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  • Living next door to MLT

    Posted by Darryl Boyd on 22/08/2021 at 17:50

    I think living next door to Mona and Lisa would be very
    cool. I wonder if your actual neighbours feel the same way?

    Do your neighbours know that they live next door to famous,
    talented musicians?

    Do they recognise you when you pop out to collect the mail?

    Do they see your lights on at all hours of the night and
    think you do shift work?

    Any budding paparazzi?

    Did they see you moving in with a million guitar cases,
    drums, speakers, and amps, and think, “there goes the neighbourhood”?

    Perhaps they started researching house prices to see what
    they could get if they sell?

    I mean this in good fun of course!. I remember you telling
    us about noise complaints in the early days, but got any interesting neighbour
    stories you can share?

    Jung Roe replied 3 years ago 10 Members · 18 Replies
  • 18 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    23/08/2021 at 22:26

    Hi Darryl!

    As far as we know only one of our current neighbours knows who we are and we asked them to help us maintain a low profile. God knows what the others must be thinking about our strange sleeping hours and noises coming from the studio!

    So far we haven’t had any real issues, touch wood!

    The noise complaint came in during the first few months of living in the UK during a hot summer. We hadn’t had an air conditioner installed yet and had to rehearse in a hot conservatory for an upcoming show …. with the windows open.

    Since then it has been a peaceful coexistence with our neighbours!

  • Greg Dent

    24/08/2021 at 22:13

    I wrote a song last year about how cool it is to live (virtually) next door to you guys and you have us over for songs and stories just as we’re doing right this minute. How funny to have all us thousands of virtual neighbors and only one real neighbor in on the game.

  • Thomas Randall

    25/08/2021 at 16:10

    Living next to you 2 would be a dream! I would love it. When I was young we had many musicians in my village. So many garage bands! The early to mid 70’s were real good times! Then disco came along and ruined it….

  • Bill Isenberg

    25/08/2021 at 17:01

    All I know that if we lived next to the Mona Lisa Twins……Maddie would never come home! LOL…But what a great concept , living next door to such great ladies and great music! Sounds like heaven to me everyone!!!

  • Michael Thompson

    25/08/2021 at 21:47

    Bill, I would be with Maddie! I’d never go home! (well maybe to sleep)

  • Darryl Boyd

    26/08/2021 at 13:01

    Just for some fun, I’ve rewritten a popular 70s song.
    I’ve used some poetic licence of course, and some parts could be improved with more time, but what the hey.
    MoLis is short for Mona and Lisa 🙂

    Sung to the tune of Living Next Door To Alice

    Rudi called when he got the word
    And he said “I suppose you’ve heard….about MoLis?”
    Well I rushed to the window and I looked outside
    And I could hardly believe my eyes
    As a big Fiat van rolled up into next door’s drive

    Oh I was disbelieving
    It seems so long ago
    I guess they got their reasons
    But I justa got to know
    Cos’ for 84 months I’ve been living next door to MoLis

    84 months just waiting for a chance
    To tell them how I feel maybe have a little dance
    And now I tap a my toes a lot, living next door to MoLis

    They grew up together, two kids now grown up
    They carved their initials, deep in the Club
    Mona and Lisa
    Now they walk through the door with their helds held high
    Just for a moment I caught their eye
    As a big Fiat van pulls slowly into MoLis’s drive

    Oh I was disbelieving
    It seems so long ago
    I guess they got their reasons
    But I justa got to know
    Cos’ for 84 months I’ve been living next door to MoLis

    84 months just waiting for a chance
    To tell them how I feel maybe have a little dance
    And now I tap a my toes a lot, living next door to MoLis

    And Rudi called back and asked how I felt
    And he said “I know how to help, get to know MoLis”
    He said now Molis are fun, that’s what I hear
    And I’ve known them for 27 years
    And then I hear Mona and Lisa cheer

    Oh I was disbelieving
    It seems so long ago
    I guess they got their reasons
    But I justa got to know
    Cos’ for 84 months I’ve been living next door to MoLis

    84 months just waiting for a chance
    To tell them how I feel maybe have a little dance
    And now I tap a my toes a lot, living next door to MoLis

    And now I tap a my toes a lot, living next door to MoLis

    • Andrew Butt

      28/08/2021 at 20:24

      Darrell, that was brilliant!!! Love it.

