• 1976—-2022

    Posted by Bill Isenberg on 01/04/2022 at 10:34

    Hello Fellow MLT Members!! Well today is my last day of work from my company. Started in 1976 when I was 18 and my goodness here we are in 2022. Been very lucky and blessed to be here with this company this long and amazing to me. So a new chapter in my life and want to do so many things, from the honey do list to spending more time with my little Maddie to down the road planning on a trip to Liverpool and hope to run into Mona and Lisa and Rudi and Micheala. But going to be a bit hard leaving made a lot of friends over the years and was able to accomplish so much during my career with this company but it is time and so looking forward to the next chapter and just sleeping in till 6am instead of getting up at 3am…LOL

    Wish me luck and hope to spend more time with you club members!

    Love you all


    Tom Fones replied 2 years, 4 months ago 13 Members · 39 Replies
  • 39 Replies
  • Francis Gerald (Jerry) Chamness

    01/04/2022 at 14:00

    Congratulations, Bill‼️

    After 46 years, a much deserved celebration!! I wish you all the best, it’s a good feeling to wake up and be able to relax with a cup of coffee or tea and think about what you Want to do, not what you Have to do! Enjoy spending more time with your precious family and especially Maddie. Sincere best wishes.


    PS I retired June 30, 2009 and never had any regrets. I loved my job, I loved the people I worked with and miss them even though I keep up with many via social media, but I love spending more time with family, especially my five grandchildren. Good luck

    • Bill Isenberg

      01/04/2022 at 14:31

      Thanks Jerry for the kind words and support. I like you, loved my job, great people I have met and still in touch thru out the years but at 64 I am still healthy and want to enjoy as much time I can with my family and my little Maddie who Is the apple of my eye! So precious and she keeps me young ….LOL…Coaching her softball team…

  • Jung Roe

    01/04/2022 at 15:27

    Congrats Bill. Wishing you, Maddie and family much happiness and new adventures in your new chapter in life. I hope you will do all your hearts desires with the freedom you’ve earned. Coaching the softball team sounds like a lot of fun.

    When I retire I dream of packing the car for a long endless road trip in the spirit of Janitor Joe, or a world voyage cruise. Can only dream right now.

    All the very best in good health Bill.


    • Bill Isenberg

      02/04/2022 at 19:31

      Thanks Jung! Yes looking forward to it and the Janitor Joe Adventure sounds good, maybe we can hook up for the adventure my friend! Yes and coaching softball and teaching is so much fun, and it keeps me young and groovy!!

  • Francis Gerald (Jerry) Chamness

    01/04/2022 at 15:33

    Bill, you are most welcome. Good luck with the softball team. I’m sure you will have a great time coaching Maddie!

  • Tom Fones

    01/04/2022 at 15:43

    Very best of luck Bill.

    Your whole adult life with one company? That’s incredible these days.

    Must be a great place to work.

    I can only think of three big names in Pittsburgh.

    Enjoy retirement!

    Take a big trip this summer and visit all of us.

    • Bill Isenberg

      02/04/2022 at 19:33

      Thanks Tom! Matthews International was once James H Matthews back in the day and it was founded in 1850. Second to the H J Heinz company for manufacturing in Pittsburgh. Would love to hook up with you and just chat and have lunch sometime. Hey I do have some time on my hands now!! LOL…

    • Tom Fones

      03/04/2022 at 15:37

      You have time, Bill.

      Take the Canadian train from Ottawa to Vancouver and then take the bus all the way down the left coast.


  • Jürgen

    01/04/2022 at 16:27

    Congratulations Bill! Have a good time and I hope you find time now for all the things you always wanted to do.

    • Bill Isenberg

      02/04/2022 at 19:36


      Thank you so much for the kind words. I do want to some day take a trip to London and Liverpool and pray I run into Mona and Lisa and Rudi and Micheala

  • Jacki Hopper

    01/04/2022 at 19:24

    Happy Retirement Bill, enjoy , now enjoy and get your full blown #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified-ness Goin On…. And all others things you wish to do, and be in good health, etc…. ????????

    • Bill Isenberg

      02/04/2022 at 19:38

      Thank you Jacki

      Yes looking forward to this for quite some time now and hope to work the MLT Club in my days and chatting with you all. I feel you all are my extended family.

