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  • Favorite MLT Live moment

    Posted by Jung Roe on 12/12/2021 at 09:04

    As the Live at the Cavern Club videos near completion, what are some of your favorite MLT live moments that stand out for you?

    There are many, but the one that really pulls the most is “Mr Postman”. It’s the harmonies, just so captivating, right from the outset, and they sing it with so much feeling. Best version of this song I’ve ever heard. The Beatles and Karen Carpenter did great versions, but MLTs performance here outshines them! Stellar.

    Michael replied 2 years, 9 months ago 7 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Walter Music

    12/12/2021 at 13:52

    Hey Jung, you always come up with good ideas, I would have to say it is between Sunshine Superman and Revolution. Mona carries the lead in singing. She has that rough voice, and she really gets into the songs with her stage presence. You can tell she loves to jam. Do you know who the backup singer is in Revolution? She was laughing because Mona was really getting into it! They definitely made both songs their own. A lot of energy and a lot of fun!! They are just so good on or off stage, I do wish they would play out one time just to let everyone know they still have it. Stay groovy and have a great day.

    • Jung Roe

      12/12/2021 at 19:40

      Hi Walter, oh yeah, when it comes to lead rock vocals, no one can touch Mona! I use to dig Joan Jett, Heart, Sheryl Crow in those hard rock lead vocals, but I love Mona the best. My Generation, You Really Got me as well she knows how to express it so perfectly with great finesse, sounds sooo ultra cooool! In Revolution I think that back up singer helped out in some of their live shows in Austria.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    12/12/2021 at 15:27

    I love when Lisa tears it up on For What It’s Worth. Mona is right there, too with her steady rhythm and endless energy. I agree with Walter. Mona’s vocals on Sunshine Superman are a perfect fit.

    Feeling pretty lucky today,


    • Jung Roe

      12/12/2021 at 19:51

      Lisa’s guitar work is par excellence, and tears it up brilliantly in For What It’s Worth! There is no other guitar hero like her! I like the unique guitar lead in sounds in Hey Bulldog at the Cavern and in Johnny B Goode.

      A big congrats JP today! Looking forward to the live stream on the 23rd!

  • Tom Fones

    12/12/2021 at 17:05

    Can’t Buy Me Love

    • Jung Roe

      13/12/2021 at 15:55

      Nice choice on Can’t Buy Me Love Tom. Their performance is so fun and Lisa has the power to charm with her singing like Lennon, see the crowd getting into it. And check out Mona’s scream in the middle. What a performance they can put on, such wonderful energy and excitement. Rock and Roll’s finest!

  • Walter Music

    12/12/2021 at 20:41

    JP, congrats on the win and Can’t Buy Me Love is great too Tom. Your right Jung Lisa’s lead is always right on. She nails it every time. Mona’s rhythm is so good, those pick guards have gone through a lot. I came to MLT in May of this year, and I have to tell you, I think I went through all the videos and songs at least 10 times. There is something about the way they play and sing, it’s not only the Twins but their whole family. I have never quite seen anything like it. I admire their entire family and all of their songs and videos are absolutely great. I wish there was a way we could help them with getting the songs and videos out more, and people to join, however, besides donating and support I really don’t know how to do it.

  • Jacki Hopper

    13/12/2021 at 13:42

    Well, I just will make it simple …All of it, is/are Equal in fave moments, as I just can’t pinpoint particulars, sorry but that’s how I am … Equally All stand out for their own merits and I’ll leave it at that…lol….????????

  • David Herrick

    16/12/2021 at 18:45

    I don’t often watch the live performance videos, but I have to say I was very impressed by that time they posed for a photo in the middle of a song.

  • Michael

    17/12/2021 at 00:05

    You’re Going to Lose That Girl (approaching 2M YouTube views!)

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