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  • Beatles “Get Back” Documentary

    Posted by Jim Yahr on 03/12/2021 at 05:38

    Has anyone else watched it? It’s well worth signing up for a month of Disney Plus to see it. The restoration of the film and audio is breathtaking. Eight hours condensed from the 60 hours of film that was shot during the filming of the “Let It Be” film and the Rooftop Concert. The concert itself is the full 42 minutes and uses the music actually recorded during that takes on the rooftop, several of which were overdubbed with the studio sessions for the original film, and for most of the videos of the event (until now). They don’t look or act like a band about to break up in this version of the story although there are definitely some moments of tension between the band members. It’s really interesting to see Lennon or McCartney just noodling around and all of a sudden they find a new song. The only spoiler I’ll put out is that it wasn’t Yoko that broke up the band.

    Thomas Randall replied 2 years, 9 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Walter Music

    04/12/2021 at 00:15

    Hey Jim, I did see all 3 and I must say, just the goofiness of the 4 having a blast and goofing around is so cool. They had a lot of songs they had to have written and recorded in such a small amount of time. I really don’t to spoil it by saying too much, but it was great, and you are right Jim, Yoko did not break up the Beatles, but I am sure at certain times when she would cackle drove them nuts because it was so annoying to my ears!! I know how sometimes it is so hard to come up with Lyrics and melodies in those type of sessions. I have never seen that much footage of the Beatles playing or practicing. Then the Roof!!!! Everyone should see it.

  • Jung Roe

    04/12/2021 at 05:10

    That sounds intriguing. I plan on seeing Get Back, and the other Beatles Fan Film coming out in the new year too.

  • Thomas Randall

    05/12/2021 at 01:32

    I haven’t seen it yet but when it comes out in some physical form I’ll get it and can’t wait to see it. Hopefully it’ll come out in DVD or a similar form.

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