• Wanderlust

    Posted by Jürgen on 27/05/2022 at 10:52


    I’m just looking out of my window and see the warm rays of the sun making their way through the clouds. Thoughts of summer, sunshine and vacation come to my mind and I feel wanderlust. I want to do the same as the birds do: Just spread my wings and take off into the blue sky. Where to? It doesn’t matter. Anywhere where there is tempting nature. Maybe wide endless beaches, just to feel the warm waves of the ocean on my skin. Or the vastness of the mountains. Looking over the expanse of the horizon, down to the valley where our journey to the mountain peaks began. Wouldn’t it be nice again to take the swimwear out of the closet, to get the hiking boots out of the basement together with a few other things into the suitcase and just start traveling?

    I hope the time of traveling will come again soon and until it does, we can sweeten the time with some nice ideas about traveling. What musical ideas do you have on the subject of wanderlust, travel and holiday? I am looking forward to your inspirations.


    Jürgen replied 8 months, 1 week ago 18 Members · 455 Replies
  • 455 Replies
  • Jürgen

    27/05/2022 at 10:54

    Holiday Impressions of 1966 with John & Ringo. If you’re in the right mood, you’ll even trade a Rickenbacker for two Barracudas.


    • Bud Jackson

      02/01/2024 at 22:41

      Hi Jurgen,

      I JUST saw your “Holiday Impressions” post, so the obvious video to place here is this Cool, & Very British sounding Paul McCartney song! This features Paul on Piano & Vocal, Ringo on Drums, George Martin at the Recording Console & a nice Brass Section! The song from Paul’s movie, “Give My Regards to Broad Street” was produced in 1993, when Mona & Lisa were “Just a Twinkle in their Dad’s Eye!” — Bud

      Paul McCartney Wanderlust – YouTube

    • Jürgen

      03/01/2024 at 07:00

      Hi Bud,

      thank you for posting the video. I selected the same video clip and posted it at the beginning of the topic. Apparently the link is no longer current and the video is no longer available. That happens here sometimes with topics that are a little bit older. I actually only know the song Wanderlust from Paul McCartney’s album “Tug of War”. I’ve only seen excerpts of the movie “Give My Regards to Broad Street” so far, but I’d like to finally see it as a complete film at some point. Did you watch the entire movie? Do you like it?

    • David Herrick

      03/01/2024 at 15:45

      Hey, Juergen. I’ve seen Give My Regards to Broad Street. As much as I love all things Paul, I have to say that the plot and the dialogue are vastly less imaginative than the videos of the songs.

      I remember seeing an interview with Paul not long after the release of the film in which he was asked to speculate on why it didn’t do well at the box office. With uncharacteristic glumness he said, “It’s a simple English comedy. No sex, no violence. How’s it gonna be a hit?”

    • Bud Jackson

      03/01/2024 at 16:14


      That’s a very funny reply from Paul, ha-ha-ha! I still love the Music from that movie! Also, the “Magical Mystery Tour” movie was panned, but it’s a cult Classic!

      CHEERS! — Bud

    • Bud Jackson

      03/01/2024 at 16:11

      Hi Jurgen,

      I saw the movie once and clips from it many times. It didn’t have much of a plot, but it’s a gold mine for Beatle lovers because of the Music! So you should watch it if you can!

      I will be gone or busy all day, so I’m replying now. Travel is fun & a great experience, but I can’t afford to travel much now, although I have in the past. And with Covid, & the wars going on, it stops my desire for travel.

      I haven’t been to Asia at all, but my daughter has been to Japan twice and loves it! And a band leader I played with for many years goes to Japan a lot & has many friends. Maybe someday, (I hope,) the World will be a better place for us all! — Bud

    • Jürgen

      03/01/2024 at 18:46

      Hi David and Bud,

      thanks for the information. I remember reading that „Give My Regards to Broad Street“ was said to be a flop at the box office and that there were few good reviews. No sex, no violence and lots of British humor, huh? One more reason to watch the film. 😀

  • Jürgen

    27/05/2022 at 10:55
    • Roger Penn

      28/05/2022 at 18:40

      This is the first one that came to mind for me while I was reading your post. But you saved me the trouble of looking it up. LOL.

