Posted by John Hollister on 14/08/2021 at 00:42

    I’m ashamed to say that after two years I’ve just listened to my first MLT original. I can’t believe what I’ve been missing out on. The songs are tight and the videos are awesome. June was my entry point for MLT originals and what a nice place to start. Mona and Lisa are charming consummate professionals.

    Jacki Hopper replied 3 years, 1 month ago 4 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Johnnypee Parker

    14/08/2021 at 05:31

    Hi John,

    When We’re Together is not just a great debut album, but a great album altogether. From catchy numbers like the title track, June, Won’t You Listen Now to a little psychycadelia with Dreams and Nothing Is In Vain. Lisa really puts some soul into nothing, nothing, nothing


    • John Hollister

      14/08/2021 at 17:23

      Thanks for the tip JP. I have a niece in Salisbury who is a serious musician. I’ll share one of her songs at a later date. She had a London-based band in the nineties. Her boyfriend, bandmate, and now husband was working the door on a club they were playing. The place was full so he turned some guy away. The guy was Robert Plant.

      Their son fell in love with everything Beatle at the ripe old age of ten and went to Liverpool last year. The kids these days know quality and they’re not getting it. I’ve got a good mind to get him an MLT club membership. He plays the drums and I’m sure he would find a lot of inspiration from the twins.

      I really appreciate how the MLTs are sticking to their principles and are realizing their own vision and not getting swept away by the current sad state of the muzak industry.

      To Thine Own Self Be True

      With the world being such a mess, it’s nice to have a place like this to detox.

  • Walter Music

    14/08/2021 at 14:28

    John try Still A Friend Of Mine is one of my favorite originals by Mona and Lisa, also June. Just beautiful songs about someone we all care about, I believe I can say that. Wide, Wide Land is another one. They are great performers, song writers and musicians. I can’t get enough of the MLT Club, there is nothing on U tube like it!!!! They honestly care about their fans!!!!! Their new album coming up, I believe is going to be huge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • John Hollister

      14/08/2021 at 17:30

      Hi Walter,

      I’ll definitely look into it. It’s so nice to find a place on the internet that doesn’t make you upset and angry. It’s positivity central around here.

  • Jacki Hopper

    16/08/2021 at 00:57

    Though it was a Mamas and Papas cover that I discovered MLT with on YouTube , uh, eons ago…I think 14 yrs now it is, or close to it…I equally appreciate their originals, as they are a refreshing change in the music landscape, and are welcomed to my listening ears…

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