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  • MLT Club Duo Session: An impressive collection of works

    Posted by Jung Roe on 14/11/2021 at 23:41

    With the recent Duo Session video release of “Count On Me”, it feels like MLT completed a superb trio of their originals with “Close To You” and “Sweet Lorraine” that complement each other so wonderfully. Beautiful, emotional, and joyful, the very best in music today bar none. I also feel with the MLT Club exclusive Duo Session videos, MLT are creating a truly unique and monumental series of works of their originals and covers of classics, that form an impressive music journey and represent the best of rock/pop music over the last 5 decades. They have certainly made each cover all their own, and their originals are brilliant and complement the classics perfectly, which attests to their song writing prowess.

    It is like the collection of intimate works of Bach’s “The Well Tempered Clavier Book 1” (24 keyboard pieces), and Beethoven’s “32 Piano Sonatas”. These series of works by Bach and Beethoven stand as one of the great pillars of music masterpieces of all time. The Duo Sessions is a little corner of the internet in the MLT Club that Mona and Lisa have been creating and adding to for the last 3 years that is taking on a beautiful life of it’s own and forming an incredible collection of intimate acoustic vocal and guitar work videos that I think is a pop/rock masterpiece. A modern “Bach, The Well Tempered Clavier Book 1”, and “Beethoven, 32 Piano Sonatas”; We have “MonaLisa Twins, MLT Club Duo Sessions ” videos.

    Perhaps MLT should keep this series of MLT Club Duo Session videos together as a unique series of works for Youtube or any other platform or media, as they all seem to magically work together. It represents the MLT Club experience progression that has spanned 3 years so far and continuously growing, and is very unique and special.

    Jung Roe replied 2 years, 9 months ago 6 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    14/11/2021 at 23:42
  • Jung Roe

    14/11/2021 at 23:43
  • Walter Music

    15/11/2021 at 03:58

    Jung you must be a writer. Very well said and your so right, if you listen to Count on Me it really lands home to just how great these ladies are at writing lyrics and creating songs that I wish all on the planet could enjoy!!!!!! They bring such happiness to me everyday in there own Music and their covers. Great topic Jung, you are also a true believer in 2 beautiful women making dreams from the stars come true. Stay Groovy!!!!

  • Tom Fones

    15/11/2021 at 15:31

    Sooner or later they’re going to have a great DVD of originals.

  • Jung Roe

    15/11/2021 at 20:18

    Thanks Walter for the kind words. Yes Count On Me needs to be proliferated around the world for everyone to hear. Such a moving message in the lyrics.

    Hi Tom, I think MLT mentioned DVD is a media they don’t see too much demand for, so will likely be online/streaming media, unless DVD makes a comeback like vinyl. Whatever the media, the collection of Duo Session videos form an incredible work of art that express life and the human condition in emotions in such a beautiful and moving way.

  • Tom Fones

    15/11/2021 at 20:23

    Thanks, Jung,

    God i am so 20th century. But don’t you think they might put together

    a set of music-video streams like a downloadable CD?

  • Jung Roe

    15/11/2021 at 20:42

    Hi Tom. I recall there was a question asked in the Ask the MLT forum a while back, and MLT mentioned there is quite a cumbersome and complicated process with royalties etc involved if you package cover videos as a DVD even downloadable DVD. If the video is streamed for view like Youtube, then it’s OK.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    16/11/2021 at 01:29

    We always enjoy reading your posts, Jung. It feels like you are channeling what we all feel.

    As a child of the 80’s, I can’t help but compare the Duo Sessions to MTV Unplugged. But these are a gazillion times better. I know technology has a little part in the improved quality, but these performances are up on another level.

    It’s no surprise that everyone feels a connection to Count On Me. Once again Lisa and Mona have brought grown men to tears.

    I was thinking about this running order:

    Count On Me – Hope

    Close To You – Love

    Sweet Lorraine – Anger (revenge/murder)

    All in good fun

    JP ????☕️

  • Jung Roe

    16/11/2021 at 10:02

    Thanks JP. Yes I think you described it well, Hope, Love, and Anger. I think usually love and anger/passion are intertwined, and sometimes the greater the one, the greater the other.

    Indeed, these MLT Duo Sessions are on another level, a much greater plateau than anything else I find on the internet.

  • Dennis Grover

    29/11/2021 at 01:30

    I totally agree – an impressive collection of works!

    The Twins have always been talented – I still like listening to some of the 2007 concert songs, but I think their music has been taken to new levels as they have matured in age and as musicians. To me, their talent is most evident in the Duo Sessions. “It Ain’t Me Babe” is still my favorite, but most of them are in my favorites list.

    Count of me is one of my favorites and I was glad to see it finally get a video.

  • Bill Isenberg

    29/11/2021 at 15:00

    Jung wow so nice and every word is so true, you always post such wonderful things and I love to read each and every one my friend. I as you know love Count on Me from the Orange Album and have been reaching out over the years for Mona and Lisa to do a video and so glad it finally happened. As I mentioned I lean towards the 60 and early 70’s music and this song has that feel to me, so honest and true in their form of music is awesome to me. At least I feel in my life time these two ladies will stand the test of time. As I watch Count on Me I Feel the love they have for their craft and takes me along with them. The next Duo Session will certainly be a gem.

    Bill and Maddie Isenberg Huge Fans from Pittsburgh Pa USA

  • Jung Roe

    30/11/2021 at 05:04

    Thanks Bill! In response to your other thread, so glad to hear of your big family reunion over Thanksgiving! There is nothing like being able to get together with the ones you love. Those are the most precious memories. Thanks for you kind words, and I agree completely with all you said so eloquently. Mona and Lisa, whether their originals or covers, make the music timeless, beautiful, breathtaking, and a remarkable experience. You feel their music!

    Thanks Dennis, I love their 2007 concert album too, they express so much passion and joy even in their young voices, and they never looked back, and their Duo Sessions are indeed a work of art, like a Starry Night or Mona Lisa, a timeless jewel!

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