  • Roger Penn

    01/04/2022 at 21:05

    What everyone else said…that’s incredible! I’m so excited for your next chapter in life and will be even more excited to hear about it. Coaching a youth sports team of any kind makes you into a different person. Kids not only say the darndest things, they can teach you the darndest lessons, too. I coached 8-10 yrs old boys soccer for a couple years. I’m so jealous of your travel plans. One day I hope to do the same. Bon voyage!

    • Bill Isenberg

      02/04/2022 at 19:46


      Thank you so much for the support buddy. Yes Youth Sports is special to me because it gives you a chance to teach the kids and to me? It is not about winning it is about seeing a kid learn to throw or bat or catch and to watch them go from learning to projecting it is a win for me and makes them feel great that they can accomplish getting an out or hitting the run to help their team. I had this little girl catch a pop up and you would of thought we won the world series!! I had tears in my eyes seeing how happy she was. But along with that, hope to see the Mona Lisa twins someday in person is on my bucket list but in reality? My wife has a honey do list that will take some time to do…LOL.God bless buddy

  • Johnnypee Parker

    02/04/2022 at 03:47

    Congratulations Bill!

    Sleeping in till six sounds refreshing. When you wake in the morning your first thought will be Alice Cooper,”School’s out, for-ev-er!”

    Remember, with age comes the entitlement for a second piece of pie, well maybe just a sliver. Sounds like you have plans for some great adventures. Now keep in mind, when you share your adventures with us some of us may be a tad jealous, so maybe point out how you miss going to work and wish you could go back to the daily grind.

    We’re very happy for you and wish these are “The Best Years Of Our Lives”.

    Marlo & JP

    • Bill Isenberg

      02/04/2022 at 19:51


      Thank you for the kind words. Always up for the second piece of pie…I call it fat free and taking a line from the musical Music Man, with the think process, you think it and make it work so I can say fat free and it is!! LOL..But here in Pittsburgh the winters are cruel and hard so on those days? I can get a cup of coffee and sit in front of the fire place and say gee I wonder what the rich people are doing today? LOL..And spending more time with my little Maddie is a treasure!

  • David Herrick

    03/04/2022 at 06:15

    Congrats, Bill! Sorry for the late reply. I was paralyzed with envy, and just now recovered the use of my extremities.

    • Bill Isenberg

      03/04/2022 at 18:39


      Thank you for the support! Speaking of recovering? My kids threw a surprise retirement party for me yesterday so recovering today !! But so looking forward to this and see what is next for the chapter of my life

  • Thomas Randall

    07/04/2022 at 00:02

    Hey Bill CONGRATS! You’re going to LOVE retirement! I’ll be retired 9 years in about 3 weeks already, it goes VERY FAST! Too fast. It sure is nice not having to rush around in the morning getting ready for another day on the old rock pile. More time for YOU now! YOU are now the boss! Congrats again!

    • Bill Isenberg

      07/04/2022 at 13:53


      Thank you so much for the kind words and my new boss ( my wife ) has a honey do list and it will take some time to complete but knowing I don’t have to get up at 3:30 in the morning and sleeping in till 6 is a bonus to me. Also getting back to playing my drums now!! God bless


  • Tim Johnston

    07/04/2022 at 02:46

    Congratulations Bill! I am a year younger than you I think but I retired last year and haven’t regretted one second of it. I do miss some people but the freedom and the absence of stress is greater than any paycheck.

    • Bill Isenberg

      07/04/2022 at 13:49


      So true words about the stress. That is the one thing that got to me the last few years at my job, with being there as Long as I have and see the changes happening and people making decisions about the business and direction caused a lot of stress. It has been 3 days now and I Am very excited about what is a head of me and have more time for the MLT Club! God bless Tom


    • Tim Johnston

      08/04/2022 at 03:24

      Bill I am in Westmoreland county. What part of Pittsburgh are you in?

    • Bill Isenberg

      08/04/2022 at 12:15

      Wow that is great Tim, I live by the Pittsburgh International Airport, Findlay Township, West Allegheny School District . I Traveled to West Moreland years ago to a dog breeder to get our dog Cosmo, a Yorke. So we are not far from each other my friend


  • Tom Fones

    08/04/2022 at 02:55

    Meanwhile… the opposite of Bill, I finally have accepted an offer after an 18 month drought. I thought i had stepped off the edge of a cliff. I don’t know how i would have survived without everyone here.

