walter Music

    29/06/2021 at 15:23

    Bill that would be fantastic!! I just wonder how busy are they with the new album? But it’s a lot easier to do that than begin a tour. I would love to see them anywhere, to tell you the truth.

    Walt Music

  • Diana Geertsen

    29/06/2021 at 15:41

    “Som beach” Bill. That is a great idea!! I’ve been thinking along those same lines. Wouldn’t it be great to figure out a special concert for club members..There would be the most incredible energy at that show!!!

    • Jacki Hopper

      30/06/2021 at 17:40

      Diana, that’s my dream too, to go to an MLT show , meet them all, and as many MLT Club members…. just would prefer on land away from water…lol

  • Bill Isenberg

    29/06/2021 at 19:41

    Diana and Walter, so cool that you feel the same way. Just think, a beautiful Beach, us club members, and Mona and Lisa playing! That is a dream but wow how cool that would be and to meet all the club members will be awesome as well. Well hope the twins see this post and maybe reply? But in reality? They are working hard on a new album and who knows maybe this is in the plan? Somewhere in the near future? I can not go a day without listening to them , some days I play the Christmas album, hey why not right? I am waiting for Jung, and Thomas etc to jump in….

  • Jung Roe

    30/06/2021 at 04:18

    Hi Bill, et all great idea about a beach venue. My dream is to see Mona and Lisa play live one day for sure too, I will! And a live show on a beach sounds awesome! In the meantime until then, perhaps a Duo Session from a beach would be quite cool too!!!

  • Jacki Hopper

    30/06/2021 at 17:35

    Lol… Put me under a canopy tent, away from the water… I’m not really a beach person, even as a kid, I almost drowned, still can’t swim, so I like the idea but I’d have to be in under a canopy tent far away from water… I like looking at beaches, just not to be on them, maybe to collect seahells… I’m just not a water person, I get seasick from boats, but I could envision the stage setup with water or pier in background as a backdrop…lol…….a concert on land in a field, more my idea of a concert setting, or in a converted barn hall….lol… I would love to enjoy the MLT concert in surroundings that won’t cause me any anxiety…

  • Jacki Hopper

    30/06/2021 at 17:38

    Or else get me high on Canada Dry room temperature GingerAle and NutFree Chocolate , and Tea, I might be able to somewhat cope in a beach location scenario…lol

  • David Herrick

    30/06/2021 at 17:55

    Canada Dry at the beach? I think you just invented Canada Wet, Jacki. (Sorry… dad joke. Couldn’t help it.)

  • Walter Music

    30/06/2021 at 17:59

    Would they do it? I’m sure they would. Cost? We would have to pay them. How many people could we get to join in? Logistics? Planning? Where? Permits? Lodging? Would you open it up to the public and charge? Lots and Lots of questions? Man I would love it!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Walt Music

  • Bill Isenberg

    30/06/2021 at 21:27


    No worries I understand my cousin is not a water person so I understand. So if this ever happens? I am sure Mona and Lisa and Company will make sure it is well beyond any worries of water and if not? Where ever they play we all will sure be happy to go and see them. I just love the idea of meeting everyone in this wonderful club!!

  • Walter Music

    30/06/2021 at 22:24

    Bill that is such a great idea. We cannot loose or forget about the thought of what if. It would be really cool or and Groovy! I would like to meet all of you too. It’s not like we wouldn’t have something in common. Thanks Walt Music

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