• Greetins from France

    Posted by Alexandre Salles on 29/08/2021 at 19:28

    Hello everyone

    My name is Alex. I’m French. I listen to the MonaLisa Twins
    thanks to a friend who made me listen to a cover of David Bowie
    “Starman”. I love this music and particularly the album
    “Orange” which is a real favorite.

    Sorry if my English is not
    perfect. Good evening to you all. 😉

    Alexandre Salles replied 3 years ago 8 Members · 13 Replies
  • 13 Replies
  • Jürgen

    29/08/2021 at 20:17

    Hello Alex,

    welcome to the club. Nice to meet you here. My ticket to Mona and Lisa was “While my guitar gently weeps” by the Beatles.

    Kind regards


    • Alexandre Salles

      29/08/2021 at 20:35

      Thanks Jürgen. It’s nice. I love Beatles cover by MonaLisa Twins. My preferences are for “please please me” and “nowhere man”.

  • Jung Roe

    29/08/2021 at 22:00

    Hi Alexandre, welcome to the MLT Cub, so glad you joined. When I first heard and saw MLTs “Starman”, it blew me away. I felt my soul aloft in the clouds by the time the song finished. MLT did a stellar job on that Bowie song.

    Hope you have a great time here exploring all the rich MLT top notch content. 🙂

    • Alexandre Salles

      30/08/2021 at 08:33

      Hello and thank you for your welcome. I’ll start browsing this forum.

      Have a nice day.

  • Jacki Hopper

    30/08/2021 at 06:31

    Hiya Alexandre, Allo/Bonjiur, Nice to meet you, I’ve been an MLT fan going on roughly 14/15yrs now, glad you have joined the MLT Club and get yourself #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified with all of its offerings, look forward to seeing more posts from you, Bye/Au Revoir…✌

    • Alexandre Salles

      30/08/2021 at 18:38

      Thank you for your welcome. It’s great.

  • Walter Music

    31/08/2021 at 12:58

    Welcome Alexandre, you are absolutely in the right place. I am fairly new in the Club also. I don’t remember the first song I heard by Mona and Lisa but once I heard one song I couldn’t stop. For me it’s like an addiction because they are so good at anything they put to Music. There are a lot of area’s in the Club that I seem to find new all the time. MLT really cares about their fan base and so down to earth.

    • Alexandre Salles

      31/08/2021 at 21:02

      Thank you. This forum is very comprehensive and I haven’t seen everything yet. I can’t wait to see more.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    12/09/2021 at 15:45

    Hi Alexandre,

    Welcome to the MLT Club and thank you for saying “hi”! Your English is great!
    We’re glad to hear that “Starman” introduced you to our music and appreciate the kind words about ORANGE. We are currently working on the next original album 🙂

    Lots of peace & love to France and thanks for being here,
    Mona & Lisa

    • Alexandre Salles

      13/09/2021 at 19:41

      Thanks Lisa for your welcome. i’m very happy to be here. I can’t wait to listen more tracks from your future original album. I’m sure it will be a great album.

      Good evening to you.

  • Diana Geertsen

    13/09/2021 at 10:44

    Hello Alexandre,

    I’m Diana from Salt Lake City, Utah. I discovered MLT during a Youtube search of the Beach Boys ‘God Only Knows’. You are going to love this club. I’m hooked. So glad to have you aboard. I also love ‘Starman’ and I think they do it better than Bowie.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    13/09/2021 at 11:19

    Hi Alexandre,

    Greetings from upstate New York. Have you checked out the & about section under specials? There is a great video from when the girls went skydiving for their 18th birthday. It has an awesome soundtrack.

    There is so much to see and hear at this awesome site. Have fun!

    I landed here after seeing Lisa and Mona’s cover of Wish You Were Here. The Duo Sessions are beyond amazing.


  • Alexandre Salles

    13/09/2021 at 19:58

    Thank you again to all for your welcome to the MLT Club. It’s very nice. I’ll discover the forum a little more and, like all of you, follow with pleasure the news about MonaLisa Twins.

    Good evening to you all.

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