    • Jacki Hopper

      29/08/2021 at 03:55

      Loved that Darryl, I was singing it as I read it…lol… I actually sang a duet of that song on a online social global Karaoke App awhile ago with someone…I’ve always liked that song, but your version, million times over better, Thanks for writing that up !! ????

  • David Herrick

    26/08/2021 at 17:55

    Brilliant, Darryl! Nice to see that I’m not the only parodist in the club.

    • Greg Dent

      26/08/2021 at 19:59

      Cool! Have you really been there the whole time? I just got in last year.

      Anyway, thanks for breaking the song lyrics ice. Now I can post mine.

    • Greg Dent

      26/08/2021 at 20:16

      The Twins are so generous with their time and attention sharing their
      lives with us fans, but after a while, it’s like I selfishly want to know more,
      even if it has to wait till later. It prompted me to write …

      Save the Outtakes

      Love your pictures, the happy faces

      Looks like good times

      You’ve done fine things, you’ve graced great places

      Love the good times

      Still, I hope that in some drawer

      You’re stashing back a whole lot more

      Than the good times

      I hope you …



      Save the Outtakes

      Save the sad days

      Save tear stains

      That got you there

      Love the bad breaks

      Wrong turns and heartaches

      That tell the story of what got you there


      You make me feel like I live next door

      Like regular neighbors

      You have me over for songs and stories

      My virtual neighbors

      I hope someday there’ll be a book

      Behind the scenes, an inside look



      At all the work and sacrifice

      Victories and love and loss

      Deadline fog and dragging butts

      Making do with not enough, oh



    • Jacki Hopper

      29/08/2021 at 03:58

      Ahem Um, David…. Do I not qualify as a Parodist-singer/writer with my poetical license to create…lol…. Geewhiz, now I’m deflated…lol…. ( just joking )

    • David Herrick

      29/08/2021 at 04:10

      Sorry, Jacki! I was using a rather narrow definition of parody. Everything you create starts from scratch, which is quite beyond what I can do.

  • David Herrick

    26/08/2021 at 21:20

    Very nice, Greg! Is this a parody of an existing song, or an original?

    • Greg Dent

      27/08/2021 at 03:04

      Thanks, David

      It’s original. I thought I deleted it because the formatting is so garbled, but there it is. Hopefully I can fix this a little later. (It’s fixed now. This page doesn’t seem to like pasted content.) It’s none of my business, of course, but I feel there must be some great stories between let’s do this and we did this.

      I feel like we’re in the midst of a pretty incredible story here, and I sure would like to hear/read about it at the appropriate time.

  • Darryl Boyd

    26/08/2021 at 23:12

    Cheers Greg.

    I’ve been in the club since it started, however MLT moved to Liverpool a while before that.

    I did a bit of research for the lyrics. They moved to Liverpool in 2014, so 7 x 12 = 84!

    And they arrived in a red FIAT van (if my van ID skills are any good!) after the blue Merc broke down.

  • David Herrick

    27/08/2021 at 17:15

    Okay, my turn. To the tune of Neil Sedaka’s “Next Door to an Angel”:

    I’m livin’ right next door to a concert, and I hear it every day.

    I’m livin’ right next door to a concert, and my troubles start to fade away.

    This used to be such a crummy neighborhood, but all of a sudden it’s pretty darn good.

    I’m livin’ right next door to a concert, and the sound of it is just divine.

    Kinda quiet this morning. They sleep till twelve o’clock.

    But I waited till evening, and the house began to rock.

    First Summer Rain, then Janitor Joe, and then that groovy politician song stole the show.

    I’m livin’ right next door to a concert, and the sound of it is just divine.

    I can’t believe the sixties have earned an encore. That classic Beatle sound is the sound I adore.

    Lisa and Mona, rock on! Ain’t it great it’s my fate, hearin’ such a lovely concert?

    Heard that Gretsch guitar groovin’, and I couldn’t believe my ears.

    I used to think about movin’, but now I’ll stay for years.

    I feel so lucky. I’m havin’ a ball. Got the very best seat within the concert hall.

    I’m livin’ right next door to a concert, and the sound of it is just divine.

  • Jung Roe

    29/08/2021 at 05:17

    Wow guys! Some great lyric writing talent among us! I think living next door to MLT would be pretty cool. Think of all the great music you would get to hear before anyone else, but come to think of it, that is exactly what we get to do here at the MLT Club! 🙂 Awesome.

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