    • Jürgen

      28/05/2022 at 19:40

      You’re welcome, Roger. 🙂 Here’s another vacation song from the late 80s:


    • Diana Geertsen

      07/06/2022 at 08:16

      Hi Jurgen,

      While you’re roaming, I’m gonna head for The Love Shack


  • Johnnypee Parker

    27/05/2022 at 15:16

    How about this old Pink Floyd song?

    The Gold it’s in The…

    Come on, my friends,
    Let’s make for the hills.
    They say there’s gold but I’m looking for thrills.
    You can get your hands on whatever we find,
    Because I’m only coming along for the ride.

    Well, you go your way,
    I’ll go mine.
    I don’t care if we get there on time.
    Everybody’s searching for something, they say.
    I’ll get my kicks on the way.
    Over the mountains, across the seas
    Who knows what will be waiting for me?
    I could sail forever to strange sounding names.
    Faces of people and places don’t change.

    All I have to do is just close my eyes
    To see the seagulls wheeling on those far distant skies.
    All I want to tell you, all I want to say
    Is count me in on the journey.
    Don’t expect me to stay…

    • Jürgen

      27/05/2022 at 18:17

      Hi JP,

      thanks for posting the lyrics of the Pink Floyd song „The Gold It’s In The…“. I particularly like the following song line:

      All I have to do is just close my eyes

      To see the seagulls wheeling on those far distant skies.

      All I want to tell you, all I want to say

      Is count me in on the journey.

      It reminds me a bit of the song lyrics “Holiday” by Richard Wright: „How was I to know quite so soon that dreams can turn a life…“


    • Johnnypee Parker

      28/05/2022 at 05:34

      Jurgen, ah, yes I am familiar with Rick’s solo work. Here is a live version of “Breakaway” from Rick’s other album, Broken China. He was a guest at one of David Gilmour’s Meltdown shows. You might recognize Michael Kamen on piano and some of the singers might look familiar,also. The choir is lead by Sam Brown, and some of the ladies have toured with Pink Floyd. David has a nice guitar solo and watch the bass player behind him. His namE is Chucho Merchán

      Oh, and that is Dick Perry on sax. He played on the Dark Side of the Moon and Wish You Were Here albums.

      I hope you enjoy this.


    • Jürgen

      28/05/2022 at 09:43

      Thank you. A great, gentle song that I didn’t know yet JP. I really like the arrangement with cello, saxophone and the choir. The plucked double bass is original. It reminds me of The Police. I googled Chico Marchan once. He has already had an extraordinary career. Together with many well-known musicians.

      When I think of The Police and Sting, the following song comes to mind, which also describes a travel experience:


    • Christopher

      14/07/2022 at 22:10

      Just had my Englishman in New York experience, but it would be named “An American in Toronto”. Fully vaccinated and with booster shots, I was given a COVID-19 test kit at the border. No problem, was more than willing to get it done. Well, arriving to the specified lab, I was told that they do not do such tests, and I had the kit! Okay, called the Canadian Health Department, was put on hold for an hour, was given another address. Went to that given site and the place was permanently closed.

      Okay, let’s try again, called Canadian Immigration, was put on hold for another hour, and was told that the testing process was not their problem. Decided to go to a local hospital to have the test done…they said that that they have never heard about on-arrival testing.

      By now Day 1 was over with precious hours left until my 24-hour time limit expired. Decided to check the website of the lab provider where I tried to establish an account. The lab provider would not accept neither my personal email address nor my professional email address. Was up until 3 a.m. trying to establish an account. By then we were done.

      The next day, we went home (we were concerned that my lack of a test would jeopardize our return to the U.S.), forfeiting hotel room fees and the cost for theatre tickets.

