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  • Possible Duo Sessions DVD

    Posted by Tom on 22/08/2021 at 18:11

    Hi Mona,Hi Lisa

    Love All The Duo Sessions videos.

    I was just wondering if there are any future plans,to maybe release a DVD of them(like the When We’re Together DVD).Sure would be nice to be able to have them all in a neat package,to view & listen to.And to be able to show family and friends exactly why I love the 2 of you,and share the joy your music brings to the world.

    Love & Hugs


    Dennis Grover replied 3 years ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    22/08/2021 at 18:14

    Hi Tom,

    Thank you so much for the question and the interest in a Duo Session DVD. We get a lot of requests to make DVDs for our live shows, duo sessions, music videos etc. but unfortunately the answer is always the same: Likely not.

    Unfortunately, it is very complicated (and expensive) to get the rights for video productions (unlike for CDs) when using cover songs. It is also a dying medium which wouldn’t allow us to produce and sell a lot of them. So all in all it would be very hard for us to make any profit from releasing more DVDs on top of being very complicated to produce.

    Which is part of the reason we’re posting so many videos to the Club instead.

    We hope that makes sense ♥

    • Dennis Grover

      26/08/2021 at 03:53

      The DVD’s aren’t really important to me, except as collectables, but I really enjoy having the downloads. If there’s a way to make downloads of the newer Duo Sessions available, even at an increased cost, I would love to see it.

      Perhaps things will change. The ebook industry struggled at first with cost and licensing issues, now they’re making ebooks available as fast as they can. Prices have going up significantly, and perhaps that’s the key.

      I’m looking forward to your new album and hopefully many more duo sessions in the future.

  • Tom

    23/08/2021 at 02:22

    Thanks Mona,your explanation is crystal clear.Never thought about all the permissions and other stuff required.Love what you and Lisa do.As I’ve said before,you are both Rays of Sunshine,in a cloudy Universe right now.Can’t wait for the all the new songs.Absolutley LOVE the new video.Stay Safe & Healthy,and above all Groovy!!????

    Love & Hugs!!????????

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    23/08/2021 at 12:27

    I, too didn’t realize the licensing fees involved. Now it’s clear why, tho highly coveted, DVDs wouldn’t make sense or cents for you to produce. Loving all you do for us! We are truly spoiled and blessed!

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