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  • Lisa’s beautiful braids.

    Posted by Jeffery Ohlwine on 27/07/2021 at 18:54

    My folks (especially Mom, Dad sleeps quite a lot!) and I spend a fair amount of time weekend mornings watching MLT vids on YouTube. This past Sunday Mom remarked “I wonder who puts the braids in Lisa’s beautiful hair?” With a little discussion we decided to assume a combination of all three Wagner ladies, at one time or another. I know PapaRudi is a true renaissance man, but I just can’t fathom that being one of his many talents ????. It sometimes amazes me the details Mom picks up, being as sight-challenged as she is! So, I’m asking for her, who gets the credit for the gorgeous braids?

    Jeffery Ohlwine replied 3 years, 1 month ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    27/07/2021 at 18:55

    Well, I get to claim all the praise and glory for myself with this one, haha. But I usually don’t go for particularly difficult braids as I usually quickly lose patience when fiddling about with my super fine and long hair. I’ve mastered the side-braid which is how I wear my hair 95% of the time to avoid it getting tangled.
    No offence to Dad who is a man of many talents, but I doubt he could help me tie a simple ponytail ????

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    27/07/2021 at 19:19

    Poor Rudolf! But that was hilarious, Lisa! Being a short-haired male and my Mom never being able to grow long hair, I(we) assumed it would be easier for another to braid your hair. You should be commended; it always looks stunning, wether you’re made up for a video shoot or running thru mountains just as you are. My sister used to maintain longish hair, tho not nearly as long as yours. She often carped about what a pain it was to wash, brush, etc. (She’s a bit of a drama queen ????), so we want to thank you for the extra effort you put forth to always have beautiful hair!

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