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  • MLT VLOGS are the best

    Posted by Jung Roe on 22/03/2022 at 04:32

    I really enjoy jumping into an MLT VLOG be it a travel, cooking, DIY, getting fit adventure VLOG etc… Mona and Lisa have so much fun doing them and their joy is infectious, and I can’t help totally enjoying myself. They are all so fun, inspiring, and informative. Watched their Hamburg VLOG, and what a superb docu-adventure tracing the Beatles time there. Learned so much, and enjoyed going along with them to the different places. Since the first time I saw that VLOG 2 years ago, it almost feels like I’ve been to Hamburg! I remember it came out just as the world went into a tail spin with the pandemic, and I lost my job of 30 years, but it was so wonderful I remember to watch the VLOG and feel like I can escape on a journey with Mona and Lisa into another wonderful world, just like their music.

    Do others here get swept away when you watch an MLT VLOG? Any particular favourites or one that stand out for you? My favourite can change from week to week, but today it is the Hamburg VLOG! And what impressive artistic photography!

    Jung Roe replied 2 years, 5 months ago 6 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Walter Music

    22/03/2022 at 12:05

    Hi Jung, sorry about your job. I hope you’re working again. You know I came into the club last May and I must tell you, I watched everything I could find on in the Club and on You Tube. They have an infectious smile, and they are so humble. The biggest thing is that they love what they do, and you can tell. The Music videos to me are definitely my favorite. I really liked the Christmas videos and the vibes they gave off and especially their sense of humor and seeing those smiles every day. They really make you feel like you are part of their family. I started playing along with them last year and they are just so meticulous on every note. If your down and you watch a VLOG, you will walk away happy!!! They are very busy right now trying to put the album out and I will tell you no one puts out a video with every song and it is top notch quality! They really work hard. I know a few women musicians here in Denver and I have told them all to go to the MLT Club and you will see pure delight in every song. They responded with yea, woman power!! I agree, I think the world needs more of that right now. The Wagner family values is what I really admire about MLT!!!

  • Tom Fones

    22/03/2022 at 16:03

    Jung, you are my hero. Cheers

  • Jung Roe

    23/03/2022 at 03:22

    Hi Walter,

    thanks for sharing your wonderful experiences here with the MLT content. Everything they do from their music music to their photography are crafted with love for what they do producing the absolute best. Everything here is top notch done with the utmost care and passion and artistry. “The Wagner family values” are so inspiring.

    Their photography logs are great too. Was just looking at the “Barmouth” trip photos, and their photography is amazing and breathtaking, and especially loved seeing that “Lumix” in action! ????????

    The Christmas Advent is the best Christmas tradition going on, bar none! I agree those daily morning videos were so wonderful, couldn’t wait for the next morning each night to see another delightful morning video from Mona and Lisa. Brought back that child like wish you could have Christmas season all through the year.

    Thanks Tom!

  • Jacki Hopper

    24/03/2022 at 00:01

    Yeppers .. am in full #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified Agreement with All the sentiments said on this thread post .. Team MLT definitely do know how to Eminate their Groovy Positivity Philsophy to which we All Embrace Wholeheartedly … Just Immensely Enjoy and Get Completely Immersed into their Vlogs … ????????

    • Jung Roe

      26/03/2022 at 21:43

      Hi Jacki, me too, I get completely immersed in their VLOGS. Love their latest raccoon VLOG, what a treat.????

  • Len Upton

    24/03/2022 at 18:22

    Yes, Jung those blogs in Hamburg are a real delight to watch, especially with our favourite trip leaders. Informed commentary in combination with actual locations makes for a really informative travelogue. I laughed out loud when Mona and Lisa slipped down the alley way to pose in the doorway where John Lennon’s Rock n’ Roll album cover picture was taken so long ago.

    All of this would, of course, be impossible without the technical assistance of Rudi and Michaela. Especially Rudi and his favourite toy, the drone camera, with which he has become quite expert . This began long ago with Don’t Know Birds That Well, and continues more recently with Song Bird, and the comical retrieval of the lost drone during the filming of Song Bird.

    There are already lots of blogs from in and around Liverpool, but I’d be more than happy to go along for the ride if Mona and Lisa wanted to take us around to what has become “their” Liverpool. We know they are adventurous, hiking, running marathons, sky diving etc, not to mention Mersey Side music. Let’s go! assuming we can keep up.

    • Jung Roe

      27/03/2022 at 00:04

      Hi Len. The Hamburg VLOGs were awesome, and never knew the impact Hamburg and the music scene there had on the Beatles with honing their musicianship skills on stage as well as diversifying their musical palette for later in their careers. I’ve learned a lot from MLT in these VLOGs, like what the heck a “raccoon dog” is! Sounds like a song. They do some great video shots too with the different camera gear they use like the drone. In the Hamburg one they made good use of the camera on a pole, like at the fish market in the second video. Yeah a Liverpool tour VLOG would be fun indeed.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    26/03/2022 at 04:46

    We like the skydiving vlog and the marathon vlogs – and all the others in between. They all have such a friendly welcoming vibe and their production quality is second to none. They look fantastic on a big screen whether on location in the Wagner kitchen, down a dark dusty highway, or leaping out of an airplane.

    Watching these young ladies achieve so many personal goals is very inspiring. Eighteen year olds celebrate their birthday by jumping out of an airplane. I wonder if Rudi and Michaela broke the world record for holding their breath.

    The recent marathon video looks like a documentary from the Learning Channel, but with better soundtrack. It really feels like we are there as the ladies narrate their adventures.

    Lisa and Mona are naturals in front of as well as behind the camera. It’s always impressive how they produce a BTS video at the same time they are filming a music video.


    JP ☕️☕️☕️

  • Jung Roe

    27/03/2022 at 00:11

    Hi JP

    Agree, jumping out of an airplane at 18 is impressive. Mona and Lisa are brave, and loved seeing them do that big marathon achievement. It’s all so inspiring. I always thought of skydiving, but just never got around to it. When I see that VLOG I am getting closer to doing it while I still can! ????

    Another great VLOG was their MG convertible ride. I could see Lisa itching to open the throttle and lay some rubber on the pavement as they turn the corner out of view of the owner, just like Mona in the drifting in the snow VLOG!!!

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