MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Music is the language of emotions

  • Music is the language of emotions

    Posted by Jung Roe on 29/01/2022 at 17:20

    Listened to an interesting radio program this morning on the CBC. It’s great they still broadcast real gems on the radio airwaves still. They featured an indigenous opera singer who made an interesting point, that pop music of modern times like the Beatles create all the same level of emotions and content in a short 3 minute song, that an entire opera has. All music is the language of emotions. I felt that too like in the latest MLT creations like Song Bird, I Bought Myself a Politician, Janitor Joe, Summer Rain.

    This one from Orange always evokes much emotions that reaches deep into my soul. When I hear this one sometimes, I forget about what I am doing, the song is so emotionally engaging for me.

    Jung Roe replied 2 years, 7 months ago 6 Members · 22 Replies
  • 22 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    29/01/2022 at 17:26

    I know I post a lot of content on topics that don’t relate directly to MLT in the forum, but always try to keep it within MLT context (music or topic related), like “Space Exploration’ because of Janitor Joe for example. I hope they add value to the MLT experience for people here with abstract posts like these. If not, let me know, and I will stop. I will abide by whatever the consensus is. Just wanted to get that out there. ????

    • David Herrick

      29/01/2022 at 19:35

      Jung, I read every message that gets posted in the forums. (I play whack-a-mole with “new posts”.) If I feel I have something to say on the topic, I respond, and if I don’t, I don’t. As long as MLT doesn’t object (and they haven’t so far), I’m okay with a proliferation of discussion topics. The only incentive to end a thread might be if it becomes a monologue. That being said, I have found very few of your contributions to be unworthy of engagement.

    • Jürgen

      29/01/2022 at 19:41

      Hi Jung, please keep up the good work. The year has on average 365 days and I personally can’t think of 365 topics that have to do directly with Mona and Lisa (and that every year anew). As wonderful as it is to exchange about MLT and their music, in my opinion it is also great and important to be able to exchange about the topic of music in general. Sometimes in direct reference to M&L, sometimes in more indirect reference, for example, when it comes to the Beatles or other bands whose songs they have covered. I personally find it exciting to be able to exchange ideas with other people about the topic of music. In my circle of friends I can’t do that in this intensity. Here there are many like-minded people and I find that great. And as long as the focus here is on the topic of music, I think that’s perfectly fine. It creates a sense of community and a sense of belonging and that’s a nice feeling. Music has a lot to do with feelings or thoughts or ideas that you have when you listen to music. All of that is part of the topic of music and in my opinion should also be part of this forum. Everybody here in the forum has the possibility to start an own topic at any time. Not every topic will appeal to everyone in the forum in the same way, but it is up to everyone which topic he reads and which not. Personally, I am a friend of diversity and also love “peripheral areas”. But I also like to learn something from the individual people here in the forum and to get to know new things through their thoughts, through their eyes and through their ears. Which topics are finally welcome here, only Mona and Lisa can decide, because it is their forum. Whether I continue to like the forum, however, is my decision.

  • Jung Roe

    29/01/2022 at 17:28

    Here is one of my faves from the 90s by REM that is so rich in emotions.

    Any favourite emotion rich songs you feel inclined to share here?

  • Jürgen

    29/01/2022 at 19:13

    The song by REM touches me very much. A great song. Here are two songs (from a long list) that also still make me feel thoughtful and emotional after all these years.

    • Jung Roe

      30/01/2022 at 06:55

      Hi Jurgen. That REM video and song is quite brilliant as it expresses how we are all in our own little world (in individual cars) dealing with problems and pain and hurt, but there is some comfort in knowing others have the same pain and going through the same things, and we are not alone.

      Time After Time I think is one of Cindi Lauper’s best song and my favourite of hers, thanks for sharing that. I haven’t heard that Depeche Mode one before, but it’s heartfelt, especially toward the end with the piano and the singers hauntingly beautiful singing.

  • Jürgen

    29/01/2022 at 19:14
  • Jung Roe

    30/01/2022 at 06:39

    David, Jurgen, thanks for the feedback.

    One of the best things with this club in addition to MLT, their music and rich content is being able to meet and share ideas with interesting and remarkable people as yourselves, and others here too. We all live in different ends of the continent and globe and it’s amazing we can come together in a common bond of appreciation and love for MLT and their music, and to share our interests and passions with one another. Mona and Lisa attract some wonderful people.

    There is quite a wonderful song with these inspiring lyrics:

    “And there was music everywhere

    And all the people joining in

    Were having fun

    For we’ve been told that young and old

    Will learn from each other

    To understand your fellow man

    To care for your brother

    For we’ve been told that young and old

    Can teach one another

    To understand your fellow man

    To care for your brother (and sister)..”

  • Christopher

    31/01/2022 at 02:17

    Ah, the CBC. As an American, the CBC always has been a huge part of my life: From The Friendly Giant, to Material World, to The Vinyl Cafe, to Hockey Night in Canada, to Blue Jays Baseball (when they had it), to As it Happens, the CBC simply rules!

    CBC MUSIC’s Mornings wakes me up each day…although I miss Raina Douris, Saroja Coelho does a nice job continuing with Raina’s story-song format.

    • Jung Roe

      31/01/2022 at 07:00

      Christopher, oh yeah my radio dial is always on the CBC. It looks like you get it down in the USA too. I like to listen to the NPR too, though I have to stream it on the internet where I am. On Sunday on the CBC, they join some national programming from Germany, UK, Australia, India and all over the world. I am glad there is still some interesting radio on the air still.

  • Jung Roe

    31/01/2022 at 06:55

    When I feel a little down, there is nothing like delving into some MLT Club Duo Sessions, Cavern Club videos or Jukebox to instantly boost the spirits. It is such a treasure trove.

