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  • Hi from the far south coast of Western Australia

    Posted by Mike Lyons on 31/10/2022 at 03:32

    Hi to all.

    I discovered the MLT via “This Boy is Mine” and was certain it was a Beatles cover…except I grew up on Beatles music and couldn’t place it. I had a listen to other tracks and soon the CD was on the way out here.

    After checking out their cover versions-studio and live-it was obvious that they were faithful to the originals BUT sooo refreshing in a way most “covers” aren’t. I am still a fan of the originals having either seen them or listened a lot to them, but the MLT just give them a new feel. Another 5 cd’s later I thought it was enough.

    About this time I declared Monday at work to be “MonaLisa Monday” and that’s all we played. I don’t remember any complaints. The only other artist to have their own day, was on the last day of the working week which was “Dedicated to Dylan”- there were a few complaints there, you just can’t please some people.

    “Orange” proved me totally wrong ( who couldn’t love “Still a Friend of Mine” with Rudi’s John Lennon t-shirt or the totally psychedelic “Once Upon a Time” and the totally rocking “Club 27”? ). Just enough room on the shelf …..

    No way was I interested in Christmas songs, but out of curiosity I had a listen. Yes that is also up there now.

    With “Why?” it was obvious that I would have to archive some other CD’s to make room, having watched and listened to “Politician” ( which one of our local Members thoroughly enjoyed) and the quirky “Questionable”. “Make Show” is astounding. Can the MLT do no wrong? Nope, don’t think so.

    So here I am on the MLT Fan Club and wondering why I didn’t just join waaay back.

    Keep it up ladies, the world is a better place with you in it.

    Daryl Jones replied 1 year, 10 months ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • David

    31/10/2022 at 04:47

    Greetings Mike. Welcome to the club. I know you’re going to enjoy exploring all that MLT have posted here for their fans to enjoy, including some songs that have never been released to the outside world. There’s a great group of people here and you can join in on the diverse conversations by going to the “forum.” Just pipe in with a reply wherever you’d like, or start a new topic. And if you have any questions other members might be able to answer, just post it there and I’m sure you’ll get a quick response.



  • Jung Roe

    31/10/2022 at 05:57

    Hi Mike, a big welcome to the MLT Club, so glad you joined. Loved reading what you wrote, and I like that MLT Mondays, dedicating a day to the MLT. Great idea. Their covers really brought me back to the old classics breathing new life and perspective into them, and their originals, wow. Mona and Lisa are paving the way for the future of rock and roll. They are taking all the best aspects of the 60s/70s music, and adding their own brilliant talent and style into their originals. Their music is looking forward to the future, innovating rock and roll. The guitar work in This Boy Is Mine is great, and you just don’t see that kind of musicianship anymore.

  • Len Upton

    31/10/2022 at 22:34

    Good day Mike, and welcome to the Club House. There are many things in various rooms in the Club House that you’re sure to find interesting. One of my favourites, which was most informative, under the Specials category, was the MonaLisa Twins visit to Hamburg. The MLT Mondays is indeed, a great idea. Now all you have to do is turn on the Jukebox, and there will be a constant stream of MonaLisa Twins tunes. My own intro was via what I believe, and correct me if I’m wrong, the Australian National Anthem, Friday On My Mind. Cheers mate!

  • Daryl Jones

    01/11/2022 at 16:16

    G’day mate and welcome! I’m a new-comer here myself and kicking myself for not joining sooner. Plenty to discover and enjoy.

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