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  • I Bought Myself a Politician – Artists with something to say

    Posted by Jung Roe on 30/08/2021 at 04:29

    So today was a very special day indeed. The world premiere of MLTs “I Bought Myself A Politician”. Mona and Lisa join the ranks of the great artists with a message for the times. Have a look at the response from the the listeners at Youtube, Facebook etc…People love it! Just a random sampling:

    Unbelievable!!! The only artists I know that dare to speaketh the truth. Brave, VERY BRAVE.

    EXCELLENT !!!! Great throwback to the political songs of the 60’s, and this one will be just as real today as it will be 60 years from now.

    You young ladies have hit the nail directly on the head!!! Standing ovation to you and your production team! Totally awesome video. Love it!

    Fantastic! It’s great to see people still making new unique music that departs from all of the other stuff going on in pop music right now.

    A Deep Message shown in Humor and Reality! MonaLisa Twins Deliver The Goods time and time again!

    Absolutely Brilliant. Way to remain politically neutral while highlighting the real problem with the world political system, regardless of your political bend. Nice work!!!!

    Absolutely, Hands Down, the BEST Song you’ve done yet.Love this. You have summed up the “Climate ” of the entire planet in a few short minutes.

    The Kudos keep rolling in, on and on.

    So in honour of MLTs “I Bought Myself A Politician”, here are many more great songs by great artists with a message for the times.

    Jung Roe replied 2 years, 11 months ago 6 Members · 51 Replies
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