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  • What is your favourite pop/rock music film?Why?

    Posted by Bill Brunt on 26/10/2021 at 23:18

    My favourite music film is “a hard days night “????????I love the style of the film ,looks like it’s unscripted but it’s not!…and the songs are first class …most of all the boys seem very happy .

    John Leonard replied 2 years, 10 months ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    26/10/2021 at 23:19

    Oh, that’s a good question. Of course, all the Beatles movies, especially “A Hard Day’s Night’ hold such a special place in our hearts ♥ We were obsessed with them in our teenage years! 😉

    We also love “Across The Universe” which is a beautiful romantic drama based on Beatles songs that to us is such a beautiful piece of art.

    Quadrophenia and School Of Rock are two other films we loved growing up with. We also thought the recent movie “Yesterday” was a really adorable, fun project that stuck with us for quite a while.

    I guess we can’t really pick a favourite, they all have different things going for them, plus we’re not big movie buffs, so there are a lot of “classic” music movies that we still haven’t seen.


  • Jung Roe

    31/10/2021 at 02:02

    Hi Lisa, and Bill. A fun one I enjoyed and can recommend is “Rock of Ages”, about a rock star, Stacee Jaxx played by Tom Cruise, who lost his passion. A young and rising singer who works in the club owned by Stacee Jaxx’s old manager, played by Alec Baldwin, some how helps Stacee Jaxx get his passion back and remember why he became a musician in the first place. The movie didn’t do well in the box office when it came out in 2012, but I thought it was great and a lot of fun with great music too. Another one I mentioned here a while ago is “Begin Again”, about the plight of a young singer/song writer, played by Keira Knightley, trying to survive and navigate the music industry today.

  • Walter Music

    01/11/2021 at 23:35

    You know I really enjoyed HELP! It was kind of silly but the Music was awesome and the guys didn’t do a bad job of acting. Ringo was at Center.

  • John Leonard

    06/11/2021 at 00:09

    has anyone seen that thing you do and the commitments. that thing you do takes place in the 60s and is about a one hit wonder band. great music. written and directed by tom hanks. the commitments is about the formation of a soul band in dublin.

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