      Always loved Toronto, but I don’t know if I will ever return. In fact, I don’t even know if I can. Anyhow, it is not the same place: The entire city reeks of marijuana smoke and everyone that we talked to seemed to be “out of it”.

    • Jacki Hopper

      24/02/2023 at 14:08

      Well, that experience sucked, sorry you had you endure such crap… I had heard on news about Testing at the time if you were travelling…. to Canada or vice versa …. talk about misleading, etc…. I wonder what other Canadian cities , Ottawa included, has setup in terms of Covid testing Kits/procedures when it comes to travelling …..that’s a shame that the whole experience cost you to miss out on your theatre show/hotel …. I don’t travel hardly…daytrips to Montreal/Kingston is about as far as I’ll go…not been to USA in over 30-40 yrs, never been elsewhere beyond USA for outside Canada in travels.

  • Fred van der Wees

    27/05/2022 at 15:40

    When I think about vacation it normally means driving, and then it is nice to have some music in the car, what is better then according Top Gear (UK car program) the best car music number of the World (and also because it is Dutch)


    Only a M&L fan since a few months, so I expect next time also some M&L Life at the Cavern Club numbers.

    • Jürgen

      27/05/2022 at 18:24

      Hi Fred,

      Radar Love is a pretty cool number, it certainly sounds good while driving (you just have to be careful not to go too fast at some point, otherwise Radar Love will turn into Radar Frustration). I don’t know the music station Fast Gear. Let’s see if I can receive it here. I like to listen to the CD “MonaLisa Twins play Beatles & more” while driving. It’s a nice mix of music. Not only because of the titles “Drive my car” and „Mercedes Benz” 🙂


  • Jung Roe

    27/05/2022 at 15:47

    Hi Jurgen. Happy Friday. This is timely for me as I am off on vacation after today, just 8 hours of work to get past. Have booked a float plane to fly me and MJ from Vancouver to Vancouver Island for a few days of travel. She’s never been on a float plane, a “de Haviland DH-6 Twin Otter”.

    I can think of many songs, but this one comes to mind. The opening lines is what I often hummed as I packed up the Stang and drove cross border along the I5 “…on my way to sunny CalifornI-A…”


    • Jürgen

      27/05/2022 at 18:32

      Hi Jung, I had hoped that you would bring in a bit of Beach Boys feeling here. I wish you a nice Friday and an even nicer vacation. Seems that this is the right topic for you now. Wow, a float plane trip. How long will the flight take? I’m assuming the plane won’t fly very high and you’ll have a beautiful view of the landscape. Enjoy it. I flew in a float plane a few years ago. Takeoff and landing feel a bit unfamiliar, but it’s fun.

      I just googled Vancouver Island. It looks wonderful. Pure nature. I’m kind of envious now… 🙂 How long are you staying there?

      While I’m listening to your Beach Boys song: Maybe your plane can make a little detour and drop you off here as well: 🙂


    • Jung Roe

      28/05/2022 at 06:02

      Hi Jurgen. Yes a detour to a tropical island would be the icing on the cake. Thanks for posting Kokomo video.

      The flight to Vancouver Island will take only 30 minutes as it’s just across the “Georgia Straight”, about a 100 KM distance between the mainland and Vancouver Island. We’re flying from the inner harbour of Vancouver to the inner harbour of Victoria. People joke that Victoria is more British than the UK, LOL. A couple years ago Prince Harry and Meghan lived in a secluded house by the ocean on Vancouver Island near Victoria.

      The city is full of red double decker buses, and beautiful old Victorian houses that have been converted to bed and breakfast lodges, and some grand Victorian mansions, and even a castle built about a 100 years ago by a wealthy European tycoon. There is a lot of British influence in Victoria, which is of course named after Queen Victoria.

      I’m looking forward to finding some nice Sticky Toffee Pudding around town, and exploring this very elegant city, and surrounding areas. There is a famous Miniature World there that I am going to check out as well. They have some amazing model trains.

      We’ll be there for 4 days. Victoria is in the south of the island, and the north is where all the beautiful nature is. But there is still plenty of nature in the south, and the Pacific Ocean can be accessed from there.

