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  • Favourite MLT drawing/painting

    Posted by Jung Roe on 01/08/2021 at 04:44

    I have always been impressed by Mona and Lisa’s drawing and painting talent, which I think is just an extension of their singing and song writing magic gift that they’ve honed to the highest level through hard work, love, and devotion to their music.

    Do you have a particular MLT drawing that stand out as a favourite!

    I love them all, but the ones that stand out as favourite would be Lisa’s “Miami Rocks”. A Mustang Shelby GT350 with Mona and Lisa riding in it. How can it not be my fave! I also love Mona’s “Midnight Thoughts” drawing with a fountain pen! Wow, how do you do that? Then there is Lisa’s “Bad Hair Day” and “Cozy” etc.. and Mona’s “Silhoette” series…

    I love these quotes about art by a famous 20th Century graphic artist, Eyvind Earle, who is one of Lisa’s favourite artist as mentioned in a past Q & A video. I think this gets to the heart of art and music. It’s one in the same which is why many great singer/song writers are also very talented in other fields of art, and science etc…

    I’ve posted this before, but in honour of the recent “Janitor Joe” water colour art giveaway:

    …Infinite energy and creative force are all around us waiting to be used….
    Art is creating
    Art is a search for truth.

    Art encompasses all aspects of existence:
    Life, truth, consciousness, color, sound, and feeling..they are all the same thing.
    Seeing, we call it painting
    Hearing, we call it music
    Reading , we call it poetry
    Living, we call it life

    Art is an attempt to capture life.

    -Eyvind Earl

    Jung Roe replied 3 years, 1 month ago 3 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    01/08/2021 at 04:50

    Interestingly the 3 greatest modern pop/rock singer song writers of all time are also very talented visual artists. John Lennon, Paul McCartney, and Bob Dylan.

    In this interesting video, John says “art” was his first love before the guitar. He attended the famous “Liverpool Art Institute” from 1957 to 1960. He is considered a true Renaissance Man given his poetic and visual arts talent. His art was considered worthy of exhibition and organizers did plan some exhibitions of his work, but some of his work shall we say was a little too passionate, and was cancelled.

    “If art were to redeem man, it could do so only by saving him from the seriousness of life and restoring him to unexpected boyishness” – John Lennon

  • Jung Roe

    01/08/2021 at 04:54

    I posted this about a year ago, but here it is again about Paul McCartney for some of the newer MLT Club members who may have not seen it.

    Here is an interesting interview with Paul McCartney as he talks about his creativity that led him to be a song writer, poet, and painter. He says it was all about “the magic of creating something out of nothing.” “It just starts with a feeling to do it.”

  • Jung Roe

    01/08/2021 at 04:55
  • Roger Penn

    01/08/2021 at 05:03

    I also really like Mona’s watercolors in general. “Silhouettes of Life” is my favorite. I also like Lisa’s Obligatory Sunset. And we sort of have you, Jung, to thank for the existence of Midnight Thoughts, so, thanks! 😀 However, all three of the recent Janitor Joe pieces blow everything else away in my opinion.

    • Jung Roe

      01/08/2021 at 05:19

      Hi Roger, oh yeah those 3 Janitor Joe watercolors are out of this world awesome indeed! Love the cute titles they gave them too, “Janitor Joe, where did you go”, “Flying Through the Universe”..

  • Jung Roe

    01/08/2021 at 05:03

    If there ever was a “Renaissance Man”, Bob Dylan would be worthy of that title too.

    “Bob Dylan was named the latest recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature. The 75-year-old singer-songwriter was given the award for “having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition.”

    “Bob Dylan is a Nobel Prize–winning, profoundly quixotic troubadour who is quite rightly seen as one of the world’s greatest-ever songwriters and performers. Less well known is that for decades Dylan has also pursued a burning interest in the visual arts. As far back as 1968, he painted the cover art for The Band’s Music From Big Pink, and there have been several exhibitions of his sculptures and paintings in the years since.

    Dylan might be less renowned for his visual renderings than for his words, but his latest exhibition—which opens in London on Tuesday, October 9—happily marries both. “Mondo Scripto” at the Halcyon Gallery is a Dylan-curated selection of 60 of his songs, each of which have had their lyrics handwritten (and sometimes re-written, as in the case of songs like 1975’s “Tangled Up in Blue,” in which instead of having “used a little too much force,” Dylan’s now has the protagonist “let the law take its course”) and have been illustrated by Dylan with a line pencil drawing. Asked about these illustrations in a brief interview text that accompanies the exhibition, a typically reticent Dylan says: “Those images come straight from the songs. They fit the songs.”

  • Jung Roe

    01/08/2021 at 05:10
  • Jung Roe

    01/08/2021 at 05:30

    A nice music video featuring his art work.

  • Jacki Hopper

    02/08/2021 at 03:38

    I love all MLT’S creative artworks for each of their own creative merits …for a visual concept /learner as I am, I truly appreciate all the detailing that goes into the artworks, it’s poetical to me, instead of words it’s visual expression,visual music story telling… I’ve always been creative minded and rather excelled better in school in art, poetry, etc as opposed to all the math, science, etc, that stuff no use to me, never could grasp it whereas, art, etc, I do, comes natural to me. Anytime aptitude tests were done in school, I always did better in social/art, etc areas tgan thenath, etc areas. Also in Grade 12( my final year of high school) upon deciding to go into the COOP Education Program, there was a day or two 9f testing in different areas to see what strengths/weaknesses you had in order to determine COOP placements and ideas for future career paths…guess what, once again, it was proven… I scored high in social/creative/visual, etc and failed /did poorly in Maths, etc… so, I’m happy to be creative and appreciate the creativity of art and in music . I tend to gravitate intuitively/instinctively towards artistic things that grab my attention, and when I write poetry, it’s visual minded, I see in my mind what I write, and then one can interpret the way the poem works for themselves. That is, I know what the poem means for me but at same time, I leave it open for personal interpretation upon the reader and what they get from it… Good topic Jung…

  • Jung Roe

    02/08/2021 at 05:31

    Hi Jacki, thanks. With art, you can express so much more than with words for sure. I guess that’s where poetry comes in, can take a phrase and with metaphors and all the other aspects of poetry express so much visually with just a few words like a painting or song.

    That genius physicist, scientist, and mathematician Einstein was a great proponent of art as being just as important as science.

    Einstein said, “Science itself is not a liberator….Scientists and artists, through their work, have enduring influence.”

    He also said: “Imagination is more important than knowledge.”

  • Jung Roe

    08/08/2021 at 22:02

    I love this video about Bob Dylan, and the link between his music and poetry. It seems great song writers are poets too, and so are Mona and Lisa.

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