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  • How To Let Them Know?

    Posted by Christopher on 17/02/2022 at 17:37

    We, as MLT Club Members, are big fans of the talented and unique musicians known as the MonaLisa Twins. In fact, many of us have fallen into the rabbit hole and are learning new things each day about their careers. I have been impressed and inspired, not only by them, but by the postings of the club members who are on regularly. We love the MonaLisa Twins music and we also appreciate what they give back to us!

    Well, what can we do to let people know about their talents? Until discovering “If I Fell” on YouTube I did not know them and I listen to radio personalities who focus on unique, non-mainstream material.

    At this time, I am looking for email addresses of two excellent radio personalities: Saroja Coelho of CBC Mornings and Raina Douris of NPR’s World Cafe. Before going to Philadelphia to work for NPR, Raina hosted CBC Mornings. It seems like the MonaLisa Twins music would fit both programs and Raina especially is a champion for recognizing new music. Hopefully, I can get in touch with both of them or their respective programs.

    If you know of any radio personalities or programs that enjoy introducing groundbreaking material, perhaps you can contact them and inform them of the MonaLisa Twins. Maybe you have done so already.

    We have to let them know what they are missing!!!

    Christopher replied 2 years, 7 months ago 5 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    17/02/2022 at 18:48

    Hi Christopher ,

    In reply/regards tour posting, at least in Canada, where I am for the most part, most radio stations are owned and/or umbrella-ed now under huge media companies, and therefore have pretty much already have the radio stns, pre -geared towards certain demographics, age brackets, and really no room for new music and/or folks running these radio stns , don’t necessarily have a keen open mindedness when it comes to new music such as MLT as I’ve tried emailing a few stns in the past and that was more or less the kind of sense I got for a reply or no reply from them … the radio stns of today, that offer to play Oldies, and/or would welcome MLT are rare, unlike back in the 80s and previous to that when radio stns were not owned by huge conglomerates media companies and could play the music that was welcomed and not pre determined, etc as is now, for the most part… there is a better chance of contacting independent radio stations that are online, etc to get MLT airplay and one such station that does is Radio Broadgreen in Liverpool, a program hosted by Graham Howard.

    However, I have sent MLT YouTube links to radio personalities that I know personally, and do share links, but ultimately it’s up to the person to choose whether or not they like or not what they hear …

    Perhaps, it’s different in USA/Europe, the radio scene, and open mindedness towards what ‘s getting played is different than in Canada, maybe I’m wrong in this observation, but from what I’m seeing in Canada, tfst is how the mainstream radio stns are…owned /run by big companies, and pre-set out on what is played, etc , unlike radio times of yesteryear…. This is only my opinion/thought on this, you may/may not agree , and either way is ok … but I hope you do get lucky with whomever you contact to get MLT played on air

  • Christopher

    17/02/2022 at 19:14

    Aware and understood. Looking at more of the Public and Indie type stations. Toronto has Indie-88, CIUT (U of T) and of course, the CBC. The U.S. has NPR where non-commercial music is prevalent.

    In the U.S. it is true that the most radio stations are owned by conglomerates, but it would be the Indie’s, not the mainstream programmed stations, that may best suit the MLT purpose!

  • Jung Roe

    18/02/2022 at 09:05

    Hi Christopher,

    Great post and couldn’t agree with you more about getting MLT air play on public radio. In Canada CBC seems to try to play a wide variety of music and artists. There is a program called “Q with Tom Powers”, and they feature new artists music and interviews, so I have submitted some of MLTs youtube videos and website to them over the years. I got a response and they asked me to submit it to the CBC music library at which I did but haven’t heard anything yet. I will submit the youtube links again, but perhaps you can try too from where you are. Who knows, the more people submitting request for the same artist will gain traction. Maybe others here can try too.

    Jacki, I agree, the radio stations in Canada, especially in Vancouver are all top 40 and play the same canned uninspired music day after day. The conglomerates bought up all the independent stations that played interesting music and programming and converted them into todays top 40 hit stations, like we needed more.