    • Jürgen

      28/05/2022 at 08:34

      Thank you for your detailed pre-trip report Jung. It sounds like you have four wonderful days ahead of you. I can well imagine that there are some places on earth that are more British than the UK. I imagine New England to be like that too. I would love to go there one day and of course to Canada. The short video clip of Miniature World makes you want to see more. I really like such lovingly designed miniature worlds. Once again, have a nice trip.


    • Diana Geertsen

      07/06/2022 at 08:25


      I used to work for the airlines and I’ve been to every place mentioned in the song (except Kokomo). You are so right. It is time to travel!!

  • David Herrick

    27/05/2022 at 15:50

    Wanderlust is a very underrated McCartney song: it truly soars, and I love how he smuggles in a little of the melody of Here, There and Everywhere at the very end in this version. Thanks for posting it, Juergen.

    I suppose it’s transparently obvious that this is a song about travelling:


    • Jürgen

      27/05/2022 at 18:43

      Oh yes, David. Travelin’ Man. Of course. I think it’s wonderful how fresh this song still sounds after the many years of its creation. Thank you for posting.

      Even if the following song is not necessarily about vacation or travelling, it could be about a nice vacation experience. I think it exudes a similarly beautiful atmosphere as Travelin’ Man.

      PS: I really like the whole album “Tug of War” from which the song Wanderlust is taken. Probably my favorite Album by Paul.


    • Michael Rife

      18/07/2022 at 00:31

      One of my all-time favorite songs. Mike.

  • Jacki Hopper

    27/05/2022 at 16:45

    I’m not much of a traveller, or keen on traveling, but I have a few ideas, for song selections…. “My Song ” and ” My Town ” – By Glass Tiger, ” 24 Hrs From Tulsa ” – Dusty Springfield , ” California Dreamin- ” Mamas and Papas, ” and in my country music collections of CDs I have ,as well , that I enjoy, I’m sure there are a few songs too…and many others that aren’t coming to mind at the moment except for ones I’ve mentioned here…but I do have happy memories of the wknd drives and the few times I’ve been to USA for daytrip shopping or a wknd to catch a car race, visiting relatives near Toronto by train, bus, car when I have with family or on my own, going on daytrip /wknd trips to Montreal … I do love tge John Denver/Cass Elliot version of ” Leaving On A Jetplane”, and ” Life is a Highway”- Tom Cochrane …

    • Jürgen

      27/05/2022 at 19:31

      Hi Jacki,

      thank you for stopping by. Lots of beautiful songs you mentioned. I know “My Song” from the album Diamond Sun, “California Dreamin'” and of course “Leaving On A Jetplane”. A wonderful song about travelling, saying goodbye and the joy of seeing each other again someday. The following John Denver song was very popular with us. Also a song about traveling and coming home.


    • Michael Rife

      18/07/2022 at 00:29

      I have to like the John Denver song. Mike.

    • Jürgen

      10/08/2022 at 10:43

      Hi Michael,

      thank you for your feedback. Country Road is a timeless and beautiful song. A little longing, a little wanderlust and a lot of feeling.

      I became aware of Chad & Jeremy’s music by chance. I liked the song “A Summer Song”. Do you know the musicians better and can you recommend an album by them?

  • Jürgen

    27/05/2022 at 20:02

    Another beautiful song about wanderlust


  • David Herrick

    27/05/2022 at 20:05

    Here’s another lovely song that treads the same ground as Leaving on a Jet Plane. It’s not originally by the Seekers, but this is the version that I know best:


    • Jürgen

      28/05/2022 at 09:29

      A beautiful song David. Longing, pain of parting and the hope of seeing each other again soon. Yes, a similar idea to Leaving on a Jet Plane. Only the story of the farewell is completely different. I didn’t know The Seekers’ version before. The Dubliners, an Irish folk band also played the song. The lyrics of their version are slightly different in places.

