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  • Happy International Ask a Question Day

    Posted by Diana Geertsen on 14/03/2022 at 05:13

    Happy International Ask a Question Day. Today, on March 14th was Albert Einstein’s birthday in 1879. So the day is now acknowledged and celebrated as International Ask a Question Day.

    Of course, I get to start off easy. What other songs can you think of that ask a question?

    Tom Fones replied 2 years, 6 months ago 9 Members · 64 Replies
  • 64 Replies
  • Roger Penn

    14/03/2022 at 05:16

    Well, there’s the rather obvious one…

    • Diana Geertsen

      14/03/2022 at 07:19

      Love the Moody Blues !! Great song.

  • Tom Fones

    14/03/2022 at 05:18

    Is it just a concidence that old Al’s birthday is also “pi day”?

    • Diana Geertsen

      14/03/2022 at 05:23

      Very cosmically eerie. Great observation 3.14159265359

  • David Herrick

    14/03/2022 at 05:25
  • Diana Geertsen

    14/03/2022 at 05:27

    Gotta love Chicago’s Questions 67 & 68

    • Roger Penn

      14/03/2022 at 06:14

      Yes, indeed!

    • Diana Geertsen

      14/03/2022 at 07:30

      Kind of a trippy video. Looks like half the people are on drugs including the videographer. Back then, I’m sure he was just called the dude with the camera.

    • Roger Penn

      14/03/2022 at 16:03

      LOL. Or possibly even “the cat with the camera”

    • Diana Geertsen

      14/03/2022 at 18:45

      Even better!

  • Jürgen

    14/03/2022 at 06:29

    Hi Diana, this song comes to my mind spontaneously. It’s about time that I dig out my old albums again.

    • Diana Geertsen

      14/03/2022 at 07:17


      That is a beautiful song. Never heard it before. I’ve always steered clear of Manfred Mann because I can’t stand “Blinded By The Light”

  • Diana Geertsen

    14/03/2022 at 07:24

    Do you want to know a secret?

    • Jürgen

      14/03/2022 at 07:42

      After the little secret has been whispered, the next question pops up: 🙂

    • Diana Geertsen

      14/03/2022 at 08:16

      I can’t believe I never heard that before. Awesome!!. Now as the relationship falls apart………

    • Jürgen

      14/03/2022 at 08:44

      …the story comes to the turn “Don’t speak”. But that’s not a question, it’s sad silence. I think we should give the two protagonists another chance, after all, you can talk about pretty much anything, learn from mistakes and let the passion blossom once again (and the whole story still has a happy ending). But what will happen next?

    • Diana Geertsen

      14/03/2022 at 09:21

      OK with me if you want to go with that happily ever after thing. So once she finds out he can dance, she replies (in the lyrics of Christina Perri’s ” A Thousand Years”). “How can I love when I’m afraid?” (had to make sure there was a question in the song). “All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow”.

    • Jürgen

      14/03/2022 at 10:06

      I didn’t think about: happy forever (although we are in the colorful world of pop music right now). Only until the next crisis appears on the horizon. Just like in real life 🙂

    • Christopher

      15/03/2022 at 17:10

      Just signed on, and the first song that came to mind was “Do You Want To Know a Secret?” Diana, you beat me to it!

      Always liked the shyness in George’s voice in this song. Well played, Mr. Harrison, well played.

      Wouldn’t this be a great MonaLisa Twins cover?

  • Diana Geertsen

    14/03/2022 at 10:30

    Do I dare continue with this saga? Why not? She begs “baby, please don’t leave me” then hires a private detective. What? He’s married with two kids? In all of his duplicity, he tries to get back together (not knowing that the jig is up). Even though her heart is broken, she finds strength in these questions: Weren’t you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye? Did you think I’d crumble? Did you think I’d lay down and die?

