MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion MonaLisa Twins, absolutely beautiful, absolutely amazing talent!

  • Bill Isenberg

    11/10/2021 at 20:51

    100% agree Jung, These ladies are simply the best in my book. They are one offs also in my book, in my life I do not think I can find another set of talent ladies as the Mona Lisa Twins. For their age they have it all together from how they present themselves to the love of family and the love for their fans and the talent they share with us is beyond words, I make sure each day of my life is filled with the Mona Lisa Twins. God bless Mona and Lisa !

    Love Bill and Maddie Isenberg from Pittsburgh Pa USA

  • Walter Music

    12/10/2021 at 13:42

    If I am not mistaken, this was the first song I heard surfing you tube by MLT!!!! I was just drawn in and once there I listened to another and another, etc. I haven’t stopped. That was May of this year. Yung and Bill whoever sent that to that you tuber was a genius. We all have said it before but Mona and Lisa are absolutely the best!!! They have it all. The kind of Ladies that I would be proud if they were my daughters. There songs just resonate, their video’s, voices, musicianship are always at it’s best. They care about their fans making this club so much fun. I listen to them every day and I never can get enough, I don’t know if they realize just what they do to all of us!!! Thanks guys that was a blast!!!!!

  • Jacki Hopper

    12/10/2021 at 15:52

    In full agreement of what’s been mentioned here and I’d like to add my 2 cents worth, that 14 yrs ago when I happily stumbled upon them on YT , whilst looking for out of curiosity for a half decent Mamas and Papas cover of ” California Dreamin “, well … when their cover version came on, from the get -go I was drawn to them, loved them instantly, something of their essences, or whatever it is, caught my attention right away, knew I was going to love their other music and decided right then and there to become a lifetime fan … and I’m going to say this, they are but of a rare awesome selection few in today’s music landscape that truly know what they’re doing, being genuine in their musicianship, doing things their own way independently with full control , not about caving in to be a made up image according to demand of record companies, etc, not sounding fake, etc… They are the Real Deal and there’s not many musicians out there in today’s landscape that I care to listen to, the rare some that I do enjoy in different genres and/or are their new / old schoolstuff from them. MLT have that beautiful bestowment distinction of appealing to All Age brackets … and refreshing breath of music air in today’s music landscape … ????☮

  • Thomas Randall

    13/10/2021 at 01:25

    When I stumbled upon the girls in 2018 I Was hooked immediately and wondered how I didn’t know about them much sooner. It was at the start of 3 years of health problems that seemed to never end but these 2 girls and Rudi and Michaela really helped get me through some tough times. I couldn’t thank them enough but I’ll try.

    I’m so glad I found them.

  • Jung Roe

    13/10/2021 at 06:07

    Jacki, AMEN to that! Your words here sends goosebumps! Couldn’t agree more. 🙂

    Agree 100% with you Bill, Walter, and Thomas!

  • Bill Isenberg

    14/10/2021 at 16:51

    Well put Jacki, 100% I wish I could of found the Mona Lisa Twins earlier than I did in 2017 / 2018. As I Mentioned before I saw Revolution and The Last Time and I was all in. Their music helps me so much, back in 2016 thru 2018 I had rough and hard times and this music would of saved me so much but things happen for a reason and when I did find them? My life has been so much better to deal with. I wish I could see them in person to let them know how much their music has helped me. And they are the perfect role model for Maddie to see how things should be in this world we live in. I am with Jung and Jacki and all others to say, simply put….Mona Lisa Twins are the best! Hands down!!

    Bill and Maddie Isenberg Huge Fans from Pittsburgh PA USA

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