  • David Herrick

    27/05/2022 at 20:45

    Then there’s this Woody Guthrie classic that just makes you want to get out there (or over there) and explore the whole USA:


    • Jürgen

      28/05/2022 at 08:46

      Yes, a timeless classic David. A similar longing to go out and explore the land is reflected in this Irish/Scottish folk song:


  • Jung Roe

    28/05/2022 at 06:14

    Here are a couple that I always felt were great road trip songs growing up.


  • Jung Roe

    28/05/2022 at 06:15
  • Jürgen

    28/05/2022 at 08:36

    Thank you for the two songs, Jung. Unfortunately, with the first song I only see a black screen with the message video not available. I didn’t know “Fly like an eagle” yet. A nice rocking song with a groovy rhythm.


  • Jürgen

    28/05/2022 at 08:54

    And here’s a really cool travel tip for someone who has been everywhere and seen everything:


  • Jürgen

    30/05/2022 at 07:50

    This song is also somehow about travelling, but about a long, varied and often surprising journey that we call life. „Starting Over“ is about a new start in life. Not from the beginning, but from where we once stopped, lost sight of our goals and have the feeling that we can’t go on. Throwing overboard established habits, loosening the shackles of everyday life and simply reflecting on the things that we have achieved so far in life, that are important and will always be valuable. Shared adventures, beautiful experiences and personal strength. Then to take off, to dare a new beginning. Thus strengthened, to continue the journey. Together with our loved ones, our friends and all the people who are important to us in life. Just like starting over.


    • Jung Roe

      07/06/2022 at 06:31

      Jurgen, in that fantasy Beatles movie “Yesterday” there is a hard hitting scene where a 70 plus aged John Lennon is shown living in a small cottage off the coast of Ireland. Seeing this video and what John said about “when I’m 64” “I hope we’re a nice old couple living off the coast of Ireland..”, I can see where that inspiration came from in the movie. Very touching. Makes you appreciate how just a regular “day in the life” is such a wonderful thing, and how precious it is.


    • Jürgen

      07/06/2022 at 08:53

      I saw the movie in the cinema and can still remember very well the moving part when the protagonist meets John Lennon. I only now understand the reference to John Lennon’s quote. Thank you for pointing it out Jung. Yes, you are right, one should live each day as consciously as if it were the last. I catch myself again and again how many days and time I sometimes let pass in my life without being happy about the fact that every day is actually something special. When you are young, you have the feeling that life lasts forever. As you get older, you realise that you can’t hold on to time. It is like sand that slowly slips through your fingers. And you should pause more often and admire the individual grains of sand, consciously feel them, hold on to particularly beautiful grains of sand for a longer period of time.

      There is one passage in the movie that I particularly like best. It exudes so much joie de vivre and fun in life. It captures the idea and soul of the Beatles’ songs very well.


    • David Herrick

      09/06/2022 at 03:35

      I saw Yesterday in the theater also. I was shocked that they found someone who looked so much like John, but I think the illusion would have been more effective if they had dubbed in a voice that sounded more like him.

      Overall I was disappointed that the “what if the Beatles never existed” idea was used just as a device to advance the plot, rather than as the central plot point itself, but it was certainly nice to hear so much great music in a film.

    • Jürgen

      09/06/2022 at 15:01

      Hi David,

      yes I was also very surprised when the scene with John Lennon was shown. The illusion of seeing the aged John Lennon was almost perfect. I saw the movie in the German syncronized version and I seem to remember the German voice fit very well to John Lennon’s voice in terms of sound. But John Lennon in German, well. I agree with you, much more could have been made out of the idea of the movie. Also the conversation with John Lennon would have had so much potential. Unfortunately it was just superficial smalltalk. But that somehow fit the intention of the movie: it should entertain, nothing more. And the movie achieved that aim: Very nice popcorn cinema, with beautiful, rousing music. I watched the film in the movie theater because the sound was mixed in Dolby Atmos. I just wanted to hear what it sounds like. The result could not really convince me. Although a full and beautiful sound experience, but nothing more.

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