  • Christopher

    18/02/2022 at 16:58

    “Q” is a great show. I remember the infamous interview with Billy Bob Thornton and the Boxmasters! Since Tom Power has assumed the host duties he has really upgraded the show. His interview with Serena Ryder was most likely the best show in the history of “Q”!

    “Q” would be a great vehicle for Mona and Lisa. In my opinion, the best vehicle! Intelligent host; big audience both across Canada and the U.S. via Sirius XM; and, of course, Mona and Lisa.

    An appearance on this show would provide the biggest exposure in the most appropriate setting!

    In a perfect world: Live Q interview at the Glenn Gould Studio at the CBC headquarters on Front Street on the day of a Blue Jays game (I could attend the show and then go to the game). But since this is not a perfect world, the ladies can do the broadcast from their home.

    I remember Tom Power when he did mostly classical shows (I believe “Disk Drive”) and he would sometimes be a guest host on CBC Mornings.

    Even though I am from the States, I grew up about 3 miles from the border. We considered Niagara Falls, NY and Niagara Falls, ONT as one big city. Now I live about 20. All things Canadian is a big part of my life.

    • Jung Roe

      21/02/2022 at 06:26

      Hi Christopher, wow you are very familiar with the CBC! “Q” would be a great show to feature MLT across Canada, and in the USA as well, and with Sirius FM, it will have an even bigger audience. Will keep on submitting.

      I’ve been through the Niagara area a number of times over the years, and across into the US side as well through Buffalo. Niagara on the Lake area is wonderful with the quaint towns and beautiful countryside and vineyards. You live in a beautiful area.

    • Christopher

      22/02/2022 at 00:24

      Thank you Jung!

      Although I have never been there, everything that I have heard and read is that Vancouver is a great place to live as well. Clean, lots of beautiful scenery and culture, professional sports, and the setting of all those Hallmark movies that my wife loves to watch!

      I think what makes our areas similar is that they are border areas. In Pre-Covid times we could just “escape our existence” and go to another country, if even just for a day.

      Years ago, when I was in teachers college here in the U.S., most of my classmates were Canadian. It was like I was an “Honorary Canuck” for a year…probably one of best experiences of my life. I enjoyed studying with them so much I took one of my teaching placements in Niagara-on-the-Lake. Learned a great deal and enjoyed it very much.

      Later, I was given the opportunity to be on the Adjunct Faculty at the University (in addition to my high school teaching and coaching duties). It was a privilege both teaching and learning from some great young people from Ontario!

      Well enough of that. Let’s all enjoy some MonaLisa Twins music. That is what we are here for! Thank you, Jung, for all your great contributions to this site!!!

  • Thomas Randall

    20/02/2022 at 14:08

    I’m sure plenty of radio, TV, entertainment industry people scour the internet and see/find or hear about various talents every day. Radio isn’t what it used to be in the 60’s and 70’s. Too many stations went all news or sports.

    Turning Sirius/XM on to the Twins might be a good idea, the 60’s on 6 and 70’s channels should LOVE these girls! Also the Beatles Channel. Not sure how radio is or how it works in England or other places in Europe. Do they program differently over there?

  • Nicholas Fox

    20/02/2022 at 22:56

    Came across Highly Combustible Reacts on You Tube where as a DJ he first comes across the Mona Lisa Twins as a suggestion from a listener. He then has a series of videos commenting on the songs. Invigorating how positively he finds them and adds a new dimension to the listening pleasure – even if you are familiar with the tracks.

    (FIRST TIME HEARING MonaLisa Twins – Still A Friend of Mine (Original) [REACTION] – YouTube

  • Christopher

    20/02/2022 at 23:16

    Yes, Yes, Yes!

    I saw this video a while back and he was thrilled with “Still a Friend of Mine”. It was the first MonaLisa Twins video that he saw and has reviewed others such as “Wish You Were Here”, “All I Want Christmas to Be”, “Little Drummer Boy”, “I Bought Myself a Politician”, “One More Time”, “Once Upon a Time”, “Please Mr. Postman”, and “Walking in the Air”.

    He called it his MonaLisa Twins journey. It was a wonderful journey, indeed!

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