• binge listening

    Posted by Will Beard on 04/08/2021 at 08:10

    It dawned on me that there are very few musical performers I binge listen to, same artist for an hour or more. Patsy Cline, Eric Clapton, The Shadows, and MonaLisa Twins. Others I’ll listen to an album before changing performers but the ones mentioned when one album is done I put on another one of the same performer(s). I can not think of any other current performers I like enough to binge their music, except these ladies. In my car is a flash drive with all 8 of their albums I have, nothing else on it so over 100 MLT songs while driving, Will be more when they put out another album

    Diana Geertsen replied 3 years, 1 month ago 7 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Bill Isenberg

    04/08/2021 at 13:29

    Will great post, I am with you, I have the Mona Lisa Twins on my flash drive and when I drive my 2013 Dodge I have all CD’S in that car, and I listen to them one after the other. Ends my day and begins my day such positive ladies and such wonderful talent, does not get any better than that for me.

  • Jung Roe

    05/08/2021 at 00:55

    I know what you mean Will and Bill.

    I always binge listen to MLT when I do a road trip or travel.

    Drove all through northern British Columbia ranch country with Orange, cruised up the Inside Passage to Alaska, and then down the US and Mexico west coast from Vancouver to Puerto Vallarta with all the MLT albums loaded in my iphone listening on headphones sitting on the deck/balcony of the ships. Sailed into San Francisco passing under the Golden Gate listing to MLT and California Dreaming album. Nothing like listening to MLT “San Francisco” walking all around Fisherman’s Wharf and places around San Francisco where MLT filmed their video.

  • Jacki Hopper

    05/08/2021 at 01:19

    Well, aside from Binge MLT-ing Listening, I’d have to say Mamas and Papas, Cass Elliot, Denny Doherty, Patsy Cline, Vince Gill, Reba, Dusty Springfield, Amy Winehouse Beatles, my buddies –Glass Tiger, and many others, but these are my staples in Binge -Listening aside from MLT…????

  • Walter Music

    05/08/2021 at 19:23

    Well said everyone, I have the same set ups but when I am in my little studio I also pull out my Martin or another guitar and jam with them. I find myself listening or listening and playing with one of the CD’s or on my system and I just can’t get enough of the MonaLisa Twins. They are great musicians, lovely ladies, funny and I do this everyday, what the hell is it!!!!! I can’t seem to put them down. Groovy Post, thanks.

  • Lynn T. Newcomb

    07/08/2021 at 16:07

    For several years, November has been Simon and Garfunkel month for my youngest son and me. Nothing but S&G for an entire month. Only Taylor Swift and the MonaLisa Twins have been able to break into that month. TS because of a new album release, MLT because they were still new to me last fall (I binged watched/listen to them for three months.

  • Diana Geertsen

    12/08/2021 at 10:00

    I go in phases. For a while, it was U2, so I decided to make an adventure out of it and went to 15 shows in a year. Next, I got back into Heart and went to about 10 shows that year. Last year, it was non-stop Garbage (I’ve got second row center stage seats to see them with Alanis Morrisette next month). MLT has eclipsed them all and it is just killing me that I can’t do my 15 concert adventure with them. Jacki, I like Amy Winehouse too. I just didn’t discover how great she was until after she died.

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