    • Jürgen

      14/03/2022 at 15:43

      “That should probably be enough“, the private detective said, pushing a stack of writing and photos toward her. They both sat in his office. He had an unkempt stubble beard, the brim of his hat was pushed far forward into his face so that she couldn’t see his eyes, and a smoking cigarette was casually stuck in the corner of his mouth. She flipped through the papers and her eyes widened worryful, “He had, he is“, she stuttered and her voice became faltering. „Yes”, the private eye continued her thought, „he is married and has two other mistresses. They all fell for the swindle with the dance number“. She sighed deeply. She could have guessed it: a man who could dance so damn well had to have a dark side. “I don’t want revenge“, she remarked, “only satisfaction“. The detective laughed dryly, took another drag from his cigarette and snipped the rest deftly into an ashtray that was already full to the brim. Yeah, he had heard that many times: revenge and satisfaction, the two unequal brothers. Both different sides of the same coin. “Then we should do something“, the private detective replied, looking pityingly at the woman sitting across from him. „How Can You Mend a Broken Heart of a woman“, he thought and decided not to give her the bill until the next meeting.

      So it’s your turn, Diana, David or also gladly someone else. I am curious.

    • Diana Geertsen

      15/03/2022 at 02:09


      You’ve painted me in a corner. The only way I can continue this story is going into Pulp Fiction mode and would most certainly get kicked out of the club. I did have a lot of fun though!! Thank you. I will have to say that was some excellent “pulp fiction” writing.

  • David Herrick

    14/03/2022 at 12:55

    Wow, Diana and Juergen, you guys really went on a rampage while I was sleeping! But I think you could wedge this question song into the storyline somewhere:

  • Len Upton

    14/03/2022 at 15:39

    Here’s a couple from the pen of John Sebastien:

    Did You Ever Have To Make Up Your Mind? And, of course, Do You Believe In Magic?

    I’m sure Mr. Einstein would have an opinion about both of those questions.

  • Jung Roe

    15/03/2022 at 03:42

    Very cool post Diana! I really like Einstein. Back in 2013 I bought this bottle of Special Edition Albert Einstein fountain pen ink, which is now quite hard to acquire as they only produced a limited quantity back in 2013, so I’ve used the ink very sparingly for the past 9 years. I still have more than half the bottle of ink left. It is so collectible and rare, I bought my 30 ml bottle for $17 in 2013, and lately I’ve seen a bottle sold on ebay for $250. Pretty good return on investment, I should have bought a case back then. LOL

    So what better way to honour Einstein’s birthday than to use some of the ink here. It is like a precious elixir, dark grey ink to match the dark grey lead pencils he used to write his equations.

    For an ask a question song, this one comes immediately to mind by Chicago.

    • Diana Geertsen

      15/03/2022 at 06:35


      You are never late to the party. That ink is very impressive !! Did you see Tom’s observation that Einstein was born on 3-14 (Pi day)? Gotta love Chicago. I’ve seen them a few times in concert. This club has so many cool people in it. I really hope we can all meet someday!!

  • Tom Fones

    15/03/2022 at 03:58

    Jung, we’ve been waiting for the club’s biggest Einstein fan to post.

    Chicago is well represented here.


    • Jung Roe

      15/03/2022 at 05:59

      I guess I was a little late to the party Tom.????

    • Tom Fones

      15/03/2022 at 15:19

      No worries Jung,

      You should know by now – this joint never closes.


  • David Herrick

    15/03/2022 at 04:20

    One of the deepest questions of all time:

    • Diana Geertsen

      15/03/2022 at 06:22


      I adore that song !! It reminds me of another one of my favorites. ” When I see my baby. What do I see? Poetry. Poetry in motion….”

    • David Herrick

      15/03/2022 at 06:55

      Diana, I had never made the connection, but you’re right: those songs have a quite similar feel. I enjoy singing along with both of them while comically exaggerating their dialects.

  • Jung Roe

    15/03/2022 at 04:21
  • Tom Fones

    15/03/2022 at 04:29
  • David Herrick

    15/03/2022 at 04:50
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