• Livestream 2021

    Posted by Rich Holmes on 24/12/2021 at 00:14

    Thank you for that enjoyable livestream! I especially liked hearing you play “Devil and the Deep Blue Sea” and the instrumental, whatever it was called… “Gypsy Jam”? It’s always fun seeing performers stepping outside their usual styles. I’ve played the first of those with our ukulele group in Syracuse, NY — it’s a fun one. Thanks also for all the rest of December, those 22 days went by way too fast!

    Michael Thompson replied 2 years, 9 months ago 7 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    24/12/2021 at 00:32

    Thoroughly Enjoyed Livestream, happynto see once I figured it out, everyone’s comments during livestream that I missed out on the first 10 mins or so, as I was only seeing my own comments and no one else’s…lol…,stupid me ….lol

    Now I’m heading back out to finish up my Xmas shopping, had come home for Luestream, do not wish to go near any store tomorrow if it can be helped … Nice to see familiar names and meet new names during the Livestream ????????

  • Thomas Randall

    24/12/2021 at 00:44

    Yes that live stream was AWESOME! Man I love those 2! SO funny and so caring. Seeing them clown around and laughing always makes me smile so hard my face hurts! They are the BEST! And I got my card yesterday too! Got to love those 2!

  • Bill Isenberg

    24/12/2021 at 02:01

    Me and Maddie loved the live stream! Hope it continues in the future. But think about it gang, no other acts or groups do what Mona and Lisa do for their fans. They give it their all and my goodness the love they spread is so beautiful and like me and others said today, this is family and such a wonderful family at that. We are all from different parts of the world but one common theme ….Mona and Lisa

  • Jung Roe

    24/12/2021 at 03:03

    Rich, yeah every song they did sounded awesome, those harmonies and guitar work were done with such grace and beauty. Especially loved “Songbird”. Love the comradery with all the wonderful MLT fans, and being in the same room virtually with Mona and Lisa with their lovable nature, charm and charisma was just joyful. It felt like we all came over to Mona and Lisa’s place to spend Christmas!

  • Tim Johnston

    24/12/2021 at 03:29

    This was my first one, and I loved it. I keep rewatching it on YouTube.

    Those girls are very special.

  • Michael Thompson

    24/12/2021 at 16:37

    I missed the livestream (I had to work) but I’ve just watched the replay and somehow I’m more in love with the twins than ever! You can just feel the love they have for all of us, it shines through the screen! And the songs were a complete joy! Like everyone else I would love to meet them but these videos make it seem like I already have!

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