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  • Video Recorder Help

    Posted by Walter Music on 23/11/2021 at 18:18

    Hi Mona/Lisa….I have to ask your opinion on what type of video recorder did you or do you use for practice, the Duo Sessions and Live Recording? There are so many. Mine took a fall, anyway, just small venues. Oh also kind of accs. Thanks always to everything you do. Stay Groovy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Walter Music replied 2 years, 9 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    23/11/2021 at 18:19

    Hi Walter!

    We’ve used a whole lot of camera equipment over the years and have updated a lot of stuff as time went on and technology improved. But at the moment our “main” camera is the Sony A7 III. It’s been the main “work horse” for our Duo Sessions and music videos.
    We like to use Sony’s compact camera “RX-100 V” for vlogging and “behind the scenes” filming and also find ourselves using our iPhones 8plus a lot for that.

    Live recordings are a whole different story as you need A LOT of cameras if you want to get many cool angles and we always used everything in our arsenal for those. But since it’s been a while that we’ve filmed a whole live concert and since we’d use different equipment these days (as cameras keep improving), it probably doesn’t make much sense to dive into that.

    Hope that helps! Let us know if you have any other, or more specific questions.

    THANKS and stay groovy!

    • Walter Music

      25/11/2021 at 00:03

      Thanks Lisa for the info on cameras, tomorrow is Thanksgiving here in America and I hope even though you don’t celebrate it that you, Mona and your family are happy, fulfilling all your dreams and may they all come true each and every day!!!! Groovy as always, Walt.

  • Jung Roe

    26/11/2021 at 06:43

    Hi Lisa

    I think these days Sony has really upped their game in photography and video, especially with their renowned Alpha A7 III series mirrorless cameras with monster low light capabilities, superior video and superfast and accurate autofocus systems. It seems in photography these days, unless you’ve been on a deserted island for years, it’s hard not to know of the Sony A7 series. Team MLT obviously know what you are doing when it comes to utilizing the best in video/photography gear these days.

    I did some interesting reading up on Digital SLR vs Mirrorless cameras debate and it looks like the high end video and photography market is favouring Mirrorless over DSLR. It use to be the Nikon D series and Canon EOS DSLRs that were king, but the Mirrorless cameras led by Sony and A7 series these days are forcing the DSLR market to decline as the market moves to Mirrorless.

    That cutting edge Sony RX100 V is an impressive little camera for videos. That super slow motion feature looks amazing!

    I’ve always favoured Canon’s over the years, but it looks like Sony is at the top these days. Will have to cross over. All the bestest wishes. ????❤

  • Walter Music

    26/11/2021 at 23:58

    Thanks everyone, I did have a Canon EOS and that one hit the concrete, not good. Anyway, I did get the Sony, so thanks for that!! Your dad seems to me to know a lot about the recording business and I think your whole family does, so thanks and I will let you know. Thanks for doing research on that Jung. Stay Groovy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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