
  • Mona and Lisa voices

    Posted by Bill Isenberg on 20/10/2021 at 01:39

    I know we have talked about this in the past but I am telling aside from the talent these two ladies have with guitars, drums, etc their voices are heaven to me. We have been blessed with Simon and Garfunkel , Paul McCartney and John Lennon, Everly Brothers but Mona and Lisa ? They are in a class by them selves in my book. Their voices blend so well on any song they sing, from a ballet to soft to rock you name it. I was coming home today from work and put on their first CD back in 2008 and the opening number is Knocking on Heavens Door and wow the voices are simply heaven and the day I had was so stressful I was smiling listening to them and felt so relaxed. So got home and had dinner and put on UTube on my TV and just had tears in my eyes hearing them sing Sounds Of Silence. Folks we are witnessing greatness here with Mona and Lisa. No other way to say it. One off in my life time, there is no one in today’s world that can do the magic that they have. People may argue but I am sticking to what I am saying and so glad I found them. They make music new again from what I grew up with and let us know that YES this music is still here and come along for the ride with us. Who can re due the Beatles music and make it their own? I am like the one club member saying when he listens to the Beatle Channel and wait for them to play Mona and Lisa, and when they don’t? I turn the channel because no on covers them as good as Mona and Lisa hands down. All in All? Mona and Lisa have beautiful and lovely voices and we are blessed to have them and for them to share with us their journey. Thank you Mona and Lisa for making our lives bearable in this crazy world we live in and we all love you both and please keep it coming and stay groovy please??

    Bill and Maddie Isenberg Huge Huge fans from Pittsburgh Pa USA

    Bill Isenberg replied 2 years, 11 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    21/10/2021 at 02:48

    Hi Bill

    Nicely said, couldn’t agree with you more. While we don’t have John Lennon, Everly Brothers, Simon and Garfunkle and many others any more, we’ve been blessed with the supreme musical talents of Mona and Lisa. As many doors close, another great one opens with MLT. In physics they say energy in the universe is never created nor destroyed, but keeps changing form. I think the same is true with great music, we have it passed along from the great composers from history to the 60s rockers like the Beatles and on to Mona and Lisa to carry the torch of great music making into the future. Music doesn’t get any more beautiful than how Mona and Lisa can express it.

  • Thomas Randall

    23/10/2021 at 01:04

    The girl’s singing and harmonizing is second to no one! They are a triple threat. Singing abilities, musical abilities and shear beauty. I’m so glad I found them.

  • Bill Isenberg

    27/10/2021 at 17:51

    Thanks Jung and Thomas, well said. I feel they have the best quality of delivering on their singing , to me it is heaven.

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