  • Jung Roe

    31/01/2022 at 06:56
    Watching MLT music videos soothes the soul indeed.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    01/02/2022 at 01:52

    These earlier sessions are special. Close To You is a good one to show Lisa’s guitar face. I love watching her play. When she hits a solo she sometimes has a very serious face as she gazes down at her guitar. Her playing is very precise, yet so relaxed. It’s so impressive that I think she is looking down to marvel at how talented she is.

    I really like the session for Two of Us. It feels very spontaneous. You can hear their smiles as they perform. I like this thread, too. I am trying to think of a song that really evokes emotions in me. As far as MLT, I would say Count On Me and I have to add their cover of Vincent. Chills for sure.

    To go along with the thread I will try to come up with something else. I also play David’s whack-a-mole game and try to read every post. You all have some great ones. Jung, are you familiar with REM’s The Wrong Child? The guitar and mandolin sound a little Zeppelinish to me. The lyrics can hit pretty hard on the emotions of being alone or left out,but it’s okay-ay.

    I can still remember the first time I heard She’s Leaving Home. My older brother bought the album for me and I listened to it with headphones, those old big ones, and I was blown away. I think I was twelve or thirteen. The music alone invokes a lot of emotion.

    So later in life I found these Angels that have recorded a cover of this song that stands up with the original. Watching their performance evokes tears of joy at how beautiful it is. They are both so talented. It like being tied to the mast.

    With tales of brave Ulysses
    How his naked ears were tortured
    By the sirens sweetly singin


    • Christopher

      01/02/2022 at 02:29

      In my humble opinion, “Two of Us” is the MonaLisa Twins signature song. Both the original video and the Duo Session show the closeness between the two and the lyrics apply to their relationship. Their original songs are outstanding, but nothing describes them more than this Beatles classic!

    • Jung Roe

      02/02/2022 at 15:39

      Hi JP, thanks for this and the feedback!

      Their cover of Two of Us is awesome. I remember back in 2018 after the MLT Club launched and they did this great interview with Robert Rodgriguez, and in the middle of the interview when it was time to do a live acoustic performance, Lisa ran into Mona’s room (they were interviewing from their respective rooms) and they both banged out Two Of Us, and In It For Love. It was really the birth of the Duo Sessions done live in the interview, and it was played so wonderfully and heart felt. You know they are great musicians when they can spontaneously play a song so good like that. I love Lisa’s guitar work too, and in Orange you can hear her wonderful playing throughout on In It For Love, Close To You, Sweet Lorraine. Her guitar is so expressive and evokes so much passion and emotion, she is a master guitarist on par with the legends, and of course Mona is right their with her awesome playing too on the rhythm guitar providing the backing to make Lisa’s guitar work sound so great!

      MLTs performance of “She Leaving Home” is stunning indeed, they do it so much justice, and love your description of their playing with that of the captivating “sirens”. When Mona and Lisa do their magic, it is supernatural indeed! Their talent and music is bigger than Youtube and the current music industry.

      I am not familiar with REM “Wrong Child”; you are right the guitar and mandolin work sounds great, thanks for sharing it. I also like their song “Losing My Religion”, and I can a hear a bit of their signature sound in this one as well. You can hear that Mandolin here. I found this one has a lot of feeling and emotion too.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    01/02/2022 at 02:07

    This one does it, too. Here is a nice live performance.


  • David Herrick

    01/02/2022 at 02:55

    I’ll throw in with She’s Leaving Home also. When MLT asked us to name three songs we’d like to play for aliens, I included that one because of its emotional intensity.

    It’s hard to come up with an abbreviated list of the most emotional songs. Sad songs affect me the most, and there are a lot that do the trick. I suppose I could suggest Puff the Magic Dragon for the umpteenth time.

    Tangentially, the title of this post reminds me of the actual title of a DDDBM&T album: “If Music Be the Food of Love… Prepare for Indigestion”.

  • Jung Roe

    05/02/2022 at 17:03

    When I heard “Questionable” yesterday, it made me feel what it felt like to fall in love for the first time when I was a teenager. It made me feel the raw passion and longing of falling head over heels for someone. Wow, when a song can do that, mission accomplished! It attests to the masterful song writers Mona and Lisa have developed into. What another masterpiece by Mona and Lisa! The song is magic! Absolutely love it.

  • Jürgen

    06/02/2022 at 08:41

    Hi Jung, yes “Questionable” is a wonderful song, full of emotions. For me personally probably the most beautiful song of the last new releases. I like the catchy melody, the soulful vocals and the varied structure of the whole piece of music. A very sensitive song. It almost seems like M&L wrote this song especially for your topic „Music is the language of emotions“. 🙂

    PS: However, some of the titles of their new songs could be a bit catchier. „Questionable“, for example, is a bit of a tongue twister for non-native speakers.

  • Jung Roe

    06/02/2022 at 18:01

    Hi Jurgen. Yes I am in awe of their latest works, each one is a rich gem in song writing excellence. Mona and Lisa’s impressive song writing, singing and musicianship talents continue to impress and push the envelope even further that we’ve all experienced recently in their latest creations, and it’s just tip of the iceberg. Their Mozart side is beginning to arise.

  • Jacki Hopper

    07/02/2022 at 15:33

    I’m like most others, on here in regards to topics posted, if I have something to add/reply to a topic, I will … otherwise, I don’t , but do enjoy reading what’s being posted… and if creativity bug bites me, well, I post….lol ????????

    • Jung Roe

      08/02/2022 at 00:33

      Thanks Jacki. ???? I enjoy reading everyone’s post too here.

      Hope all those horns aren’t keeping you up over there in Ottawa!

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