MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion MLT: CURE FOR THE COVID BLUES


    Posted by John Hollister on 18/07/2021 at 19:14

    I’ve been an MLT member since 2019 but hadn’t really participated on the website until today after I realized that my membership had lapsed due to a lost credit card. That said, I always kept up on the videos and had a dream to see these two talented young ladies perform in person.

    Most recently, their “I’ll Follow the Sun” video absolutely enchanted me and was the perfect accompaniment for getting the Covid vaccine and emerging from the pandemic. The MLT’s were always a ray of sunshine during the bleak days of the pandemic and their positive attitude always transcended these challenging times. They are truly a pair of human anti-depressants!

    I’ve satisfied my bucket list item of visiting Liverpool, but now I must take the opportunity to thank those two paragons of positivity in person and buy their dad a beer. You can see clearly that those two apples didn’t fall far from the tree.

    Jung Roe replied 3 years, 1 month ago 8 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • Roger Penn

    18/07/2021 at 20:02

    Hear, hear! Well said, sir.

  • Diana Geertsen

    18/07/2021 at 20:35

    I wholeheartedly agree!! I spent hours and hours watching videos. That music lifted my spirits so much. It created an MLT mania for me!!

  • Tom Fones

    19/07/2021 at 00:59

    Here’s hoping for an outdoor show soon.


  • Jung Roe

    19/07/2021 at 02:24

    Hi John! Glad you posted here, and I couldn’t agree with you more. MLT have been a beacon of joy, hope, and inspiration through the pandemic, and even before for me since I first discovered them in 2017. I can’t wait for all the beautiful new music they are about to create. The latest Janitor Joe and I Bought Myself a Politician just confirm what brilliant singer songwriter artists Mona and Lisa have become.

    • John Hollister

      30/07/2021 at 17:11

      Thanks Jung,

      I need to give some more attention to their originals.


  • Michael Ian Walmsley

    19/07/2021 at 17:18

    Amen to that. Totally agree. Music is a Big Help. I have a Health Condition Cerebral Palsy but Music, Family, Friends is helping me with the Pandemic. I love the MLT. Cheers All. Ian.

    • John Hollister

      30/07/2021 at 17:16

      Hi Ian,

      Staying connected has been a challenge during the pandemic. It’s so important to have a good support system. FaceTime and zoom have been a blessing since I can visit with my daughter and grandkids any time I like.


  • Jacki Hopper

    19/07/2021 at 17:41

    I think I’ve done a poem about the joy of their music… wouldn’t hurt to do an update…????

    ” Daily Doses of MLT Please “

    Just like that refreshing breeze

    It does something to one’s spiritsoul

    It achieves it goal

    No matter the situation you’re in

    The Music of theirs

    Soothes and Comforts

    Time and Again

    It’s Sunshine with Smiles and Groovy Beats

    The #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified Emination

    Brings about the best Postivity-fication

    Globally They have united fans from far and wide

    All share that Loyal Luv Pride

    They put your minds at ease

    I’ll gladly take an infinite lifetime refill

    Of Daily Doses of MLT Please…

    [C.]JackiHopper2021 ~

  • Michael Thompson

    30/07/2021 at 19:12

    Jacki is our poet laureate! She always brightens my day!

  • Jung Roe

    31/07/2021 at 00:08

    Jacki. Nice poem!!!

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