    Thanks to everyone. Cheers

    • Bill Isenberg

      08/04/2022 at 12:17

      Tom that is great news! My family has a bet that I wont be sitting around too long, I can’t sit I am always doing something , I get a bet nuts on the weekends…LOL…So I will probably find something down the road a couple days a week to keep me in step, but glad to hear things are working out for you.

      God BLESS


  • Diana Geertsen

    12/04/2022 at 11:01

    Bill, That is wonderful!! I’m going to semi-retire next February while I’m still relatively young. (6 days after I turn 60). Since I’m a nurse, I can pick up occasional assignments and still take time to meet you and as many club members as I can when we go to Liverpool to see an MLT concert. You are such a kind person, I truly hope to meet you someday.

    • Bill Isenberg

      12/04/2022 at 14:30


      Thank you for the sweet words. Yes Retirement is sweet not having to get up at 3:30am and getting used to a new schedule and life style. I wish you all the best when you do retire, you will love it. And I am like you , I can pick up side jobs to keep me from getting bored , I am handy around the house and work on cars etc…and coaching my grand daughter Maddie with softball is a joy. Oh my I would love to me you as well and all the other club members when we all gather in Liverpool to see Mona and Lisa in concert. I Can truly understand why the ladies in the 60’s went crazy when Beatlemania hit, I feel I will be like that if I ever see the twins. They have been a huge part of my life since 2017, like everyone, I had ups and downs during those years and thank god I found Mona and Lisa they pulled me thru some very hard times personally and professionally. So nice to hear from you and keep in touch!

      God Bless

      Bill and Maddie

  • Tom Fones

    12/04/2022 at 15:32

    I 2nd that emotion as well.


  • Christopher

    25/04/2022 at 03:21


    Just found this and congratulations on your retirement. I am a teacher and technically have four more years to reach the “holy grail max” of State Retirement. However, if there is any sort of incentive before that, I may consider it. The environment in schools has changed so much since the Pandemic. But we do our best.

    Coaching will be so much fun. I was asked to return this year as an assistant coach in our high school baseball program and it has been great. My arm is shot, fungos are a chore, but I feel like a kid again, despite the aches and pains.

    Hope that you get a chance to visit Liverpool. You never know, maybe the MonaLisa Twins will be playing some live shows again once the new album is completed!

    Oh yes, I have to add…retirement will give you an opportunity to attend more Pirates games!!!

    • Bill Isenberg

      29/04/2022 at 20:23

      Thank you Christopher, wow a teacher? God bless you, a thankless job these days for sure, my hat is tipped to you and all teachers. So cool your coaching baseball, I did that with my boys till they got into colt league and nothing I could teach them at that level, but I did keep score, still involved for sure. I coach Maddie’s 8 and under league where coaches pitch and next year she will move up to fast pitch so I am loving it so much. Just seeing the young girls buy in to the fundamentals is great. Yea the Pirates got rocked one day last week 21 to 0, worst in Pirate History so hope they can move on and have a good season, sure do miss the days of playoffs and world series. I was lucky to see Roberto Clemente and Willie Stargel back in the glory days. I am pushing for you to retire it is great. And IF I ever visit Liverpool and see the Mona Lisa Twins in person, you might have to pick me up off the ground and then I will be ok….LOL…

    • Christopher

      02/05/2022 at 16:56

      The Pirates were my team when I was little…before the birth of the Toronto Blue Jays. My Dad was from Dayton, Pa (Armstrong County) and my Mom was from Titusville (Crawford County). The first big league game that I went to was in 1976. Grandpa told us to take Route 8 from Titusville to Pittsburgh. Three hours later, after driving through Butler, Beaver County (birthplace of Joe Namath), and a bunch of other hamlets, we finally made it!

    • Bill Isenberg

      02/05/2022 at 18:22

      Christopher you are talking my lingo now….LOL route 8 and beaver county etc…all area’s I Know very well. But so many past Pirate years , so good years and glad I was able to witness it, I remember Roberto Clemtie throwing a runner out at the plate from left field and a perfect throw at that!

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