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  • New member from Holland

    Posted by Fred van der Wees on 07/03/2022 at 18:52

    Hello everybody,

    I am Fred and I live in Sassenheim, the Netherlands. Sassemheim is situated 30km below Amsterdam, and 10km from the coast; so easy to go for a long walk on the beach.

    As many of you I found MLT via YouTube, december 2021. I was looking for Beatles and Eagles songs and what poped up MLT covers of “While my guitar gently weeps” and “Hotel Califonia”. Now I am adicted to MLT; I can never stop watching after one song/video. I do not have (yet) a real favorite song, depending on the state of mind I look the live numbers, the DUO sessions /studio nummers or the orginal songs/videos.

    I have already seen the videos and fotos of the trip to Australia. The first thing I thought of was a small shop in Vienna, I visited Vienna a long time ago, selling T-shirts explaining that Austria is not Australia, “We do not have kangaroes in Austria”. I visited Austria around 30 times for a ski vacation, it was always a lot of fun. Does this mean I speak German? No, I use German words and I get my drinks and food. And I can talk a bit about the wetter, always important when you go skiing.

    I got interested in the Beatles due to the boy friends, later husbands, of my olders sisteres, they had/have all albums of the early years. So when driving to Austria, 9/10 hours, I always have to listen to some Beatles music. When I am with my friends and a Beatles number is played, they come to me and say to me “Hi Fred Beatles day”. Due to the MLT covers I started again to listen to the complete albums and not only the hits.

    Beside The Beatles , The Eagles and now MLT I listen to all kind of music; Fleetwood Mac, Golden Earring, Eva Cassidy, Jane Monheit, etc.

    Jane Monheit also made a cover version of “Tonight You Belong To Me” on the album “Home”. When I heard MLT sing the song I thought I know that song, due the comments of MLT I now know it is already a very old song.

    I already looked around in the MLT club and noticed a recipe for a smoothie; so their is more then just music. I wonder what more I will find.

    I am not a musician, when I start to sing or play you will run away. So I am in the club to support good music, good/funny lyrics and fun videos, which I enjoy to listen and watch.

    Fred van der Wees replied 2 years, 6 months ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Christopher

    08/03/2022 at 00:43

    Hi Fred:

    Welcome to the MLT Club. You will enjoy the access to all things MonaLisa! In addition, the club members are fantastic people who ask great questions and bring up outstanding topics in which to talk about.

    There is so much in the website. May I suggest beginning with the Clubhouse and spreading your wings from there. There is great stuff throughout…have fun!

  • Len Upton

    08/03/2022 at 05:45

    Hi there Fred, and yes, now that you’re down the MLT rabbit hole, you will find much to enjoy. Not only is there Mona and Lisa, but also unexpected contributions by club members, such as music clips, and even mini essays.

    Given that you’re from Holland, I’d like to flag a Dutch band that it seems to me you must already know about. I see that Deidre D. has already asked Mona and Lisa about them in the December Summary Q & A. If you’re seriously interested in The Beatles, you and anyone reading this should investigate The Analogues. They are from Amsterdam, and are devoted to recreating the last five Beatle albums, that were never performed live. The Analogues have, from what I can tell, performed primarily in Holland, Germany, London, and Beatles Week in Liverpool. They are not your average tribute band! Sargent Pepper, and the White Album are standouts.

    Again, welcome, and have fun!

  • Jung Roe

    08/03/2022 at 06:28

    Hi Fred, welcome to the MLT Club, so glad you joined, and thanks for the write up, really enjoyed reading it. Yes there is great music here, and also so much more throughout the MLT Club. Mona and Lisa inspire me not only with their music, but their DIY projects, running and fitness and so much…I hope you have a wonderful time exploring the rich top notch inspiring content here. There is a lot of wonderful rich content that has accumulated over the years to enjoy. Don’t forget some of the old and new Ask the MLT forum posts, lots of gems there where you can learn much about Mona and Lisa. They are excellent eloquent writers!

  • Jacki Hopper

    08/03/2022 at 17:56

    Hi there Fred, and an #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified Welcome to the MLT Club here, nice to meet you, do enjoy the offerings here, the comnaderie amongst the members and Team MLT , glad you discovered MLT, my discovery came 14-15 yrs ago on YouTube of them … Looking forward to your postings …????☮

  • Fred van der Wees

    09/03/2022 at 16:22

    Len, I do know The Analogues, I have never seen them play live, however I have seen 2 documentaries about them 1 when they prepare to perform Abbey Road and one about their performance during Beatles week.

    The guys are really in the details if George H. used guitar A (I do not know anything about guitars) for a certain song, they also use quitar A. If George uses guitar B for the next song they also use quitar B. So for the Beatles week performance they had 2 big trucks with equipment.

    In one of the songs you can hear a bell and they looked for weeks to find out what kind of bell it was.

    Also during a live concert sudenly a guy pops up from backstage to play a 3rd hand on the piano, because they heard that during the analyses of the song, so it must be performed like that.

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